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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BabySpoons

  1. BabySpoons

    I should have just shut my mouth....

    Sometimes crying can be viewed by healthcare professionals and some people in general as weak or neurotic. I quit crying in front of others at 8 years old when my grandmother yelled at me and told me it made me look ugly. Then when my father hit me because I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I learned to cry in private. He used to beat my Mom over whether food was on the table at a certain time or if the meal was missing a condiment or not to his liking. I told my bariatric psych this is why I only ate when hungry or skipped meals. I fasted for days sometimes. I was neither anorexic nor bulimic. What I couldn't understand as a child or adult was how someone (dad) could act that way over food. So, it was easy for me not to think about eating till hungry. Then I ate whatever I wanted. Usually for pleasure. Usually not healthy choices. I saw the therapist 3 times within 3 months. First was initial greeting. Second was a 2–3-hour test I took in the office on their computer. Third was to go over my test score. I wasn't sure if I would get clearance since I was honest about my eating habits, but she said she felt I had already dealt with the mental reasonings in how I ate and believed my weight gain was more physiological. I'm not saying it's wrong to cry @saramelie and it's good to talk things out with a therapist. It was a first for me and I too questioned what I should share or not but it's for the best to get on with it so you can move forward to a better you. GL!!!
  2. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    Haha haaa!
  3. BabySpoons

    Spit or Swallow?

    Nothing a good double entendre can't fix.
  4. BabySpoons

    Spit or Swallow?

    That's almost too perfect. LOL Now you have me wondering what your 2 cents would have been. Ha Haaa!
  5. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

  6. My family told me to quit wearing my large XXX clothing so I went back into my closet and found I can fit into jeans that I haven't been able to wear for years. Before I couldn't get them over my hips, much less button and zip up. But like you I don't like how they look. Black yoga pants seem more slimming to me. Until I get to a lower weight anyway. But it still felt good to be able to put them on. I have some old button fly jeans that I'm looking forward to wearing again in the near future.
  7. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    Glad to hear you are going strong at 6 days @Sandygal. Week two should get better for you. Not sure about muscle relaxers for pain. Never used them. But back and shoulder pain is usually caused from trapped gas after surgery. You might be better to walk it off. When telling my doctor about the pain from that right incision, he said it was a deeper stitch and is normal to feel it more than the other 5. I told him I was afraid of ripping it out. He assured me it was stronger than I thought and not to worry. I have a pretty good pain threshold so knowing I wasn't damaging anything while moving around was a relief. Also hold a pillow up against your stomach when transitioning from lying to sitting and sitting to standing. Takes the pressure off the tummy muscles and really helped till I got past the first couple weeks of discomfort. Good luck!!!
  8. BabySpoons

    Spit or Swallow?

    I want to believe. I want to be on the side that's right so...I won't question it. LOL Thank you!!
  9. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    This made me chuckle, but I can totally understand that happening. They should know better. Perfumed nurses should be banned from all post-surgery rooms. 🤢 Congrats on a successful surgery!
  10. BabySpoons

    17 Day Post Op/Liquids

    But I did. My doctor's plan just didn't include the puree stage. And for good reason. It sounds horrific. LOL jk jk Actually, there was one time I put a can of Progresso vegetable beef soup in a Vitamix and pureed it. It tasted fantastic!!!
  11. BabySpoons

    17 Day Post Op/Liquids

    I never even had a puree phase. I went from full liquids to soft foods at 2 weeks. You should be safe but most here will tell you to follow your bariatric teams' recommendations.
  12. I love hearing about the health improvements even more than the weight loss. Congrats!!!!!
  13. BabySpoons

    Reaching 64oz of fluids tips

    Before surgery I had a hard time drinking plain water unless it was flavored/sweetened with Crystal Light. After, I couldn't drink sweet and preferred cool clear water till about 3 weeks after surgery. I set out three 20 oz bottles and start sipping throughout the day with a goal to finish them all before bedtime. If not, if I woke, I'd drink more and hopefully finish by morning. But I never forced myself to meet goal. I just did the best I could without allowing myself to become dehydrated. The remaining ounces I got from my protein drinks, milk, broth etc. Early on if you have to choose between drinking or eating....drink.
  14. I don't normally weigh myself on Wednesdays, but I did my monthly Fit3D bodyfat check today. At less than 5 months post-op I have lost 80 pounds with 78 more to goal. Over halfway there. 10% Body fat gone along with 33.56 inches.

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      Yes!! that is awesome!!!

  15. BabySpoons

    No appetite

    At less than a month I wouldn't be forcing anything. Hydration is way more important at this point than trying to meet protein goals. You have plenty of time for that when food isn't such an aversion for you.
  16. Most kids have seen chubby kids at school teased and bullied so I'm sure they get it. Explaining that some people's bodies are broken and need the surgery to fix it should suffice. GL with your upcoming surgery!
  17. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

  18. I just woke up thirsty and glugged down quite a bit of SF Raspberry tea and I'm over 4 months out from surgery. Even though liquids usually pass through your new stomach pouch fairly quickly, it can be painful, especially early on, to drink too fast. Even more so with food in your tummy. Sometimes I wait longer than 30 minutes to drink after eating something. Everyone's tolerance is a bit different but since hydration is crucial early on, I would say concentrate on getting your liquids in before anything else. I realized around 2 months I could drink instead of sip, and I was pretty relieved.
  19. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    Glad to hear that! And 4 days out from surgery. Every day will get better for you. Yeah, doc told me 10% of my stomach was pushing up into my chest. No wonder I had almost daily bouts of reflux and couldn't breathe to do anything. I'm grateful as well. If I hadn't decided to have the surgery that hernia may never have been found.
  20. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    Did they not send you home with any pain meds??? I can't imagine how mine would have felt if I had none. Ouch!!! Glad you are through the worst of it. But....in the end it's all worth it. My doctor told me after he repaired the Hiatal hernia that he stitched my diaphragm smaller. I wonder if that's what they did with you ?? So, between having the RNY and repairs, I haven't had any more episodes of GERD. "Knock on wood."
  21. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I'm middle of the road I guess. Try as I might, I can't drink coffee without creamer. No sweetener unless it's a cold brew. Here's one I saw earlier and oddly enough reminds me of you @ms.sss since you mentioned taking pole dancing classes post op for exercise. LOL
  22. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

  23. BabySpoons

    Adding Fruit

    Day 1 after surgery - 2 weeks I could have unsweetened applesauce. 2-5 weeks I could have canned fruit packed in water or if packed in juice drain and rinse before eating (no skins, peels, seeds, dried fruit or fruit juice). 5 weeks on I could have raw fruit. No restrictions on type.
  24. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    Wow, that will be quite the savings for you. What you going to do with all that extra money??? LOL I was doing OMAD (one meal a day) and Keto for the last couple years without much luck. So I wasn't getting takeout very often. Except on Chinese Fridays. I bought a side of beef from a local farmer and filled up my freezer pre-op, so I should be set now for a good long time, protein wise. Grilled steak is still a struggle to eat. But cooked in the Instapot with beef broth and veggies (Swiss steak for example) works well for me. Along with roasts and lean hamburger in various dishes. Soups are still my friend so looking forward to cooler Fall weather. I allow an occasional carb. Potatoes, corn on the cob, baked beans, low carb tortillas but for the most part, meat and veggies are my mantra. Oh and low fat dairy. So yeah, I spent my food savings ahead of time on the moo cow >
  25. BabySpoons


    That made me smile. 😏

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