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About jthebutterfly

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  • Birthday 11/13/2002

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    Doing my makeup, reading books, online shopping.
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    Early Childhood Educator
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  1. 1 Month and half post VSG i’ve lost a total of 20KG/44lbs i’m so happy and excited for the future. I’m currently introducing the soft food stage. Any certain foods that you guys enjoyed during this stage please comment as this will help me a lot as i’m picky with food. 💗
  2. jthebutterfly

    My Problem With Nausea

    Yep i’ve been told and am not consuming those anymore but what for about 3 weeks now. Thank you for your kind words!
  3. So about a week ago i uploaded a post about how nauseous i felt and was unable to drink water and had on going nausea. 2 days ago i rushed to the emergency room. I had just seen my surgeon this day and was feeling great. before this i was in bed for weeks feeling the obvious very unwell. I was slowly starting to recover and i felt good enough to go to his office which is about an hour away from where i live. I went to my appointment all was well and he said i was doing great. That same day i went to visit my cousins and i was driving i felt a little discomfort on the sides of my stomach but that feeling went away. When i got home i felt an instant stabbing sensation on my lower left back that felt like a sharp/ blade or knife literally stabbing me over and over again i was on the floor rolling in pain and severe agony for 2 hours until the feeling that was in my back traveled to my stomach and the pain was so unbearable i could no longer take it. I rushed to the emergency and i got there at about 12am in the morning i waited till 10:30am the next day until i was seen so i was in 10+ hours of pain. I took endone and many other pain killers literally nothing took the pain away. and at this point due to the aggressive pain i was in i was extremely dehydrated and only received a iv fluid at 7am and i felt extremely upset as i told them i had just done a bariatric surgery and needed fluids. anyways. i had blood, test ct scans and urine tests. Blood was found in my urine and the excruciating pain was KIDNEY STONES. I did end up passing them through the toilet but this was the worst pain i’ve ever endured in my whole LIFE. Worse than waking up from THE vsg worse than anything i’ve experience id rather go through vsg first day then kidney stones. Anyone had the same problem as me. i’d love to hear. Thankfully i’m doing a little better now. but the nausea at the hospital was unreal i was unable to down tablet pills or anything and i was gagging every second it was horrendous. I also have super bad constipation. i feel so heavy. i’ve tried an enema but it didn’t work so hopefully i’m gonna try something else but other than constipation im doing okay now. Babe you had a similar situation is kidney stones very high after Bariatric surgery. the nurses and doctors told me it is because of the less water and food intake.
  4. Anyone else waking up feeling Nauseous, drinking water and feeling nauseous and too nauseous to even eat. As i wake up my mouth is white and so dry it’s hard to even move them as they are stuck together with barely an saliva. It’s also extremely hard for me to keep down any of my vitamins as they all make me extremely nauseous. Not to mention the constipation. i’ve been constipated since 15 days ago of my surgery and haven’t had a bm since. i’m not straining nor feel the need to go. I just haven’t been able to do a bm which has made my stomach pretty unhappy and feel sore.
  5. jthebutterfly

    Puréed Stage

    Thank you so much! for responding back to me i will take your great advice into account.
  6. Hi all, i am currently 15 days post op and am transitioning into my puréed stage of food. Any tips for puréed stage and being at work? i go back to work on the 25th and i work in Daycare/Childcare so a very attentive job. My surgeon has advised i need to wait 30 minutes to drink water and wait 10 minutes if i’ve had water to eat before hand. As i work this job it’s sort of hard. Any tips on what foods you guys ate im really struggling on this. I made a mushroom soup and puréed it and had a teaspoon of it and (TMI!!) regurgitated as the texture was awful. Please help me 🫶🏼
  7. So i’m on my broth stage and i don’t really know when i’m full to stop eating. my stomach kind of rumbles? Also when having broth should you wait every 15 minutes to sip on the broth. Same thing with protein milk or just sip at a pace you like? i don’t understand. Please please sleevers help me! comment below.
  8. jthebutterfly

    4 Days Post Op Gastric Sleeve!

    oh wow congrats on your puréed stage that’s fab! i also just got my period a couple of hours ago so yay adding all that to the pain, it’s a lot right now but the medication is helping me manage. Good luck in your puréed stage x
  9. On the 3rd of April i was scheduled for my gastric sleeve. That went great. i woke up with tons of pain all in my shoulder and belly. I had a extremely hard time drinking water but day 4 and it’s been much easier for me to get down the clear liquid broth that my mum made for me. It was really hard for me the first couple of days as i felt extremely nauseous and suffer with ‘Emetophobia’ so as you can imagine this has been a very hard experience none the less. I was in hospital for 2 days and was sipping on my fluids enough to be sent home which was great as the hospital was very great, welcoming and attentive i just became really home sick the third morning i was there so glad they discharged me that day. I am currently taking laxative for number 2, paracetamol for baseline pain and acid reflux medication i forgot the name but i’ll make another post maybe later on ever medication i’m taking. My 5 incisions are feeling a little sore but nothing i can’t handle but they are getting particularly itchy. I have been taking powerade zero sugar, gatorade zero sugar and Sustagen for protein in the morning my stomach has been able to tolerate that well so i’ve been enjoying that. for lunch i had a beef that was boiled in fresh coriander and yummy potatoes. (the broth was strained) hahaha. right now just focusing to up my fluid intake as much as possible as i don’t want to be dehydrated and follow my surgeons instructions with the broth and protein milk which has been going good. 4th day has been amazing for me. I was super emotional the first 3 days but today has been great for me. I’ve lost 5KG which is great pre op i lost 3KG and post op i’ve lost 2KG. Any tips or tricks or suggestions from fellow sleevers please comment below i’d really appreciate the advice. Any post op sleevers the same time as me please leave a comment i’d love to see how you guys are coping. Stay safe xx
  10. jthebutterfly

    April 3rd Buddies!!

    Oh how exciting!! Good luck with that! We’re sooo close on the same day. Wishing a speedy recovery for you!! And safe trip.
  11. jthebutterfly

    Any April Surgery Dates?

    April 3rd here too!! Good luck
  12. jthebutterfly

    April 3rd Buddies!!

    Good luck to you also! I am indeed on a pre op diet consulting of WLS shakes. April 6 yay! how exciting. Oh no.. the nasty stomach bug that’s going around now where i work. So sorry to hear that and hope for a speedy recovery. Thank you sm for your response. Wish you all the best and hope to talk again sometime soon.
  13. jthebutterfly

    DS surgery in 2 weeks

    3rd of April here good luck!
  14. Hi! i’m Jaz i’m 20 yo and i’m from Australia. I’m just 7 days from now i’ll be doing the gastric sleeve. Nervous yet excited. I can’t wait to start my new journey full of prosperity, success, health and happiness. 😊

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