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Everything posted by £€@h

  1. I enjoy smoking weed, I waited twoish weeks before I took a hit. It was small one tho because I was worried about coughing. All is well on my end.
  2. 1. Female, 44 5’9 2. 0 3. 344 4. 314 thats as far along as I am.
  3. £€@h

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    I’m almost a month out of surgery and I had little pain. The hardest thing for me has been not chugging liquids. I know I want water, but a sip here and there doesn’t quite quench my thirst. Nor do I have time to sip every two mins! This week I went for a two mile walk in the hills and realized my energy is way off. I had to stop and have a sip every five mins it seemed.
  4. I’m having this issue with my rings 😣🤪
  5. Yay! I get to start purées! It’s been easier than I thought being liquid only till now. I’ve had a few moments of weakness but three weeks and thirty pounds! Any one else start purées?
  6. Hello! I haven’t been on here for a few days, I went back to work and everything was good. Then Tuesday night I had some sharp stabbing pain in my side. Woke up took my multi vitamin and about threw up and then had blood in my poo. I called the doc and got seen. Turns out those multi vitamins need to be taken with something coating your stomach, I have a kidney stone and a hemorrhoid. People, people. Take the stool softeners, drink your water. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Other than that I’ve been good. I’m no longer crying when I make the family’s food, (I might still lick their food😏). I haven’t had a moment to catch up on everyone’s messages but I hope y’all alright! stay hydrated friends
  7. I apologize if this isn’t the right spot to let things out because everyone of y’all have been doing so good in your journey and I caught the funk and really don’t want to spread it. I’m about a week out from surgery and yesterday I made dinner for the family for the first time. I’m still strictly liquid but thought I should help my wife with the boys (1 1/2 and 5). I made them one of my favorites because it’s my eldest favorite too , rotisserie chicken salad with all the goodness. I wanted to eat it so bad!! I thought about licking their food, and I wanted to cry. I pulled it together and we ate dinner together, then with their food and me with broth. I made them dinner again tonight, salmon Brussels sprouts and rice. I was not as strong as yesterday, I cried dishing their plates, I even put some salmon in my mouth and sucked on it (I spit it out). I had to go to my room and cry. also I realize that this past week I have not been keeping up on my happy pills because I used to take all my meds at once and simply can’t do that anymore. I appreciate this space to type, complain and share victories. 🤟🏾
  8. Was you as nervous as you anticipated or did the vein champagne take care of that?
  9. Happy day! Hope everything went as planned!
  10. Yay! I hope the pain is manageable and the liquids are easy!
  11. Ha! I didn’t realize Walmart was the place to get it it going!! I guess I’ll give it a try!!! happy birthday Carla!!
  12. A glutton for punishment! I can’t even sit with my family at dinner because they get to chew food!! Other than the chest pain how are you? I’m noticing I’m getting headaches😞, my surgery was the second as well
  13. We’ve all heard that you need to be up and moving after surgery, tastes will be different, and so many other tidbits. But I have a few that no one has touched on. sleeping~ no tummy sleeping for awhile. I have been posted up in a recliner and when I sleep my mouth goes wide open and I get the nasty mouth funk. Brushing teeth~ I went to town trying to get the funk out but it made me gag which was uncomfortable. Be warned. Taking pills~ it’s not like before. One at a time with just enough water to get it where it needs to go. I have taken too much water and not enough, there is a learning curve. Do you have some tidbits to pass along no matter what stage you are in?
  14. £€@h

    Help!!!! POST OP

    Hi. Congratulations on going thru the surgery! You will lose weight, don’t worry! People have stalls and your body is reconfiguring your new system. I have been advised to stick with the doctors orders, hold off on all temptations and focus on staying hydrated and getting your protein in. Once you have healed you can add in an exercise regiment and a diet if you still aren’t satisfied. I think the soft food diet is cottage cheese, yogurt, beans and puréed foods. stay strong!
  15. Cat lady! I’m so sorry. You did all the right things, telling everyone who came into contact with you about the allergy, and still you were ignored. Oy. If you ever need surgery again maybe sharpie the instructions next to the site. hope it goes away soon🤞🏾
  16. The pain in the chest (for me) is from deep breaths. The doc fixed a large hernia while he was operating and that is the reason I have some extra pain. It’s mostly high near the shoulder, the real concern is painful normal breaths and shortness of breath.
  17. Maris! Welcome to the rest of your life! A seven hour surgery?! What happened? Were you anticipating that long of a surgery? So glad your on!
  18. Good advice on not pushing the boundaries. I’m just a few days out and think, I could eat some cottage cheese. I’ll wait tho.
  19. Good idea on giving my belly its own pillow! I also am an advocate of therapy. Therapy needs to be normalized. I have a personal therapist, a marriage therapist, and a friend and I also share each others therapists information!😂
  20. I look forward to the moment I can drink some water and actually feel satisfied with my drink. This one swallow and done thing is obnoxious. Like I just want to hydrate
  21. £€@h

    Lost all motivation

    So sorry to hear that you are with a piece of ****. “Never attracted.” “Emotionally invested”? What the heck. I hope you can look in the mirror and be proud of what you are doing and how far you have come. I hope you can find the strength to know you deserve to be loved and supported the way YOU need. I hope your children can look at you and say damn, my momma is so strong she don’t take **** from anyone. You deserve to be respected and if you have to ask for that then maybe it’s not the right relationship. 💕💗💕
  22. You got this! The docs did have me up and walking immediately and I have been taking laps around my house but the tightness is still there. I assume it’s the swelling inside as well.
  23. I don’t recall if the doc said the big breath tightness is normal. I have a follow up tomorrow and will ask. There wasn’t pain when I ate the pudding but nausea immediately. And the sweetness was overwhelming.
  24. I’ve been home for 24 hours and the surgery pain is tolerable, but like the doc said keep on top of it because it’s hard to play catch up. I got a wicked headache this morning and have been taking Tylenol. I am sleeping in a recliner and can’t wait to get back in bed. I like to sleep on my stomach so who knows when that will happen. I went for a pudding and ate a few bites and about threw up. I think it’s too thick and sweet. I have a tightness around my lungs and can’t seem to take a big breath. I’m learning not to chug water and I’m terrified of throwing up. Thanks everyone for support advice and stories!

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