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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BabySpoons

  1. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

  2. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I got so good at doing that...
  3. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    Very true. I totally get it. I have my moments too. And when I am grumpy, happy shiny people just annoy me. LOL
  4. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    Spent the last 4 days at the lake. I tried a few new foods with no nausea. I was released to drink alcohol at 3-month post-op, so I tried 1 shot of Vodka mixed with sugar free cranberry juice at the recommendation of my nutritionist. Fresh air and sun. Boating, fishing. friends and family. Great fireworks show Sat. night. Sitting around the firepit till 3 am nursing my drink. I had 2. Nice little buzz without getting drunk or passing out as I've heard some WLS patients have experienced. Weighed myself when I got home and dropped 3 more pounds FTW. Happy 4th of July!!!
  5. BabySpoons

    Treating saggy skin on the face

    I'm starting targeted C02 Cryo therapy next week. A friend runs the business and wants to document my progress for advertising to local bariatric patients so she's offering it free to me. Otherwise, it's pretty pricey. I still have a ways to go with my weight loss, but she wants to treat me as I lose instead of waiting to see how much loose skin I'm left with at goal weight. Despite the cost, people are willing to pay. She can't keep up with demand and recently had to hire a second tech. The before and after pictures that I've seen are amazing. Face , batwings, tummy etc. I'm willing to give it a go. Hopefully with good results.
  6. BabySpoons


    I craved salad during my soft food stage. When I was finally cleared at 2 months to eat raw veggies, I made myself one and used Skinny Girl FF, SF Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing and hard boiled egg for protein. It tasted wonderful and despite the fact that I chewed well and sloooowly, it just didn't set well with my tummy. I will continue to try them again off and on. Some days it's OK but another it's a no go. I won't give up though. Salads are just too good. Funny.. baby carrots go down way easy with no problems on their own. 🥕
  7. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm curious to know if he was part of the 2019 EVALI outbreak? The CDC has since confirmed that the majority of lung injuries and deaths were caused by users vaping illicit THC cartridges that were mixed with Vitamin E oil. I'm assuming there are still black-market cartridges being sold somewhere out there. I just had this conversation with a family member yesterday. Not to buy from an unknown source. Mine was purchased at a licensed dispensary in Denver.
  8. I opted for Gastric Bypass surgery, knowing it's not recommended to "consume tobacco" ever again. But cannabis is not tobacco, And vaping is not smoking. 3 months post-op I vape 0mg nicotine and I also have a CBD/THC vape pen for when I experience any pain or nausea. It's medicinal. No one can convince me otherwise. This podcast addresses OP questions.
  9. Baggy clothes are like loose skin. It reminds you just how far you've come. LOL I bought a bright yellow shirt at Goodwill and was wearing it when my husband came home. I wore nothing but black for the past I don't know how many years. He was shocked and all he could say was, "Well hello sunshine." 😏
  10. BabySpoons

    Ice cream cone

    Most bariatric patients should avoid sugar six months to one year after weight loss surgery. Many stick to this plan because they have experienced the impending sensation of doom. (aka dumping syndrome) Depends on which procedure you have done and even then, some don't even experience it. Also, there are a lot of sugar free ice cream options out there too, but I prefer to add those type of things after reaching my weight loss goal and during maintenance. I do allow myself the SF popsicles for now when I feel a need for a sweet treat.
  11. BabySpoons

    Concerns about Weight loss

    ^^^Great quote^^^ I stayed off the scale till my 2 week and 5 weeks follow up. So if I had a stall I was oblivious. LOL
  12. BabySpoons

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    Don't be so quick to want to eat "real food." I breezed through the liquid/soft food stage. It wasn't till solid foods that I started getting the dreaded foamies. Not pleasant. It will be during those times you will come to appreciate the earlier simpler times.
  13. BabySpoons

    Bitter Skin?

