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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2osuabbotts

  1. 2osuabbotts

    Any September Banders?

    I'm on Sept. 8th too! Can't believe it's almost here!!!
  2. 2osuabbotts

    Hello from Oklahoma

    Hi, I too am from Oklahoma. I'm just north of Tulsa in Claremore. My surgery is scheduled for next Monday, Sept. 8th. Wooo Hooo! I have had a long wait, over a year! Aetna denied my first attempt stating I had not been fat long enough. They required a 6 month program and then I was approved a year later and a surgery date set pretty fast. My surgeon is Dr. Gorospe in Owasso. I've had 2 friends go through him and had wonderful experiences. Best of luck in your wait, it will soon be over! Jenelle

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