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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BabySpoons

  1. I agree. Even if your insurance partially covers it. You have to continue it for life so in the long run.... more expensive. Find out what your out-of-pocket spending limit is for the year. Mine is $4200 meaning when I have paid that amount towards deductables and co-pays, all the rest of the bills are covered 100% for the rest of the year. Don't figure your share of the bill as 20% of the total cost of surgery. Unless your insurance doesn't have a yearly limit. I think most do. All my bills collectively with pre-op testing came to over 80K. At 20% I would have had to pay 16K without a yearly spending limit. I also have a high deductible HSA account so your out of pocket could be even lower than my 4200. Unless $5800 is your limit? Another option if your part of the bill is too much at once is a CareCredit card. If your doctor participates, it will finance medical bills at 0% interest for 1-2 years. I have used this in the past for elective surgeries like Lasik eye surgery. Also many healthcare facilities will let you set up payment plans with no interest as well. It's worth checking out. Good luck!!
  2. I like listening to Dr John Pilsher. He seems levelheaded and up to date on current medical issues concerning WLS. Some of his videos seem to buck the system about things we thought to be true. Malabsorption with bypass for example is a myth according to him. What say you???
  3. BabySpoons

    Bariatric Myths??

    Agree... I will be getting tested at my 3-month follow-up for vitamin levels. Fingers crossed.
  4. BabySpoons

    Lost all motivation

    He said he loves you. That is something to work on. Find out what those reasons are. Love is more than just physical attraction because at some point we all will lose it. What then? Just another view.... but if you find you need more, nothing wrong with that either. Best you can do is not give up on yourself. Not for anyone. {{hugs}}
  5. I was worried I would have to sip liquids the rest of my life but finding out at 8 weeks I can guzzle water with the best of them . xD
  6. BabySpoons

    Bariatric Myths??

    That was me. Fixing that alone was worth getting the bypass. I didn't need to exasperate it further by getting a sleeve. But another major reason I opted for bypass was hearing that some sleeve patients were only seeing a 30–40-pound weight loss. I struggled to lose that much anyway with diet and exercise and wasn't willing to go through major surgery to find out I was in that category. My GP confirmed this to me when I went to her for a release signature. She asked which procedure I wanted. I told her bypass. She said good because she has a close friend who had the sleeve and helped her through all of the process. Said she did everything right (that she knows of) and could only lose 30 pounds. Now after all that she's taking Ozempic injections. I told her I don't have the time or money to try one first to see if it works. So yeah...I went for the "gold standard." Probably so but mine is pretty young. 30's maybe. And oh so handsome. LOL I went to him specifically because his office was the only one approved by my insurance as in network in the state. He's smart and funny too. When I asked him if I had stiches or staples, he said titanium. You will have them forever and no you won't set off metal detectors at the airport. xD Here's the video that helped me to decide between the gastric bypass and the sleeve. It's lengthy but informative and hopefully helps anyone trying to decide which procedure to get. Make sure to consult with your primary care physician as well. I chose what I felt was best for me. YMMV
  7. Find out if your insurance requires a certain amount of diet counseling before surgery can be scheduled. Mine didn't and told me, timewise, it was up to the discretion of my doctor. Whatever pre-op health testing is needed, based on your condition, the doctor will order. I had to do a lot. Above and beyond what I think is considered the norm but completed everything and got insurance approval all within 3 months.
  8. BabySpoons

    Bariatric Myths??

    Yeah I tend to be a sceptic sometimes. I remember asking my surgeon that if the bypass is considered malabsorptive, how will I be assured my vitamins will be enough. He just smiled and said not to worry, just take them. Of the 4 doctors in that office he's the only one that does the RNYs. All the rest do the sleeve. I guess it's the popular choice nowadays. I'm looking forward to that day myself. And I've seen your pics. You look fantastic!
  9. BabySpoons

    Going "camping"

