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LAP-BAND Patients
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About 2osuabbotts

  • Rank
    Surgery date 9/8/08
  • Birthday 01/11/1969

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  1. Happy 44th Birthday 2osuabbotts!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary 2osuabbotts!

  3. 2osuabbotts

    Any September Banders?

    I'm on Sept. 8th too! Can't believe it's almost here!!!
  4. 2osuabbotts

    Hello from Oklahoma

    Hi, I too am from Oklahoma. I'm just north of Tulsa in Claremore. My surgery is scheduled for next Monday, Sept. 8th. Wooo Hooo! I have had a long wait, over a year! Aetna denied my first attempt stating I had not been fat long enough. They required a 6 month program and then I was approved a year later and a surgery date set pretty fast. My surgeon is Dr. Gorospe in Owasso. I've had 2 friends go through him and had wonderful experiences. Best of luck in your wait, it will soon be over! Jenelle

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