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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BabySpoons

  1. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    Duplicate so I replaced with a coffee meme
  2. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I love my early walks too!!! Before WLS I wasn't even a morning person
  3. If you count carbs you still have to be mindful of how many calories you consume. And if you count calories you have to be mindful of how many of those are from carbs. Fruits and veggies I don't worry so much about. I used the Baritastic app during my 3-month pre-op diet basically to show my nutritionist what I was eating and to make sure I was staying within my limits to lose the weight needed for surgery. Afterwards I don't use it. Logging and thinking about food 24/7 drives me nuts. But I do practice mindful eating and if using it helps keep you on track, then do it. I did like the recipe feature. Just add all ingredients and then your serving size. It does all the math for you. I pretty much know what foods to eat and which to avoid and the WLS restricts my amounts anyway. Portion control, I think is most important. By now I've gotten pretty good at eyeballing what I put on my plate. Some days I can finish it and others I push it away. As long as my weight continues to go down, I know I am on the right track. I'm hoping by the time the honeymoon phase is over and normal hunger returns, I will have formed new habits to maintain my losses and continue losing weight to goal.
  4. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    First week out from surgery, it's normal to have gas pain/incision pain. Walking is the best medicine to expel the air that was pumped into you while performing the surgery. If it's a different kind of gas from something you ate or drank then Gas X would probably help if you are allowed to take it 3 days post op. I didn't suffer from any of the horrid gas pains but did have a lot of the gurgling as you described. I made myself get up and walk every hour for 5 minutes. I was more worried about getting blood clots. Congrats on your recent surgery @Nissi88 and week 2 should be much better for you. Whenever I have a lot of burping, it's usually accompanied by the foamies and/or nausea. I read the foamies are the stomachs way of protecting itself from an irritant by producing the slime that coats the stomach. Early on that healing stomach can be easily irritated so I was careful not to force food or drink trying to meet daily goals. I just made sure I didn't allow myself to become dehydrated.
  5. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I was looking for recipes to use for my Vitamix and ran across the first ever infomercial. "If you do not have a Vitamix you are a miserable failure, you will lose your wealth, you will lose your job, you will lose your income and you will lose your life." What a sales pitch. I don't think he knows he's a comedian. He's dead serious. "Oh mother mother mother. What happened to Daddy's teeth? Momma poured them down the sewer. " xD
  6. I did. Liquid through soft food phases were easier for me. When I started regular solid food at 5 weeks, I felt heavy restriction. I was relieved because I wanted that. Didn't think the surgery worked during those early times. Soft food passes through easier and nerves were cut during your WLS. Until they regenerate, you will have an easier time eating certain foods. Sounds to me like that has happened. Regeneration.
  7. I have this Renpho scale and it's similar in what it measures compared to the one advertised in the video. Right now, it's marked down to $30. I like that it stores all my information through the phone app. RENPHO Body Fat Scale Smart BMI Scale Digital Bathroom Wireless Weight Scale, Elis 1 Body Composition Analyzer with Smartphone App sync with Bluetooth, 400 lbs - Black : Amazon.ca: Health & Personal Care
  8. BabySpoons

    Food Before and After Photos

    Ahh so that's the Pink drink I keep hearing about. You know I never had one. Maybe that's for the best. 😉
  9. BabySpoons

    Food Before and After Photos

    It was for me today. It's not something I plan to eat regularly after WLS. I read the label. 30g carbs/12g of it is sugar. Wasn't a good choice but so are a lot of other things posted to this thread. LOL My nutritionist encouraged me to eat carbs pre-op and it was really tough for me to shift from my Keto mentality to 45g of carbs daily. But I lost 22 pounds before WLS in those 3 months. In a few weeks I'm supposed to up my carbs to 60g. I usually sweeten food with Stevia so today was a one off.
  10. BabySpoons

    Food Before and After Photos

    Raises hand* Actually, had my first bowl of cereal today since surgery. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios with sliced banana and skim milk. It was delish. I think the only time I ate cereal dry was if it was covered in sugar. LOL I've never seen that cereal in stores here in USA @Arabesque but I remember eating nutri grain breakfast bars. Both made by Kelloggs.
  11. BabySpoons


    An IUD is known to cause spotting and irregular bleeding but if you used it before WLS with no problems, I would agree that it's probably a release of estrogen and hormonal changes due to surgery. But it seems excessive. I would make sure you are getting enough iron or risk becoming anemic. I wouldn't be too quick to have an Ablation either. Unless you are done having children. If so, then you would be taking care of two issues at once with no longer needing contraception and hopefully end the bleeding. I was told by my OB GYN that I needed an Ablation a few years back but for different reasons. I had an ultrasound that showed a golf ball size fibroid tumor that was causing major bleeding. I was so desperate for it to stop that I scheduled the surgery. But after going home and reading up on the procedure, I quickly found others online who had avoided it by water fasting. Those that had the same size tumor said it took 40 days for their bodies to rid themselves of it. So I called and cancelled the surgery. Doc didn't argue with me. Said give it a try and then we can re-access. I don't think she thought I could do it, but I did. When I went back for a follow up, the gal doing the ultrasound found no trace of it. I told her my story and she was shocked and amazed. The body is capable of some pretty amazing things if we let it. I said all that to say this.... I'm not advocating you water fast. Especially after WLS. But I would have a thorough exam to justify the need, if at all for an Ablation. But before even that, take out the IUD. Stop the hormones/meds. Take Iron if needed and let your body cleanse itself. GL!! .
  12. BabySpoons

    Spit or Swallow?

