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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LandofHopeandDreams

  1. LandofHopeandDreams

    Adding Fruit

    Hi all - It's not clear in any of the material given to me but when can I start adding fresh or frozen fruit to a protein smoothie? Thx
  2. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Hey all, sleeve done on Sep 6 and am home. Not sure if it's gas or just cramping or nausea but definitely not a fun feeling lol. Abdominal wall pain is more than I expected but trying to get up and walk through that pain. Hoe everyone is doing well!!
  3. Just Awesome! (as a little tear in my eye forms...). Really nice to hear and thanks for sharing that
  4. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Oh man that sucks, sorry to hear!! well at least you don't have to do the damn liquid diet again!!!
  5. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Day 1 of the 10 day liquid diet.. Ooooo, fun... <complete sarcasm> End it with some nice explosive diarrhea. OK, 9 more to go til surgery
  6. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    One more week til liquid diet starts! It's starting to get real...
  7. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    HAHAHA, Same here, I just got three amazon packages...
  8. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Three weeks to go til Surgery. I'll tell you the one thing that is tripping me up BIG TIME!!! I am really struggling with this no drinking while eating... That one is going to be some work back when I'm eating normally for sure
  9. LandofHopeandDreams

    Immi Ramen

    The broth is really good, but I did not like the noodles or the texture. Take my review with a grain of salt though, I don't like ANY of the alternative pastas either (Chickpea, cauliflower etc..)
  10. LandofHopeandDreams

    Adding Fruit

    There never is an easy answer here is there 🤣🤣 I've got that on my list to check with the team as well, thanks all!
  11. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    So what is everyone doing while playing the waiting game??? I'm eating reasonably, definitely indulging in ice cream a bit more than usual as I'm going to be saying goodbye to that for a long while 🤣. Getting a ton of riding in as well, taking advantage of some nice weather! Holding off on any weight training, I'll plan to start that after I get cleared after surgery. Mentally, I'm ready. Still have some lingering fear and remorse that I need to make a permanent change to my body to finish losing the weight. Hope everyone is doing well!!
  12. LandofHopeandDreams

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Scheduled for a Gastric Sleeve on Sep 6th!!
  13. LandofHopeandDreams


    Looking like I will have a Sep 6 surgery. Just waiting on insurance confirmation... Good luck everyone!
  14. LandofHopeandDreams

    Recent VSG peeps...

    How long did you take off from work? I have my pre-op appt with Surgeon next week and am curious how long you gave yourself to go back. I work remote so won't be too taxed. Thanks!
  15. Hi all - I'm going through the pre-work necessary for GS surgery and wondering if anyone has any experience with exercising for long periods after surgery? Are 3-4 hour bike rides or hikes out of the question? Not really sure how easily it is to stay hydrated with a reduced stomach 🤷‍♂️. Thanks!
  16. LandofHopeandDreams

    Post Surgery - Ability to Exercise for long periods ?

    Thanks all! I think the unknown for me is how much will I be able to drink at one time, I basically chug 12-16 oz at each stop when I ride today....
  17. Hi all, new here. Well, of course I've lurked here at times over the years but ran away every time.. A little bit about me, been heavy most of my adult life, managed to live fine keeping most side effects at bay. Sleep apnea, use a machine, HBP under control with meds. No diabetes or other issues. Three years ago I hit my highest at 450 and as covid got rolling I started to exercise a bit more and watch diet a bit better. Then all the wheels started to fall off lol. Knees giving me some problems which then led me to find out I was bone on bone for both knees. So I continued to get better on the diet and switched to biking and rowing. Phentermine/Topiromate helped along the way and ultimately lost about a hundred pounds. Had to stop those though when I had an Afib incident. Kept myself in the 350 range but man has this plateau been tough. Doc has me on ozempic, A1C was also starting to creep up, to see if that will help but it really hasn't done much. I'm ok with diet but still not where i need to be to lose another 75 pounds, which is my target to get knee surgery. I truly believe that once I get my knees fixed I can be active enough to aid the weight loss. It's tough now with the knee. So why am I here.... well my Primary and my cardiologist have both said it's time to really think about surgery. They both feel there are too many metabolic/hormonal challenges to continue my same approach. I met with the surgeon yesterday and he's recommended a sleeve. I'm at my whits end and feel like I have no other choice, but at the same time I read these stories about GERD, constipation and all these other side effects I turn around and say eff it, it's just not worth it. At least I'll die happy... I know, not exactly healthy, but I'm being honest... I've started the process, have a meeting with Nutritionist next week and psych and Endoscopy are after that. Likely can't get this done until August so I have some time to reconcile in my head the future, but right now I'm a bit overwhelmed and a little defeated. I'm going to poke around here some more, thanks for reading. Mark
  18. Hey all, I'm still in the research phase and trying to understand what life on the other side looks like. In my first effort at losing weight the Dr. told me I have a BMR of around 2100. Does that factor into my caloric intake post surgery at all? The info from my surgeon seems to indicate that they are shooting for around 1100 calories but I'm not sure if thats to get to goal or after I met goal. Anyway, a little confused and just trying to understand how those may tie together... Thx! Mark
  19. LandofHopeandDreams

    BMR and my future self ???

    Thanks @RickM. That makes sense. Mine was measured using an Inbody body comp scale . Appreciate you all taking the time to respond!!
  20. LandofHopeandDreams

    Met with surgeon, I just don't know...

    Thanks everyone, I think I just need to come to terms with this. In my heart and intellectually I know its the best way, I just need to get there emotionally....

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