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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BabySpoons

  1. I know all insurance companies differ but my first step was contacting mine to make sure I was covered and how much coverage I had. Secondly, which doctors are listed as in network. If you go to one that is not, you will be paying more out of pocket. When I decided on which Bariatric team to go with, I called them directly and asked if I needed my GP's referral first before my initial consultation. They said no, so I was set up with my first appointment with them. Since it was out of town, they would set up all my follow up appointments for nutritionist, surgeon, psychologist and nurse, all on the same day to cut down on my driving miles. What's nice about having a team that specifically does Bariatric surgeries is they made all my post-op appointments for me including any testing that I needed done locally. Also they submitted everything to insurance for me and any pre-authorizations needed. I didn't need to even think about it. It's stressful enough to initially make the decision to have the surgery without the added worry of having to figure out all of the process. Good luck and hope it all will get sorted out for you soon.
  2. BabySpoons

    Puking my guts out today :(

    I overcame my fear and went to a family graduation party last night that involved a ton of food and alcohol. I didn't test anything except Arby's roast beef, no bun and a small bit of potato salad since I knew I stomach mashed potatoes pretty well. All good. My fam kept offering me alcohol and I kept turning it down while I sipped my water. No way was I going to try it then attempt to drive home. I had a good time and glad I went. Baby steps
  3. BabySpoons

    Pysch and Nutrionist CLEARED

    One of the last things I was required to do before surgery was a blood draw from my GP to test for nicotine etc.. If you have gotten all your medical clearances as well then I can't see it being much longer for them to submit everything to insurance. I was approved in a week's time and surgery 2 weeks after that. I had fun with the psychiatrist. Last time I saw her and she told me I was cleared, I asked,,, "So you're telling me I'm normal and not crazy?" She laughed and said, " You're definitely not crazy. Normal is questionable. " I'm glad she got my sense of humor. LOL
  4. BabySpoons

    Dry skin...

    Thank you for this topic Lindsay! It motivated me to scrub and clean my soaking tub. instead of taking showers I'm gonna start using it again as soon as I'm cleared by doctor for baths. 🛁 Not sure when that is. Never thought to ask before.
  5. BabySpoons

    Puking my guts out today :(

    Ditto... I want to know if it gets better down the road for us or are we all destined for vomit bags and Depends. LOL
  6. BabySpoons

    Puking my guts out today :(

    Gahhhh, that's too bad but hope you felt better afterwards. I'm starting to venture outside my house more and feeling a bit paranoid about being too far away from home and a toilet. I'm still turning down invites for things using my surgery as an excuse. I guess I'm waiting to learn more about what's do able for me before I go out somewhere and get sick or have an accident. So I bought some disposable nausea bags like they gave me in the hospital and keeping a couple in my purse.... just in case. LOL
  7. BabySpoons

    Dry skin...

    Are you telling me surgery may cure my Pillaris? O joy! Is this what you had @Arabesque? I've been plagued with it since a young teen. Drives me nuts. This condition develops when the skin produces too much of a protein called keratin, which can block hair follicles and cause bumps to develop. The bumps are usually on the arms, thighs, cheeks, and buttocks. They're white, sometimes red, and typically don't hurt or itch.
  8. I don't use Isopure but it seems this method would work mixing any protein powder drink. I blend my protein shakes with a Vitamix. I was worried because I read on this forum that my blender would cause too much foam and contribute to gas. Never was a problem and I swear it makes my drinks taste better. No chalkiness etc. I add a frozen cup of yogurt and ice cubes along with skim milk to the mix and it comes out more like a milk shake. I can eat it with a spoon. And to add a bit of sweetness or change up the flavors I add half a packet of SF Sunkist singles or Crystal Light. So maybe try adding some frozen to cut down on the foam for more of a dessert type drink.
  9. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    When did I become a senior member on here? I'm trying to turn back the hands of time. And at what point do I get to be a guru????? LOL
  10. BabySpoons

    Dry skin...

    I believe that good skin happens from the inside out. Hydration, nutrition etc. Slathering on a bunch of lotions helps in appearance and prevents the loss of water in the outermost layer of our skin. Does dry go away after Bariatric surgery? IDK, I'm only six weeks out but hopeful.
  11. BabySpoons

    Dry skin...

    I read somewhere that soaking in a tub helps with hydration and can actually help skin retract with less loose skin. I thought about getting some dry evaporated milk to add to the water. If it was good enough for Cleopatra.... I had a deep soaking tub installed a couple years ago and need to get back to using it. My skin is dry too and needs some attention.
  12. Who knew Filet Mignon would make me so sick. Leftovers from Mother's Day.  On the upside..next day I started walking outside a little over a mile without stopping or back pain. That's a bit deal for me considering how inactive I've been for years. Woot woot!

  13. I was approached by someone recently asking why I would have surgery with injectables now available and that surgeries were on the way out. 😮 I told her I doubt they are "on their way out." I explained that I had medical issues that needed to be addressed and the surgery would resolve them. Also the shot is expensive and not covered by most insurance companies. Any weight lost using it is regained as soon as you stop using it. So on it for life and around $1200 a month. It was when I heard it called Metabolic surgery and learned that it would heal my prediabetes, my high blood pressure, my insulin resistance, my sleep apnea, reset my metabolism and weight setpoint, stop my progression of stage 3 kidney disease, halt acid reflux, gout, inflammation and water retention, joint and back pain, incontinence and lastly...ability to fit into a pair of jeans
  14. BabySpoons

    Puking my guts out today :(

    So is it best to leave it alone and let it pass or goad it with water like I did?
  15. BabySpoons

