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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by futureshrink

  1. futureshrink

    I'm Hungry are You?

    You are the day after me. I could handle it better if my neighbors would eat out and stop cooking! Plus I have to pee constantly...is that normal?
  2. futureshrink

    Anyone November 2020

    I was going to get the sleeve initially as well but since I already had a failed band surgery, I just didn’t want to go through any more surgeries than I have to.
  3. futureshrink

    November 2020 sleevers

    It’s a hard diet. It gets better after the first few days. It’s still not fun but it does get at least manageable.
  4. futureshrink

    November 2020 sleevers

    Yay! You got this! 🥰
  5. futureshrink

    November 2020 sleevers

    It’s perfectly acceptable to be scared and anxious as you are preparing for a really big surgery and life change. But if it’s any reassurance I’ve had the band, I had a lap band repair and 12 years later had the band removed and all of those surgeries went just fine. I’m having gastric bypass surgery next week and at times I get a bit anxious and that’s okay. It’s a big deal. But if you look at percentages you have a waaaaay bigger percentage of doing just fine than having a complication. Feelings are valid and okay, good or bad. But rest assured you are much more likely to be okay than not. Stop reading horror stories about surgeries that haven’t gone well and spend time thinking about what size spring clothes you are going to need. Go through a Romans catalog with your daughter and pick out fun outfits. Think about what life is going to be like in the months ahead...there is a lot of lovely new things that will be happening for you. 🥰
  6. I think you have good support and that’s really important. I would agree that this is the safest place post. Folks here get it...the whole spectrum of successes and failures and struggles and triumphs. I feel like if I was having a bad day for whatever challenge is happening that day, I could post here and feel like I was getting support and encouragement . You’ll do what’s right for you and what’s comfortable for you. We all have different experiences, limits, and thresholds. Best of luck to you. 🥰
  7. futureshrink

    I'm Hungry are You?

    Whether folks survived it or not it’s still really hard and we get to whine about it. Giving up coffee has been the worst!! I remember missing Diet Pepsi with my band years ago but it went away after a while and I never touched it again. I think I will have a harder time with straws. I sit here with my hydro flask and drink all day from the straw lid. right now I’m a bit burnt out on sweet...protein drinks, protein water, jello...broth only gets you so far. But soon this part will be over. you just have a few days to go! Sending you super positive thoughts! 🥰
  8. futureshrink

    I'm Hungry are You?

    I’m on day 5 of pre op diet. The irony for me is that I don’t feel hungry...but I haven’t felt that in years which I am wondering if it has something to do with the band because I was never hungry with the band. I had a hard time regulating back then because I didn’t get normal hunger pains but my blood sugar would suddenly drop. mu issue right now is having to pee all the time. I haven’t gotten a decent nights sleep since I started the prep diet because I’m up every hour. I am scared to limit my fluid intake. I don’t remember this before my other surgeries. 😩
  9. futureshrink

    Anyone November 2020

    I had my band removed and it was a piece of cake
  10. I had lap band surgery about 10 years ago and I posted everything. Long story short band slipped twice and had to be removed a year ago. i have opted for gastric bypass for a number of reasons but I have let very few people know this time and haven’t posted anything on social media. This is why. when I had my first surgery I was thrilled, it worked, I worked hard and lost about 100 pounds. Everyone wanted to talk about it. And then my band slipped and I gained every pound back. And then I had the band repaired and I dropped 100 again. And then it slipped again and I did nothing about it until my weight crept back to my original weight over a 4 year period. I was not prepared to have to explain my story over and over including my failures. I also found that even though I was not in a huge body anymore, I still felt every bit as fat as I had when I weighed the most. I needed to process not being a fat girl anymore and I found I didn’t share the same excitement as everyone else. I never got any bullying or negative comments, even after I failed and people who love you will be over the moon at your progress. For me, it’s a choice to not have the super personal conversations over and over with people that aren’t in my inner circle. And to be honest, I am my own worst critic and every goal I don’t accomplish doesn’t need explanation to people I went to high school with. But that’s just me. I’m more selective about what I share now than I was 12 years ago. this time I started an art journal as part of the Brooklyn art project. It goes to a library I. New York anonymously. I can get my story out on my own terms.
  11. futureshrink

    November 2020 sleevers

    I’m day 4 and I’m a *&$#@(,% ray of sunshine
  12. I am scheduled for 11/8. Would love to connect with others. I’m at the giving up coffee, sugar, solids stage so I’m a super ray of sunshine. You’ve been warned.
  13. futureshrink

    How Much Is Too Much Popcorn?

