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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    following weight watchers???????

    Back in my "dieting" days, I always had the most success with weight watchers. I still believe it is a great program. I know of a few people who tried it after banding and after being sleeved, and they said they find it difficult to even come close to getting in the number of points they are supposed to eat in a day.
  2. *susan*

    Wii Active

    Tiff, maybe I will have to reconsider it once the budget allows. Daisy, I think we have all done something like that one time or another. I was in a hurry once and backed out of the driveway knowing darn good and well my hubby's trailer was right behind me and ran smack into it. I haven't lived that down to this day and it was years ago. What is important is that you are okay.
  3. What I find phenomenal is how she has gone from being overweight to now training for an ironman. That is so amazing and inspirational.
  4. *susan*

    Dr. Aveves patients

    Hi Lizzy, and welcome to the forums. Dr. Aceves did my sleeve, but I revised from band to sleeve. Because of the problems I was having, I was on a complete liquid diet for a week prior to my surgery to give my tummy a chance to heal from the problems the band had caused. So, I would not be a good one to answer your question. I am sure some of the others will answer you soon, though.
  5. *susan*

    Onderland is here ! ! !

    That is a great idea! I can't wait to see the pictures, I bet they will be wonderful.
  6. *susan*

    High Protein Vegan/Vegetarian Options for Us

    This looks interesting. I will definitely take a look at it tonight after work.
  7. *susan*

    Yaaaaaaay vsg!

    Complain away! I know I will everytime I stall. :001_smile:
  8. Happy birthday!

  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Plain, I am so glad you are online after I go to bed at night. Thanks for explaining everything so perfectly. You are my new hero!! The main thing to understand is we don't just randomly ban someone the first time there is a problem. There are usually numerous complaints from several people, warnings via pm and sometimes publicly. And, when we do ban someone, we are banning the person, not just the id. Lulu, your new puppy is so adorable and lucky to have you. Good morning everyone else, even those who don't love me anymore.
  10. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ha ha, thanks for the advice, Plain, I might give it a shot.
  11. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks, Michelle. But, alas, I am not too popular in here right now.
  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I will not, nor should our staff discuss with any member of the forum the reason behind our banning someone. As Plain said, this is something the staff discusses behind the scenes and makes decisions on. Very, very often, I also consult with Alex to make sure he agrees if it is a particular tricky situation. LBT has certain rules. One of the biggest ones we stress is to attack the idea, not the person. When people are unable to follow those rules, then we have to take action. We cannot allow a person to get away with this simply because they have a group of followers who find he/she amusing. Especially because there is usually an even larger group of followers who are not amused. Being a moderator of a large forum is not always an easy job. You don't see us keeping the forums clean of spam, because that happens behind the scenes. You don't see the nasty pm's we have to deal with from people are mad at us for making whatever decisions we deem necessary. You don't know how frustrating it is to deal with a situation and then see it further inflamed by members who feel the need to then start a thread specifically for the purpose of adding more fuel to a fire that we had hoped to put out. The bottom line is, this is a support forum for weight loss and the band. It is a place where people should feel safe to discuss their issues without fear of being attacked or ridiculed. If someone crosses the line on too many occasions, then our team will address it and deem what appropriate action needs to be taken in order to continue to keep this a place of support.
  13. *susan*

    my first week..aaaggghhhh

    Have you tried sugar free Popsicles. I found them to be a real treat during the liquids only stage.
  14. Not a good way to find out, I would imagine.
  15. *susan*

    Unbelievable that I did this!!

    Hayley, I have been that way since getting my sleeve too. And, I hate it because I really do love milk. I used to drink several glasses a day.
  16. *susan*

    Onderland is here ! ! !

    Wow, he is just going to be floored when he sees you! I wish we could all be there to see his reaction.
  17. First off, when someone is banned, it is NOT appropriate for them to continue to post by signing on under new names and making a mockery of their ban. Second, the arguing that has been going on among the same people over and over is ridiculous. Stop it, now. Thread closed.
  18. *susan*

    A narrowing?!

    Hi Erin, I am so sorry to see you are experiencing these problems. For the most part, you have been given very good advice. I apologize for the negativity you have received from one member, we are truly a support board here and want to help you through this. Most of us understand that no ones knows better what you are going through than fellow bandsters. May I ask a few questions, you may have already answered these, but I can't remember now? When were you banded? How long were you on liquids and when did you move to mushies? Also, I know someone already mentioned this, but some of your symptoms do sound like you may also be dehyrdated. Are you getting plenty of Water? Make sure that you are. And, as others have already suggested, I would also suggest liquids only until you get in to see your doctor in a couple of days and get a better idea of what is going on. Keep us posted, and let us know what you find out. We are happy to help you through this new experience and want to see you succeed.
  19. You are doing wonderfully! I never found a protein shake I liked either. I get mine via regular food and am much happier that way.
  20. It definitely will pass. Mine lasted for several weeks, but eventually things do even out again.
  21. If I got on the scale everyday, I think I would go crazy. I only allow myself to weigh once a week. Sunday morning is my weigh-in day. I have my hubby check it with me. That way, I keep myself accountable. I think that one's weight fluctuates so much from day-to-day, that I have never seen the point in weighing every day.
  22. Hi Oregon Rose, I too am sorry you are experiencing so much discomfort. Everyone recovers differently from surgery. Hopefully, you will be feeling much better quickly.
  23. Tabbie, welcome to our forums! Your story sounds so familiar. I had almost the exact same problems as you. Towards the end though, it was more of not being able to eat anything at all, even with very little fill in my band. I wasn't losing weight either, because I was living on ice cream, it was the only thing I could keep down. If you are able to stick to a healthy eating plan, then another restrictive surgery, aka, the sleeve, would probably work well for you. I revised to the sleeve and the difference is like night and day. I no longer spend just about every waking moment of my life wondering if I am going to be able to eat or not, avoiding social situations in fear of embarassing myself by pb'ing, etc. You don't have to worry about fills and unfills. The sleeve just works. I don't think about it at all. I eat, and when I no longer feel hungry, I stop. That is it. For the most part, I make healthy choices and I do exercise. I am very pleased with my weight loss thus far. Please let us know if you have anymore questions, and what you decide to do.
  24. *susan*

    Wii Active

    Daisy, how did you smash up your car? Are you okay? I thought about getting a wii, but it just isn't in the budget right now. I don't think we would use it much anyways. Plus, we go to the gym.

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