Hello All,
A brief on my endoscopy sleeve gastroplasty journey. I had my ESG in REGO PARK by Dr.Batash. Dr. Batash is very charming and a great provider. When I first met him for my consult I was concerned about ulcer erosions I've had from previous stomach ulcers, as well as IBS and GERD. He was very informative and open to many questions. The ESG procedure is not covered by insurance, but Dr.Batash is not selling it to you. Which I truly appreciated. My procedure was 2 weeks ago. My biggest struggle is the after-procedure diet. Week 1 - Liquids, Week 2 Purees. I am a picky picky girl.. week 1 was ok, being that I was healing and my appetite was off a bit. I did have Gatorade Zero, Lipton Broth, Jello, and Water. The water felt harsh... so a friend said, to drink alkaline water. I'm on week 2, purees ... what a headache. I can't fathom blending chicken and sweet potatoes, or greens at that. I bought baby food, which 4 OZ was filling. I'll stick to my broth until I can actually chew something, and protein shake provided by the office as well. I did meet with the Wellness Coach provided for 1 year or is part of the package. Lots of info on portion size and what to eat. Only wish they could email me the conversation as opposed to me writing it down. I've tried to walk the 30 minutes daily.
So if you have any tips on how to make this smoothy or want information from me... Just let me know.