    Toxins get released as we lose bodyfat and is excreted through our skin, breath and urine. Since fat stores that stuff along with hormones etc. I believe it's almost like an onion. Layers stored over the years. As we lose, we will experience certain smells and tastes. I had this happen before. Once during a 40 day water fast. It was the strangest thing. I would smell a certain food or taste it in my mouth. Whatever fat my body was disposing of that day. I kind of like when that happens but no I'm not gonna taste myself. xD
  14. BabySpoons


    ^^^Great quotes^^^ I had another bout of nausea last night and tried to sleep it off. Woke up with it. Uhhh. So, I made myself go for my morning mile walk. I kid you not, I was slower than a young guy that was there wearing a knee injury brace but I made it all the way around. Then I came home and took a nap. I feel better but have to keep reminding myself not to force new foods too quickly. I need to stick with the ones I know my tummy can easily handle for now. If I have to stop eating solid foods and go back to soft/liquid foods for awhile , then so be it. We won't starve. We have plenty of stored up fat/energy to live off of for quite awhile. LOL Just get those liquids in. I think the regrets are just mourning the loss of how and what we once ate and having our choice taken away. But then that's what we signed up for isn't it?
  15. BabySpoons

    Fourth of July grill out ideas?

    Protein Fluff - My Bariatric Solutions
  16. I never dealt with a lot of pain pre-op but when I did, Aleve seemed to really knock it out for me. I will miss it. Now I take Tylenol/acetaminophen if needed to avoid getting any ulcers from NSAIDS. Sounds permanent. Now I am dealing with a different kind of pain almost 3 months out from Gastric Bypass. I noticed it all last week and still with me today. My bones ache. Not my muscles. My bones. My next follow-up appointment is on July 12th.
  17. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    The way my mini rat terrier sits on the couch next to me makes me smile. Twiggy is all legs
  18. I had it during liquid phase. Day before I graduated to soft foods at week 3. So I didn't strain it. Since you are only one week out I probably would. Reminds me of day 2 in Bariatric hospital. For lunch they brought me a soup that had little bits of meat and veggie in it. I asked the nurse if it should be strained since everything I read about post-op diet said it should be. She looked at it and said it's small enough and should be fine. I didn't eat but a few bites of the broth to be on the safe side. I remember thinking... this is a bariatric hospital, and they should know better. LOL But maybe small pieces of food getting stuck in our yet unhealed stomach staples is just a myth too? IDK
  19. I have been mind craving pasta so I bought some Banza chickpea spaghetti noodles. Haven't tried them yet but the protein content is 11g for a 2oz serving and 190 calories. Have you tried these anyone? I also bought a handheld spiralizer to try making noodles from veggies. I see so many recipes on YouTube that look soooo good, but the real question is do these alternatives really taste good???
  20. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    " Cause it's some kinda sin, to live your whole life, on a might've been." ♫♫♫
  21. ^^^That was my 2-week post op diet.^^^ LOL And yes, I was happy to be able to eat meat and veggies pre-op. Especially after hearing most say the liver shrinking liquid diet was the most difficult part leading up to surgery.
  22. One of my favorite high protein snacks are hard boiled deviled eggs. Just mix yolk with light mayo, Dijon mustard, salt and pepper.
  23. I made a stir-fry every night with 3 ounces of lean meat and 2 1/2 cups of frozen stir fry veggies. Seasoned with minced garlic, pepper and low sodium soy sauce. 😋
  24. BabySpoons

    In a Panic

    Depends what stage you are at. Doctors say you really can't stretch your new smaller stomach, but you can definitely damage it if you overeat while your tummy is still healing. Popping a staple and creating a leak can be deadly. My doctor told me of a patient who went through a fast-food drive thru on his way home from the hospital after WLS and blew his stomach out. I can't imagine....
  25. BabySpoons


    I would rather have the WLS and all it entails than spend the rest of my life digging my grave with a spoon. No regrets!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
