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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Congratulations on getting your date. It won't be long now!
  2. *susan*

    Hey! New Dude

    Hi Dave, and welcome to LBT! Like Kiz said, I found things started to level out after the third day as well. From there on out, it was much easier. Keep us posted on how you are doing and let us know if you have any questions.
  3. *susan*

    Leveled Off????

    Hi Brad, Actually, it is not unusual at all to reach a stall about this far along. Most of us experience it. I hit mine right about the same time as you, and the scale didn't move for almost four weeks. I wasn't doing anything different than I had been. I think our bodies are going through many changes, and this is just part of the adjustment period. It will even back out again. I am now consistently losing between 1-3 pounds every week again.
  4. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    krtork, glad you heard from your daughter and she is well. My son started college this year too. I always heard parents saying they couldn't wait until the kids are grown and moved out. I don't know how they say that. I miss my son so much. We talk every day and he sends me texts all day long. I don't know what I will do when my daughter goes in two years.
  5. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Heart, sorry to hear you are having problems. When I was having problems with my band, it was just like Kat said. Prior to getting the complete unfill, the only thing I could tolerate and keep down was ice cream. I got so sick of it and was just craving healthy foods. When I got my unfill, I found myself going after all the veggies and healthy foods, they tasted so good after being able to only eat junk. Hopefully things will get straightend out quickly and you can then slowly work yourself back up to proper restriction again. I know you can get through this. Kat, please pm me with Paula's address as well, thanks.
  6. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Kat, thanks for letting us know. I am so sorry to hear that it was cancerous and truly hope they were able to remove all of it. Please let us know if you hear any further information.
  7. *susan*

    My Favorite Protein Smoothie Ideas

    These look really good, thanks for sharing them!
  8. I love that our dogs are getting healthier with us! I have two dogs, the lab is perfect weight. But, the doxie was about six pounds over weight. His belly almost dragged the ground when he walked. Now, when I go out for walks, they both go with me. I also put Winston on the weight management dog food and he has now lost three pounds.
  9. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    G4E, thanks for updating us. I hope everything goes well!
  10. *susan*

    is this for seniors?

    Good luck tomorrow, Cajun! Let us know how you are doing as soon as you feel up to it.
  11. *susan*

    Post and Win a 16GB iPod Nano!

    Yay, Ky.hen! Congratulations on winning!
  12. *susan*

    Hello, I'm a Newbie

    Hi Nana and welcome to our forums. You will love it here, we are like a big family. I revised from the band to the sleeve in April. I think the band works wonderfully for many people, but then there are those of us that do have problems with it. I am so glad there was an alternative available. I have been very happy with my revision. Let us know how things go next week. And if you have any questions, don't be shy, ask away. We love to help each other out here.
  13. *susan*

    Port Pain

    My port area was always tender for a few days after a fill. Like melmarlem, I usually would bruise a little too. I think it is normal, but with anything, if the pain continues for too long, check with your doctor.
  14. *susan*

    do your shoes still fit?

    Mine shrunk too. I have gone from a 9W to a normal width 8 1/2. I am amazed at how much cuter the shoes are just from going down that tiny bit.
  15. *susan*

    Ipod with non-Nike+ shoes

    Thanks for sharing that. I was going to start the c25k last week, but ended up being down with the flu again. So, my plan is to start tonight. The c25k app I downloaded on my iPhone interacts with the nike+ app, so I am actually excited to see how everything goes with it.
  16. Happy birthday!

  17. *susan*

    LapBandTalk Member Contest

    Woot! Congratulations, girl!!
  18. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Interesting statement...ironic, actually.
  19. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Uh, Lulu, I am pretty sure I offered an apology for my post on facebook. I even received a pm from Rhonda stating she hated having bad blood between us. She also admitted to handling herself poorly and was embarrassed. A message was also sent for my husband apologizing for the comment about who did I blow to get this job. Based upon my saying I made a mistake, and her saying she did, I thought all of this was done and over. I mean, seriously, everyone is human, everyone makes mistakes. This is supposed to be a support forum. This one thread is poisoning LBT and I am really, really saddened by that. I agree with Alex, it is time to move on and get back to the real business of this message board, which is to support people in their weight loss goals.
  20. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am not sure why you find that insulting? He obviously has a specific group of people who seem to find him entertaining. Every time he came back under a new name, he got more and more insulting and the same group of people continued to encourage him, which is probably why he continues to create new names. I am sure if he hadn't received all the encouragement, he would have accepted the temporary ban and would probably be back posting now.
  21. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I would like to know what "sensitive state" I am in? I have a great job, I love my co-workers, I have great friends, I have great kids, my husband and I are doing awesome, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I seldom drink, I'm not pregnant; so what is this sensitive state I am in?
  22. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am going to step in and defend myself. I cannot believe what is going on here. Yes, I was slammed in a thread and got tired of seeing all the complaints going on over the moderator team deciding to ban someone. I had worked about 70 hours that week putting on a major event at work, and ended the week with the flu. So, as I admitted then, I was a bit on edge. I am a human being, we all are. My statement on facebook never mentioned anyone's name. NEVER! It said I wish people would quit whining and have another glass of wine. As soon as I posted it, I realized I shouldn't have, even though I didn't in any way, shape or form indicate who or what I was talking about. I deleted the status within two minutes of posting it. I told Alex about it as well. Now seriously, is that what this is all about? Because, it really seems blown way, way out of proportion to me.
  23. Greg, you really need to go ahead and call your doctor and tell him what is going on. I understand how upsetting it will be if you have to postpone, but it is better safe than sorry.
  24. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Most of us work. However, I check LBT in the morning, during my lunch and usually have it opened in the evenings when I am at home. When we receive a reported post, we all are notified immediately via email. Like many of the mods, I have an email capable phone and it is acted upon immediately. Please understand, most of the time we try to handle situations privately, behind the scenes as opposed to publicly. Very seldom is a situation addressed publicly unless there are multiple people involved and a situation specifically warrants it. We also cannot be in every thread at all times. That is why we rely on you, the members to use the report button when there is a situation that needs to be addressed.

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