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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Anybody watching Biggest Loser tonight?

    He chose the brunette, Tali (spelling ?).
  2. *susan*

    New VSG gal

    Hi Tania, we are happy to have you join us. You sound like a very busy and fulfilled lady, that is great. Congrats on getting the sleeve, we look forward to getting to know you better as you go through your weight loss journey.
  3. *susan*

    don't make this mistake

    Jachut, your post just made me hungry!
  4. *susan*

    Needing some help

    It is definitely good news to hear that you are improving!
  5. *susan*

    Anybody watching Biggest Loser tonight?

    I sometimes will tune into it when it is in. But, last night I was watching the finale' of "more to love."
  6. *susan*

    Homecoming outfit

    Tiffy, I love it! I am thinking we all wish we could be there to share this moment with you. I am sure it is going to be wonderful.
  7. *susan*

    NSV shout outs

    Dange, that is a great NSV! Finding bras that fit larger size woman who are well endowed can be difficult and expensive.
  8. Hi Suzy and welcome. I had the band, and have since revised to the sleeve. If I had to do it all over again, I would have definitely gotten the sleeve first. Keep us posted on how things are going. We look forward to taking this journey with you.
  9. Hi Trudy, and welcome. There is a pharmacy right across the street from the hospital, so you won't get lost finding it. My husband went and picked up mine for me, but honestly, I probably could have walked over and got them myself without any problem. If you have a laptop or a good book or something, take them with you. Gas-X and a heating pad come in very handy! Take a robe and some slippers, and comfy, loose clothes for the trip home. I also took a pillow, which was wonderful on the plane ride home. I used it more to support my tummy than anything else. Something I really wish I would have had was some really thick, comfy socks because it always seemed to me like it was just freezing there in the hospital. So, if you tend to be like me and get cold easy, plan for that! I am sure some others will chime in here soon. If I think of anything else, I will add it.
  10. *susan*

    Shock Message!

    Wow, Henry, I would have been pretty darned excited to open that letter too! And, it sounds like you are doing great with the sleeve, congratulations!
  11. We just explained that I had just had major surgery and was on a very specialized diet and that I would not be able to eat what they served on the plane. I showed them my paperwork from Dr. Aceves and they were very accommodating.
  12. *susan*

    iphone vs blackberry (which one?)

    Okay, now you are officially talking my language here. I am a major phone geek, so much so, that I even manage an Android forum. I have owned Palms, Windows, Blackberrys, Android and presently, the iPhone. Palm of the olden day, I was not impressed with. However, I have heard great things about the Palm Pre. Windows, I just don't care for. They tend to have a lot of problems and their applications are quite expensive. Blackberry's are good, solid phones. However, they tend to be more directed towards business use. The applications are good, but also tend to be expensive. I love the Android phones, but as it is a relatively new platform, there are not a lot of really, really good applications to choose from yet. However, the prices for their applications are very reasonable. Right now, I am sporting the iPhone and have to say I absolutely love it. In terms of being user friendly, I think it is the best out there. I also feel that it has the best selection of applications and the prices are very reasonable. When I am in the tracking my calories mood, I use Livestrong's The Daily Plate. They have a great app for the iPhone. I keep track of my weight using an app called Track Weight. It provides me graphs and great statistical data on my weight loss. Most recently, I downloaded the C25K program which is a couch to 5k program, which, happens to integrate with the Nike + iPod program that comes with the iPhone. In addition to managing my weight loss, the iPhone has every app imaginable to manage my life as well. I am terribly forgetful, and the to do lists app I downloaded helps keep me on track. I love the weather apps, the Grocery IQ program, facebook app, etc., etc. Seriously, I could go on for hours about this. Bottom line, I say go for the iPhone. It has a good camera, does video, iPod, you name it.
  13. I changed planes three times on my way home, and was on for about ten hours as well. I was having problems with loose bowels before I left the hospital, so the staff gave me something to help with that. They also gave me some of the broth they served me in the hospital to take on the plane with me. The flight attendants were great about reheating it for me. My husband explained to them that I just had major surgery, and if it were possible, could we be in a row with just the two of us. They were more than willing to accomodate so long as the seating was available. I made sure to wear really comfortable clothes and to be honest, the flight wasn't bad at all. I actually slept most of the way.
  14. *susan*

    Food Intolerances

    I have become lactose intolerant since getting my sleeve. I was a major milk drinker, so it was really difficult for me. I really craved milk and things like ice cream, etc. But now, at five months out, it really doesn't bother me neither as much anymore. I got used to not being able to have those things, and no longer crave them near as much. Once in a while, the ice cream bug does hit, but I know I am better off without it.
  15. What stage are you at? Are you still on liquids only? If so, to be honest, I found it absolutely impossible to get in the required amount of protein until I moved to mushies. Part of my problem was I just don't like any of the protein shakes.
  16. *susan*

    Needing some help

    Like the others have already posted, this is definitely something you need to see your doctor for. Please let us know what you find out.
  17. *susan*


    Welcome to our forum, Cindy! We are definitely pleased you have joined us and look forward to getting to know you better.
  18. Shanda, that is wonderful, I am so excited for you! We will all be thinking about you tomorrow. As soon as you feel up to it, please let us know how you are doing.
  19. Yay, we are so glad you guys are back! We have definitely missed you. It sounds like you had an absolute blast. I can't wait to see some pictures.
  20. *susan*

    Paid Posters and Other annoying people

    First off, I am extremely disappointed to see a thread such as this has been started. The bottom line is this, WASaBubbleButt is no longer the admin of this site. She has not been banned from the site, she simply chooses not to participate on this board anymore. The reason behind her and Elisabethsew no longer being admins, or posting here is between them and Alex, no one else. Continually bringing it up is not going to change things. It is best to let what is in the past remain in the past and move ahead. As WASa has not posted here in going on three months, I am not sure why drama over her needs to continue? It makes absolutely no sense to me. As for the topic of this thread, unless someone can step forward with solid proof that someone is a paid poster, I suggest that accusations not be made. Everyone is allowed to post here on their experiences with their doctors. Just because they may not be the doctor you chose, or I chose, or Jane Doe chose doesn't mean they are not invited to our forums and not invited to join in our mission, which is to offer one another support in regards to being sleeved. Please people, let the ugliness end. We are a support board. Many of us have made friends here and come here for support, guidance and that friendship. It saddens me when I hear how many people have been scared away from VST out of fear of being bashed if their choice of surgeon is not the "popular" choice or fear that they will have accusations made against them simply because they support their doctor. Seriously, this just needs to stop.
  21. *susan*

    Not Sure Where To Put This

    You can click on "view forum leaders" on the main boards and it will show you what you are looking for.
  22. Janette, I am also sorry that you are going through so much. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that you recover quickly.
  23. *susan*

    How much more can I take?

    Daisy, I am so sorry about your dog. They are our best friends and members of our families. You have had to endure a great deal recently, but in the end, you will come out a stronger person. I am sending lots of hugs your way.
  24. Happy birthday!

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