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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BabySpoons

  1. BabySpoons

    RNY surgery question

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I recently heard a bariatric surgeon say that bypassing the stomach leaves it in a 24/7 fasting state. I'm big on all the benefits of fasting so knowing that fact was exciting to me. I'd love to hear a more in depth teaching on the subject along with reestablishing a healthy microbiome, setpoint etc. via surgery.
  2. BabySpoons

    WL Journey Theme Songs

    Roll With the Changes- REO
  3. BabySpoons

    Any April Surgery Dates?

    My gastric bypass was performed on Tues. April 4th. The procedure lasted 4 hrs since the doc was repairing a hiatal hernia at the same time. I was 2 hrs. in recovery so my fam was starting to get worried by 6PM despite the hourly updates. No complications. Pain was minimal. No nausea, vomiting or gas pain. Dry mouth from hell. Sipped water day 1. Walked a lap and up another time to use bathroom. Surprised they didn't walk me more. b4 going home. Day 2 . Tolerated meals well. Tried a little of everything they brought me. Discharged me that afternoon. Felt more pain at home. Mostly pulling on incisions as I bent over, stood or tried turning over in bed. Sipping on prescribed Hydrocod helps for pain. Walking on my treadmill every couple hrs for 5 minutes to prevent clots. Drinking my protein drinks and water for now till appetite returns. Not weighing till after inflammation goes down. Overall...so far so good. Pain lessens each day. Praying for a speedy recovery for all of you this month!!!
  4. BabySpoons

    Getting Excited

    I've yo yo'd my entire life and kept most all my clothes over the years in sizes all the way down to 12s, hoping to one day fit back into them. It will be fun to clean closet with sizes going down rather than up. 🙃
  5. BabySpoons

    Any April Surgery Dates?

    April 4th for me. I'm so ready to do this. Wishing everyone the best!!!
  6. BabySpoons

    New Future Begins Tomorrow

    Glad you're home and well. Good to hear positive before my GB on April 4th. Nervous but ready.
  7. BabySpoons

    Getting Excited

    I'm browsing online clothing stores too. Dreaming of the day I can fit into something other than oversized tees and yoga pants. 😌
  8. Less than a week before gastric bypass surgery. I'm nervous but excited. Been lurking here for a while, reading. I'm about ready as I'm going to get. Down 20 pounds in 3 months. A ton of pre op testing done and cleared. Food/drinks, chewable vitamins, protein, meds bought. On 2-week preop diet now which includes 2 protein shakes a day along with 3 ounces lean protein and 2 1/2 C.  non starchy veggies and is totally do able for me. Clear liquid day before surgery. A full sugar Gatorade night before  and again 2 hrs before arriving at the hospital. Interesting how different everyone's diets are depending on your doctor.

    I'm optimistic all will go well. Good luck to the April surgeries happening this month and to all that are going through the process.  {{hugs}}

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