    Puking my guts out today :(

    When I went to sip my water 30 minutes after the steak meal, I knew something was wrong. It hurt when it hit my stomach then came back up. I waited and tried again. Same for the next few hours. I guess I could have laid down and tried to let it pass but read steak can sit in your stomach for a long while? Plus, I reasoned if it's blocked, why not get rid of it naturally instead of paying a doctor to go in and fish it out. Hopefully vomiting didn't do any damage 6 weeks post-op and I knew I needed my water, so I kept drinking every 30 minutes, till it went down. Water would always initially cause a small pain after a solids meal for me, so sometimes I'd wait an hour before drinking anything. But it was usually only that first sip, then things would pass through. I'm ok now and back to eating softer foods for the time being. I'm in no hurry to go through that again. And yes, I agree. If not being able to sip water without it coming back up had continued, I would have called my doctor or headed for the ER.
  16. BabySpoons

    Daily chronicles

    I can relate. I became a recluse the last few years of my life. Rarely left my home and found excuses to avoid any type of social events. Now, 6 weeks out from surgery, I have a new sense of hope. So I'm trying to change my mindset. Not sure if you exercise but doing so will help increase endorphins. The feel good chemicals in the brain. I made myself leave the house and walk outdoors in the sunshine today. First time in years.. Only a little over a mile around a lake at a local park. It was a first for my little Rat Terrier too. I think she loved it even more than I did. When done... tired but felt like a million bucks. I have a few edibles lying around too and my vape but saving those for a future rainy day;) Hope you get to feeling better soon!!! {{hugs}}
  17. BabySpoons

    Meal delivery service?

    Store bought Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice frozen meals are another option and listed in my allowable food choices depending on carb and fat counts. Small meals and usually at or below 300 calories. I don't work outside the home so I cook my own meals, but these would seem convenient on occasion for someone with a busy schedule or doesn't want to cook.
  18. BabySpoons

    Thoughts from the Bariatric Community?!?

    You will need a bachelor's degree or higher if you want to bill client's insurance. Otherwise, they will have to pay out of pocket. I have a friend who is a licensed health/fitness coach and does quite well without the degree. She used to be obese, and I believe someone who's been there/done that are just more relatable. When I told her I decided to get RNY she was supportive and even wrote a letter of recommendation to my bariatric team stating I had been through her program for a few years with moderate success. Showing them, I had been proactive but needed medical intervention. My bariatric nutritionist is a bit robotic. Like reading off a script, going through the steps. If you stop her to ask a question, she seems annoyed especially if she doesn't have an answer. LOL Then goes right back to her script. But it's OK. And I would be willing to Facetime her since I drive almost 2 hrs. for appointments. But I make all mine on same day with Doc, nurse, Nut etc. I have a great doctor so it's worth the drive. Good luck and I say go for it. It's a worthy goal, will help keep you on track and is rewarding. Many moons ago, I was a personal trainer, and it was a great job but I quit to help take care of my Mother after a stroke. I guess that was the point I quit taking care of me....
  19. BabySpoons

    Food funerals

    I know there's a clause in my bariatric workbook that states my surgery will be cancelled if I regain weight. I wasn't sure if that meant from first initial weigh in or last appointment. Either way it was enough of a deterrent for me.
  20. BabySpoons

    One Month & A Half Surgerversary

    My go to breakfast is soft scrambled eggs that progressed to over easy along with spinach or steamed broccoli, Deviled eggs, Crab Meat, ground beef mixed with pork and beans and sautéed onion. Beef stew, lean ground beef in a veggie soup, Baked beans using Splenda brown sugar. My fav... meatloaf topped with Ray's sugar free barbeque sauce with Betty Crocker roasted garlic potatoes. Om nom.. lunchtime.
  21. BabySpoons

    Puking my guts out today :(

    Hi Catwoman. Agree. I had absolutely no issues at soft food stage. Live and learn I always say. But what a lesson...
  22. BabySpoons

    Puking my guts out today :(

    Thanks for your reply, Arabesque. Funny thing is, I had the same exact meal yesterday with no ill effect. Started out as thick food sludge. Foamies happened towards the end, then I was fine. It just scared me how long it took to clear and be able to drink water again. Hours. And yes, I was cleared to eat fresh fruit and veggies including skins at 5-week follow-up with nutritionist but I'm going back to soft foods for a while after this fiasco. No reason to rush it. Thanks again.
  23. BabySpoons

    Manage Sleep Apnea

    Thanks to those who responded. How encouraging to know that surgery resolved the apnea. I can't imagine how freeing it must be to no longer have to wear that mask every night. Congrats!!
  24. BabySpoons

    dating AND PICTURES from week 1 til now

    To be honest, sadly, it seems woman nowadays don't care if you are wearing a wedding ring or not. Maybe it's always been that way..IDK. But congrats on your success and great faceless pictures. xD Very inspiring!!
  25. BabySpoons

    Manage Sleep Apnea

    I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea during pre op testing and was worried that would delay my surgery date since the tech told me they want to get it under control before I undergo surgery. Fortunately, my surgeon said it wouldn't make a difference and that the RNY would more than likely resolve it, which I'm hoping it does. Now I'm wondering if I should have gone ahead and got the machine since my out-of-pocket expenses have been met for the year. But I'm trying to be optimistic and believe I'm not going to need it in the future and hope the same for you. Anyone here can say their apnea was cured following surgery/weight loss? Oh, and I ran across this article after my diagnosis. Yikes!!! Just another reason to get the Bariatric surgery. Up, down, or no change: weight gain as an unwanted side effect of CPAP for obstructive sleep apnea | Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (aasm.org)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