    I bought a watermelon at the Farmers market but it's not seedless. I cut and cubed half of it and it's chilling in the fridge. I love cold melon after my daily walk to help me rehydrate. Cantaloupe is another. I spit most of the seeds out, but I missed a few. I know this would be a big no no early on before my stomach healed and risk one getting stuck in my incision line. At almost 5 months is this a potential problem blocking my anastomosis or will those seeds pass on through?
  13. BabySpoons

    I should have just shut my mouth....

    Sometimes crying can be viewed by healthcare professionals and some people in general as weak or neurotic. I quit crying in front of others at 8 years old when my grandmother yelled at me and told me it made me look ugly. Then when my father hit me because I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I learned to cry in private. He used to beat my Mom over whether food was on the table at a certain time or if the meal was missing a condiment or not to his liking. I told my bariatric psych this is why I only ate when hungry or skipped meals. I fasted for days sometimes. I was neither anorexic nor bulimic. What I couldn't understand as a child or adult was how someone (dad) could act that way over food. So, it was easy for me not to think about eating till hungry. Then I ate whatever I wanted. Usually for pleasure. Usually not healthy choices. I saw the therapist 3 times within 3 months. First was initial greeting. Second was a 2–3-hour test I took in the office on their computer. Third was to go over my test score. I wasn't sure if I would get clearance since I was honest about my eating habits, but she said she felt I had already dealt with the mental reasonings in how I ate and believed my weight gain was more physiological. I'm not saying it's wrong to cry @saramelie and it's good to talk things out with a therapist. It was a first for me and I too questioned what I should share or not but it's for the best to get on with it so you can move forward to a better you. GL!!!
  14. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    Haha haaa!
  15. BabySpoons

    Spit or Swallow?

    Nothing a good double entendre can't fix.
  16. BabySpoons

    Spit or Swallow?

    That's almost too perfect. LOL Now you have me wondering what your 2 cents would have been. Ha Haaa!
  17. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

  18. My family told me to quit wearing my large XXX clothing so I went back into my closet and found I can fit into jeans that I haven't been able to wear for years. Before I couldn't get them over my hips, much less button and zip up. But like you I don't like how they look. Black yoga pants seem more slimming to me. Until I get to a lower weight anyway. But it still felt good to be able to put them on. I have some old button fly jeans that I'm looking forward to wearing again in the near future.
  19. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    Glad to hear you are going strong at 6 days @Sandygal. Week two should get better for you. Not sure about muscle relaxers for pain. Never used them. But back and shoulder pain is usually caused from trapped gas after surgery. You might be better to walk it off. When telling my doctor about the pain from that right incision, he said it was a deeper stitch and is normal to feel it more than the other 5. I told him I was afraid of ripping it out. He assured me it was stronger than I thought and not to worry. I have a pretty good pain threshold so knowing I wasn't damaging anything while moving around was a relief. Also hold a pillow up against your stomach when transitioning from lying to sitting and sitting to standing. Takes the pressure off the tummy muscles and really helped till I got past the first couple weeks of discomfort. Good luck!!!
  20. BabySpoons

    Spit or Swallow?

    I want to believe. I want to be on the side that's right so...I won't question it. LOL Thank you!!
  21. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    This made me chuckle, but I can totally understand that happening. They should know better. Perfumed nurses should be banned from all post-surgery rooms. 🤢 Congrats on a successful surgery!
  22. BabySpoons

    17 Day Post Op/Liquids

    But I did. My doctor's plan just didn't include the puree stage. And for good reason. It sounds horrific. LOL jk jk Actually, there was one time I put a can of Progresso vegetable beef soup in a Vitamix and pureed it. It tasted fantastic!!!
  23. BabySpoons

    17 Day Post Op/Liquids

    I never even had a puree phase. I went from full liquids to soft foods at 2 weeks. You should be safe but most here will tell you to follow your bariatric teams' recommendations.
  24. I love hearing about the health improvements even more than the weight loss. Congrats!!!!!
  25. BabySpoons

    Reaching 64oz of fluids tips

    Before surgery I had a hard time drinking plain water unless it was flavored/sweetened with Crystal Light. After, I couldn't drink sweet and preferred cool clear water till about 3 weeks after surgery. I set out three 20 oz bottles and start sipping throughout the day with a goal to finish them all before bedtime. If not, if I woke, I'd drink more and hopefully finish by morning. But I never forced myself to meet goal. I just did the best I could without allowing myself to become dehydrated. The remaining ounces I got from my protein drinks, milk, broth etc. Early on if you have to choose between drinking or eating....drink.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