    We park our RV at the lake for the season and spend almost every weekend there. A bit less this year since the surgery. I call it glamping because there's internet, AC and Netflix. LOL For soft food phase, I like to make a big roast in my Instapot, then shred it , adding SF BBQ sauce with a side of baked beans, coleslaw or pea salad. Sometimes I'll make a low-fat gravy/ shredded roast beef or chicken and put over mashed potato. Grilled asparagus is always good or any other cooked green veggie. Ground beef Sloppy Joes is another alternative with low-fat cottage cheese. Big pot of chili or soup if it's a cool night. My beverage of choice besides water is ice cold Crystal Light Raspberry Tea. And my freezer is stocked with SF Popsicles/Fudgesicles. Not the typical camping food but it works. On occasion I allow myself a 3 carb whole wheat tortilla for making a wrap. But then I'm on normal diet phase now. I'm holding back on grilled steak atm or hamburger/hotdogs. And I can't eat anything from the marina grill. Everything is deep fat fried except for a $10 green salad with grilled chicken which I haven't tried yet. Definitely need to catch more fish this year. I ate most of what was in the freezer during my pre-op diet. Baked oven crisp crappie, walleye, white bass and catfish. Yum Hope you have fun and enjoy your trip!!
  10. BabySpoons

    Bariatric Myths??

    I watched it again to see if I missed something. He does mention a 6 -18 month period of greater weight loss with bypass but attributes it to the stomach healing, less food. Not to malabsorption. He also claims this myth originated as a marketing ploy to promote the Gastric band. Hmmmm. And now... the sleeve? If science proves what he is saying and doctors are using misinformation to steer us towards an easier procedure or one that might need a second surgery, then so be it I guess. For me it's good news because the last thing I need is to come out the other side of my RNY frail and malnourished
  11. I'd venture to say that gastric bypass surgery and hernia repair will not only resolve the GERD for you but also help with your breathing. I had both procedures back in April of this year. My doctor said 10% of my stomach was pushed up through my diaphragm. No wonder I couldn't breathe to do anything and had horrible acid reflux. I am so thankful for this surgery. It gave me my life back and hope repairing that hernia will free up your breathing along with curing the GERD like it did mine. Good luck.
  12. LOL I was definitely doughy in the head week one. I would say one week off at the very minimum. If city transportation involves driving the public, I would consider longer for possible safety and liability's sake.
  13. That's sweet but funny at the same time.😏
  14. ^^^^THIS^^^^ ^^^^AND THIS^^^^ Please don't let fear keep you from doing one of the best things you can do for yourself, now. I wasted years telling myself I can get the weight off myself. Till I couldn't. Struggling and dieting over and over and over.... Interestingly enough, I had this convo with an overweight gal in my bariatric office. My first visit. She took me to the room and got my stats. We started chatting and she said she was considering getting surgery too but thought she was young enough to put it off and get it when she's older. I encouraged her not to wait till she had a list of meds and comorbidities like I have. I do kind of regret posting here about a few of my "fixable" moments with foamies etc because the last thing I want to do is scare anyone off from a lifesaving surgery. There are a few legit complications people have shared but they are few and far between. New studies show WLS compared to having gallbladder surgery risk wise, which is low. TBH I would be more afraid of doing nothing. Good luck OP and if need be have the hospital give you some calming meds, day of, to keep you from bolting pre surgery. You can do it!!!!
  15. BabySpoons

    How to locate a surgeon who does DS

    Call your insurance provider. They have a list of surgeons/specialties and can tell you whether or not they are in network. Out of network doctors will be more expensive for you but some ins. companies will waive the higher costs if you don't have one available in your area. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and recently found this out. Good luck in your search.
  16. I read all the nightmare stories too in my research of WLS but it was never enough to deter me. The majority say they would do it again in a heartbeat and wish they had done it sooner. The pro's simply outweigh the cons. Good luck!
  17. BabySpoons

    Vitamin Patches

    Mine told me that he didn't care if I took Flintstone vitamins just take them. LOL The nutritionist winced when I told her what he said. She told me the patches don't absorb as well and has me taking chewables. But then I had gastric bypass. Sometimes it's hard for me to get those 4 horse pills down everyday. I may try the patches at some point.
  18. Bad habits Before... holding in burps and gas because it wasn't ladylike. To my discomfort. After... letting it loose to ease my discomfort. Before...wearing all black to disguise my size. After...wearing all black because I think it's chic. Before... picking up fast food every Friday night. After....picking up fast food every Friday night. (Bariatric friendly)
  19. BabySpoons

    Anyone take up running after surgery???

