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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Andrew6

  1. Andrew6

    protein shakes

    my doctor told me to get about 150 grams of protein a day. I think the problem people have with gas is getting all their protein in one sitting. They hear wow 50 grams of proten in 2 scoops, why not have 4 scoops, thats even better. Which in actuallity isn't. Your body can't handle that much at once. Thats what causes the gas. Do a search on too much protein and side affects.
  2. Andrew6

    protein shakes

    I'll stick with my Isopure with Water and save the protein mixed with icecream or milk for special occasions, keeps me from getting burned out on one thing.
  3. Andrew6

    protein shakes

    I tried making them early once. When you make the shakes the Protein tends to settle at the bottom. might be ok but glasses will be hell to clean afterwards.
  4. going pretty decent. Do you need any help?

  5. Andrew6

    Walking times?

    When I first got my band I did alot of walking I mean alot. I'd walk about 11 to 12 miles a day. Of course as time went on I dropped off (mainly b/c I hate the cold.) Its starting to warm back up and I'm doing my walking again. I walk about 4 to 5 miles right now and usually jog or run 1 or 2. The question that I am having is what is a good pace time for walking? I usually average about 10 to 12 min's per mile. Is that average or below average?
  6. Andrew6

    Walking times?

    I walk very fast. I jog a mile in about 7 min. My honest to goodness goal is to look like a freak, LOL:tt2:. I have huge arms and legs and chest and just want to make them bigger. I guess I actually need to cut back on my activity level and work more on weight lifting but I have a weak shoulder from football in high school.
  7. Andrew6

    Walking times?

    heh I kind of like sticking with walking b/c I'm a uhh ::: COUGH ::: smoker and I usually do it while I am work and only run at night so I get paid to work out lol. I don't know what the contractors on days would say if they saw me running around the units. They'd probably chit themselves and think they need to follow me.
  8. Andrew6

    New and thinking hard

    I think for alot of folks including myself the surgery is a way of saying " I give up." Makes you think I couldn't do this on my own. I am weak minded and can't loose weight myself. I completely understand your fears. I spent 9 monthes debating and reading etc... I think what finally changed my mind or basically had me leaning more towards it was wanting to live. I wanted to have children and watch them grow. I wanted to be a parent that would be in the yard playing with them instead of in the house to lazy and tired to get out. I think what you have to find is that getting the band is not in essence giving up but more or less realizing you can use some help. It may not be the best thing out there but its the best for now. You can think about it till the cows come home and try every diet under the sun but when it all comes down to it, Do you want to live life and have fun. Or do you want to be trapped inside your fat self like a prison and slowly or quickly (depending on size/age) die. I chose to live and I hope you do the same.
  9. They have a smiley on the sports talk I'm on that says this thread is worthless with out pics. I think this thread is leading to that. I am curious myself. I've always had absolutely beutiful legs. (told I have womans legs) Anyways that being said my thighs don't touch any more but they are flabby looking now.
  10. Andrew6

    protein shakes

    Isopure makes both. I prefer the powder b/c I'm a cheap (Donkey). The bottles cost about 40 bucks for 16 and the powder costs about the same and can make about 3 times that. If you get the bottles though any flavor tastes good. If you get the powder only one like is fruite punch. I've tried several different types and hated them.
  11. Is that possible with out laying down? What are feet LoL j/k Good idea though.
  12. How goes your weight loss chica?

  13. Andrew6

    protein shakes

    Protein mixes that mix well with Water and don't taste like well you know. Only one that I have found that works the best is Isopure Alpine Punch. It mixes well with water and tastes just like fruit punch. Be wary of some of the others that are out there. Some might say pure protein and have low carb/sugar content but have alot hidden sugars and will lead you to the question "WHY AM I NOT LOOSING WEIGHT, I WORK OUT AND CAN'T DROP A POUND." Also be wary as to limit yourself to about 35 to 40 grams of protein and allow time for your body to use it. If not you will have issues with gas (very stinky gas). Also is not good for your kidneys. Drink plenty of water and you'll be fine.
  14. Andrew6

    Pizza and Pancakes

    I tried pizza about 5 monthes after I got banded. I had the meat and cheese and left the bread alone. I didn't however keep it down though. Body wouldn't handle it. I haven't tried pancakes but being I live in the south and there are waffle houses on every corner, I have had a waffle sorta. I put the butter and syrup on it and had about a ½ of a ¼. so I guess that makes it an 1/8th lol. and it went down ok. I think it was more of the mental thing on that one that made you go what the hell are you doing. I did however enjoy a mixture of grits/eggs/ and chunked up bancon. mmmmm Lots and lots of black pepper.
  15. Andrew6

    Emptying Band For Travel?