    Popcorn is also my "go to" food. I can't eat a huge big bowl, but I can still eat a microwave bag...mostly. My surgeon says no restrictions on popcorn.
  14. futureshrink


    I used to love coffee...I swear I had been drinking it since I was a kid. Post band...I can't stand the taste of it. I still love the smell, I still want it, I just can't drink it. I used to love chocolate, and now it's more like "eh."
  15. futureshrink

    Hiking anyone?

    Hi all, Is anyone interested in hiking on the weekends? I have been hiking alone for a while now, mostly in the Gorge and Mt. Hood and aside from giving my friends and family constant heart attacks as they wait for a call from search and rescue...I probably should find a hiking pal. My brother got me a geocaching kit for Christmas and I am dying to go do some. But I would love a hiking buddy. I am slow as hell (no understatement) but I love love love being out in the early mornings for hiking (and by God, I can do it!). If anyone is interesting in hiking it would be great!!! Chris
  16. futureshrink

    Looking For A Buddy In The Northwest Area

    I am in Gresham (Portland) area. Is anyone interested in hiking? I have been going hiking a lot and although I am slow, would love a hiking/geocaching pal....any takers????
  17. futureshrink


    Ironically, since my band, I am never ever hungry...it's crazy. Often I get low blood sugar and dizzy as a sign I haven't eaten enough.
  18. futureshrink

    the trainer at the gym

    Everyone has an opinion about what works and what doesn't. My doctor said simply...move your body. I don't want to force myself to do things I hate, so when I go to the gym, I do what I like, know I am moving my body, sweating and working toward being healthy...
  19. futureshrink

    fish oil

    I think the fish oil is a mixed bag. I have been doing Coromega liquid fish oil for a while now. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but it doesn't hurt. I have heard so much controversy about fish oil, but there are probably benefits to it.
  20. futureshrink


    I was up and around after a few days and back to work after a few weeks. It was the liquids that was a bigger pain for the weeks following the surgery.
  21. futureshrink


    I have tried to drink a diet Pepsi twice since my band and lemme tell you, it hurt like hell after a few sips. There is no golden rule about carbonation. Some people like me can't do it, but some folks can. Some people can do a sip, some can drink a beer. A lot depends on restriction.
  22. futureshrink


    I have the same issue if I eat close to bed time. Reflux is very common with the band. Try not eating anything after 6pm and see if that helps.
  23. futureshrink

    Is a second chance possible?

    Hi Lyndz, So here's my story...I was first banded in August 2008. I dropped 100 pounds pretty quickly, but within a year, my band slipped. The surgeon unfilled my band for the several months before my second surgery and I promptly gained all the weight back. I have since dropped the 100 pounds again, but haven't really lost a lot recently. I felt so angry and stupid when I gained all the weight back. I remember being in the mindset of "Wow that's a lot of food" before my band slipped...and then when it was unfilled, thinking..."I haven't had a hotdog in over a year...oh boy!" If I had self control issues, I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place, right??? It's been 2 years since my last band surgery. I am back in the mindset of how much food is too much...and being careful about how much I eat. One of my biggest problems is not eating enough, particularly in the mornings and getting myself to the gym regularly. I think it is easy to feel bad and feel like a failure. I sure did. But it's like any addiction...take it one day at a time. Last night I was missing my family...and most of us have that love hate relationship with food...so I ate 4 Cookies before bed...and was coughing all night due to reflux and throwing up this morning...ick. I knew that would likely happen and it did. Everyone and their uncle can give you advice about how to do it correctly or better, but we are all in a crapshoot. Our metabolisms differ, our ages, our activity levels, what we like to eat, how willing we are to work with the band or how easy it is to "trick" the band, how honest we are about our fills with our doctors, how much support we have. Judging from being on this website, we are all in the same boat. Some more successful, some taking their time, some needing a kick in the ass now and then...seriously, the gym is 2 BLOCKS away!!! The only advice I am going to give you is, be gentle with yourself and start again tomorrow and take it one day at a time. Focus on your successes and ask for help when you are struggling. Take care, Chris
  24. futureshrink


  25. futureshrink


    From the album: futureshrink

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