    Don't get me wrong. I'm very proud of the long-distance exercise I did in the past. I'm looking at the medals I won hanging on my wall, as we speak. Doing marathons is definitely a highlight of one's life. And even more so for someone that has lost a lot of weight. Such a great accomplishment. I say go for it but.... Don't do it (train) for years. You don't want to get to 70 years old and look and feel like you're 100.
  20. I had bad acid reflux before surgery, so I opted for the gastric bypass. Little did I know I had a hiatal hernia and 10% of my stomach was pushed up through my diaphragm. So I guess I'll never know if the sleeve would have been OK for me after the hernia was repaired. I'm just happy I am reflux/heartburn free now. I have read many sleeve patients suffer with it so I can see your dilemma. Good luck!
  21. BabySpoons

    Anyone take up running after surgery???

    I used to hate running but when I experienced the runner's high I changed my mind. LOL I worked up to 5 miles doing interval training. Basically alternating shorts bursts of walking/ jogging to eventually jogging/running. Times vary but the goal is to slowly increase running time with less recovery time. I haven't done any running yet after RNY. Just walking and TBH not sure I will push myself to do anything long distance related anymore. Reason being, I knew many marathon runners when I worked in the health clubs. They ran miles every week. Were in great shape and could eat anything they wanted. Years later I saw alot of them and they aged horribly. Looked way older than their age. Google free radicals and exhaustive exercise. Not trying to discourage anyone to get in shape but moderation is key and more is not necessarily better. Too Much of a Good Thing? Cellular Health and Exercise (wondriumdaily.com)
  22. That's got to be one of the best answers I've heard yet. I have been on a bazillion diets in my lifetime and never stuck them out for that long. Except for intermittent fasting for 2 yrs. and added strict Keto the second and only lost 40 pounds. That was when I decided to get the surgery but it did keep me from becoming a full on diabetic. And this ^^^^^ I can stick with it if it I'm seeing results. It only stands to reason we will quit if we don't.
  23. Paying up front, day of procedure is BS and has messed me up a couple different times. I met my out of pocket for this year and all bills from now thru Dec should be paid 100%. Still getting some in the mail. Grrr BCBS said one of the providers must not of filed correctly because it wasn't showing that I paid over $1000 day of my pre op heart catherization test. Now I have to keep paying to avoid these last bills from becoming past due and possibly going to collection. Then I'll have to wait on a refund for overpaying. It used to be, providers filed with insurance and then I paid the balance for whatever was left, after . When did all this change because I want it back the way it was. From now on I would avoid prepaying anything unless you absolutely have too. OK rant over...
  24. During soft food phase (3 weeks) I had egg drop soup from a Chinese restaurant and it tasted lovely. At regular food phase (5 weeks) I ordered from same place, Beef and Broccoli. Was great first time. Second time the broccoli didn't go well. No rice of course.
  25. I used to do long distance riding and loved it. I trained many miles for Century rides and MS 150's for charity. That was in my 20's. As I got older I cut back on long exercise sessions (biking, weights and jogging). Big mistake and started gaining weight. But my Mom became ill and I began taking care of her instead of myself and didn't take the time anymore. I eventually stopped exercising altogether when I suddenly couldn't breathe, and everything became hard for me to do. I was misdiagnosed as having COPD and kind of gave up on myself at that point. It was only recently with pre op testing for Bariatric surgery that I found out I never had COPD and couldn't breathe because of a hiatal hernia. It caused 10% of my stomach to stick up through my diaphragm. Makes me mad to think about but thankful at the same time that it is now repaired, and I can breathe and exercise again. I would love to try biking too at some point. For now I walk 5-6xs a week for a little over a mile and makes me so happy. Just to be able to do it. I wouldn't worry too much about hydration. You should be fine. Just keep drinking. But not sure how long hours of exercise will affect your appetite? I have little to none now, 7 weeks out. I can only imagine I would become quite ravenous, which could defeat the whole purpose. IDK but good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