    I guess it is what it is. This subject seems to very touche'. People that havn't had an unfill have differnet ideas of those that have had it done. That being said i'd feel better off speaking on thoughts of religion, abortion and sports than this one.
  16. Andrew6

    Emptying Band For Travel?

    no one said anything about losing the band. said get unfill for a vacation to make sure they don't have medical complications. I am pretty sure I'd be thinking the same thing especially in a foriegn country.
  17. I don't know if I want to do PS and I've never been one to worry about looks too much more on the health aspect of things. I was worried about my future. I'd like to have kids and see them grow up some day. As for in first went in I was considered to be in total perfect health. They were even amazed at my blood pressure. It ran at 122 over 82 and now runs at 112 over 74 . Alrighty be good I'm going to go back to argueing with the crazy chic in the unfill forum dealy.

  18. Andrew6

    Emptying Band For Travel?

    i am thinking you have a personal issue here. The band is a tool to help you loose weight not a crutch. Don't ever forget that. If you havn't changed your habits or should I say Culture of eating after the surgery then shame on you. But don't ever come to me with some hollier than thou concept that if a person wants an unfill because they want to indulge a little bit, they should be treated like a lesser human. This person is going on a once in a life time vacation and wants to have a good time with out the worries of a medical condition or issue while gone. I say have at it and have fun. When you get back start your adjustments again. As for a Fat Mentality ( there is a reason you, me and everyone else here has it) WE WERE/ARE FAT. P.S. if you read my previous posts you will also understand that even with an unfill that doesn't neccisarily mean you can eat more and Indulge etc... Your stomach has shrunk. You will not ever be able to eat like you did before unless you just completely do the opposite of everything you were told for an extended period of time. To the orig. poster HAVE FUN!
  19. no problem, I am starting to wonder if my skin will start to pull back or just hang. Its not really giving me an idea either way. I've lost alot of weight and still have gut. It's gotten alot smaller but still has a bit of a hang over. I am wondering if I lose more if it'll tighten up or just look like loose skin.

  20. i think they only charge 150 for non patients. might wanna check them out. main and braeswood

  21. where do you go that it costs so much?

  22. Andrew6

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I had something similar happen a few monthes back. Couldn't even swallow water. I just called them and told them i needed an adjustment and they took out 0.3 cc's and I was fine. Of course now when I got for fills I only do it in ½ CC increments. instead of 1 to 2 cc's
  23. puppies are good still about as small as my cell phone. as far as fill prices I pay 20 dollars which is my copay. I'll actually be going in for a fill tommorow. I had all mine done through insurance.

  24. Andrew6

    Emptying Band For Travel?

    I think we need to change the name of this thread to "empty band ignorance" I can understand everyones fear and thoughts of relapse, but good night how many have actually had an unfill? As I have stated before when you do unfill you are still un able to eat like you did before the band was put in. Your stomach is still small. You don't see ethiopians get more food and are able to gorge themselves. You will have your limits. you will still get full quick. I think everyone is wayyy over thinking this. Get your unfill, go have fun. The only problem you will have is say you're at 6 cc's right now when you come back they will only put in about 2 to 3 cc's to work you back to your 6. That may take some time but you will continue to lose weight and still remain full. My last thought on this. When you reach a point where you're due for a fill you can eat more you, get hungrier more ( you can gain weight again), Am I right? So to anyone that doesn't rush and get a feel do you say the same to these folks? You're cheating yourself etc... Hell no its just usually about lack of time or if the place you go to has openings etc...

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