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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Making the switch... One day

    Mine was all done in one operation as well. I wouldn't have wanted to go under the knife twice, unless it was unpreventable.
  2. *susan*

    NSV shout outs

    Steph, I like your idea about posting them above the scale, but I think I will take it one step further and post it in the pantry and on the fridge. That would be a good reminder whenever that urge to eat something not so healthy strikes.
  3. *susan*


    Oh, kettle corn, yummy. Maybe I should just stay out of this thread!
  4. My experience with the band was great the first two years. I lost a good amount of weight and was thrilled with it. Then, I got overfilled one time. After that, things were never right again. My band slipped three times. Even if I had almost zero fill, I found eating to be very difficult. I started living on ice cream, which I know was a very poor choice, but if it is the only thing you can get down and keep down, well, that is what you eat. I ended up gaining most of my weight back as a result. In April, I had the opportunity presented to me to get sleeved. I was miserable with my band, tired of pb'ing everything I tried to eat and my quality of life had literally gone down the toilet. Since getting sleeved, I have my life back. I have perfect restriction, don't worry about if I am going to embarrass myself when eating out in public anymore, am losing weight and feel great. Getting the sleeve is the best thing that has ever happened to me in terms of my health.
  5. Okay, you guys have just about convinced me to not go to VS. For me, comfort is what is most important. Well, maybe just one sexy negligee once I reach goal from VS will be called for. But, in terms of bras, if I am in them all day long, they must be comfy.
  6. Lisa, I am so sorry you are struggling right now. Have you tried doing the five day pouch test to get off of the carbs? I know it is tough to do, but it really does work. Don't give up on yourself, we all go through times where we struggle a bit with this. I don't think we would be human if we didn't. We are all foodies, that is what got us to this point to begin with. So, it is not surprising when those old cravings/demons rear their nasty head. We just have to find a way to deal with them. My way of dealing with the cravings is by not cutting myself off completely from the foods I enjoy, yet know aren't good for me. I allow myself a few treats every so often. If I didn't, then I would probably go on a binge and eat that stuff all the time. But, because I do let myself have those things, I am able to do so in moderation and continue to lose weight. You mentioned drifting away from your support groups. I think right now is when you need them most. Perhaps getting some counseling and making sure you are checking in with your online groups daily, and any other support groups you may have will help you get on track again. Also, you need to talk to your husband about what is going on with you and the emotions you are feeling. Perhaps he can attend a support group with you. It would help him to better understand what you are going through and be able to better support you. Lastly, have you considered moving to the next stage and getting the DS? If that is something that you are able to do, perhaps it will help you in continuing your weight loss efforts. Whatever you do, we are all here for you. Never apologize for venting. We are here to share and help one another with both the good times and the rough times. You have come so far, we want to be able to help you keep going.
  7. *susan*

    VSG & Acid Reflux

    I didn't have any problems with it prior to my surgery. Since the surgery, once I ran out of Nexium it kicked in big time. I started taking Prilosec. Every time I have tried coming off of it, I get major acid reflux within twenty-four hours.
  8. *susan*


    Jenn, I was going to mention the same thing, about moving forward to the DS. As far as regrets, my only regret was that I didn't get the sleeve sooner.
  9. *susan*

    30 day shred

    Oh man, I hadn't thought of those "sweating to the oldies" videos in years. But, I do remember working out to them.
  10. Ahhh, shopping at VS, one of my main goals to achieve yet. I can't wait to buy something sexy from there.
  11. *susan*


    I am craving popcorn, may have to make some tonight.
  12. *susan*

    30 day shred

    That looks like it would be fun. But, I would probably be too self conscious to do something like that.
  13. *susan*

    Where is everyone???

    I had all my fun on the weekend. Hubby had to work today and kids are off with their friends. So, I am catching up on mass quantities of laundry and surfing the net. I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Seems like a lot of people are fighting colds right now.
  14. *susan*

    30 day shred

    What is Zumba? I am curious.
  15. You too! Oh no, this is turning into a regular epidemic!
  16. *susan*

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    Have you looked in the complications and life after lap band forums. You may find some interesting information there as well.
  17. Happy birthday!

  18. *susan*

    Surgery Week of August 24th?

    Yep, right now it is all about you and healing.
  19. *susan*

    August Sleevers

    Hi travelchick, thanks for checking in and letting us know how you are doing. Wow, they took your spleen? I have never heard of that happening before during VSG surgery. At any rate, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.
  20. Ky.hen, you are already wonderfully supportive to everyone here!
  21. This really did make me laugh out loud.
  22. *susan*

    New Pics.........

    Wow, what a difference. I wish I would have thought to keep clothes from when I started out, that was a good idea.
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    *cautiously steps in and peaks around* Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!
  24. *susan*

    Two days out.

    I am glad they determined you didn't have a leak, and seem to have the other issues under control as well. I hope you have a speedy recovery and I can't wait to see that ticker start moving.
  25. *susan*

    NSV shout outs

    Loving this thread! My favorite thus far is the one I posted about last week. I can no longer buy my clothes from the woman's department at Kohl's. I now can shop in the regular sizes.

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