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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Welcome to our forums! We are definitely glad you have joined us. I had the band and revised to the sleeve and have never been happier. You are in a great position, in that your insurance will cover the sleeve. So many of them don't, and most of us end up going self-pay.
  2. Vegas, that is probably the truth!
  3. *susan*

    Out of the twos!

    Linda, congratulations on onederland! I am so close, I can practically taste it! Can't wait to join you!
  4. *susan*

    Need advice- 4 days post op

    As far as the Protein goes, I pretty much gave up on getting the full amount in until I started on mushies. I just found it impossible to do, especially because I never did find a Protein Drink I could tolerate. The fluids are so important. Don't be like me, and end up in the hospital on iv's on three different occassions because you get dehydrated. I know how tough it is, but just sip, sip, sip. Suck on ice cubes. Eat sugar free popsicles. Just get those fluids in you any way you possibly can. I promise, it will get easier. After the first month, I had no problems getting in my fluids or Proteins. But, right now, you just really have to concentrate on getting them in. You can do it!
  5. Happy birthday!

  6. Here ya go: nina@bandgastricbypass.com
  7. Congratulations on getting your date! That is always very exciting news. Your new life is just around the corner.
  8. Hi Boo, I stuck with the sportsbra for about a month after my surgery. After that, I was able to go back to underwires without any problems. You are still pretty tender right now from your surgery, which is why the underwire is bothering you so much.
  9. *susan*

    Seminar tonight!

    Welcome to LBT, I am glad our forums were able to help you in your decision. Let us know how it goes tonight and if you have any questions.
  10. Eventually, your body will start producing some ghrelin again, but not anywhere near to the extent it was prior to your surgery. At almost six months out, I do experience occassional hunger, but it is usually true hunger and reminds me that it is time to eat, because I actually forget to sometimes.
  11. *susan*

    My sleeve story

    Thanks for sharing your story. I really do think it helps people to feel more at ease, especially when they are using the same doctor as you. It looks like everything went very smoothly for you, that is great!
  12. Lizzy, I have never heard of that before. I don't see how they could deny you. But, maybe asking your surgeon for a note stating it is safe for you to travel by air would be a good idea?
  13. *susan*

    Anxiety Around Food?

    What you're feeling is actually pretty normal. Think about it, for most of us, food is our best friend. We turn to it when we are happy, sad, mad, anxious, you name it, food was always there for us. Once you have the sleeve surgery, you tend to go through a bit of a mourning period, primarily while on the liquid diet. Once you get back to solids, you will see there isn't anything you really can't eat. Sure, you need to make healthy choices most of the time. But, even skinny people who don't need weight loss surgery have treats. I allow myself treats. The difference is, I am now able to enjoy just a few bites and be satisified as opposed to binging and gaining weight. I don't get upset when I am full, because I know I will be able to have and enjoy that food again, just not right now. I promise, you will feel much, much better once you are off of liquids. Be strong, you can do this and we are here for you.
  14. Hmmm, maybe we should start a weight loss support site for doggies?
  15. *susan*

    Hi! I'm New

    Hi there and welcome to our forums. We are glad to have you join us! Feel free to ask lots of questions, we are happy to help any way we can.
  16. *susan*

    VSG Surgeons in Boston

    Michele, I hope you are able to find someone in your area. That is wonderful that your insurance will cover the surgery for you!
  17. Good luck today!

  18. *susan*

    Menstrual cycyles

    It could be in part due to all of the changes your body is going through right now. Mine changed when I first started losing, but it was more the opposite of what you are experiencing. I went close to two months without having one. You and I are the same age. About a year ago, I started having the exact same symptoms. Within about six months, I was having one every 13 days and it would last for close to two weeks. It was miserable. I visited my gynecologist and it turned out that my uterine lining had thickened to almost 10 inches more than what is normal. I had to have an endometrial ablation. It is a very simple and quick procedure done in an outpatient facility. She said this is fairly common for woman our age. So, if it continues, I would suggest making an appointment with your ob/gyn just to make sure everything is okay.
  19. *susan*

    I have my date!!!

    Joyce, congratulations!
  20. *susan*


    We love LBT and we love all of you guys!
  21. Thanks, you are the best!

  22. *susan*

    Home Sweet Home!

    I am glad you had a good experience and are doing well. I hope you have a quick recovery.
  23. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have pretty much stayed out of the “drama” and let Alex deal with things the past few days. However, I did want to comment on a couple of things. First being, I love this site and I love Alex’s sleeve site as well. I am passionate about weight loss, helping others in their efforts to lose weight, and gaining the support I need as I also continue in my weight loss journey. Alex has done a great job building his weight loss forums and I, as well as hundreds and hundreds of other people get the support they need as a result of his vision. A couple had indicated because I no longer have the band, I do not belong on this site anymore. True, I am now sleeved. However, I am still a person who has had three years of personal experience with the band. I am still a person who has experienced weight loss surgery. And, I am still a person who is battling against the disease of obesity. That is a common struggle all of us share. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be here. Saying I don’t belong here because I am sleeved is like saying, “you have reached goal, are no longer obese and therefore you don’t belong on this site anymore.” It just doesn’t fly. The bottom line is, as I said, I am passionate about weight loss and supporting others in their efforts. That is what this and Alex’s forums are about. That is the common goal we all share. Whether we are just starting, revisions, or at goal, we all still share that common battle of obesity, and we all deserve to be here and help each other out in any manner that we can. Some of you started voicing your “opinions” that I should step down as administrator on this site. However, I sleep well knowing that overall, I feel like I do a very good job for Alex. He has done a great deal for me, and I am happy and honored that he allows me to be a part of his forums and do what I do for him. And, while there have been seven or eight people who were very adamant that I resign, I have learned there are far, far more people who appreciate what I do. To all of those who have sent me emails, pm’s, facebook messages, etc., thank you. Thank you so much for showing me your support and that you do care and do feel I am doing a good job on these forums. The numbers who have contacted me in a show of support far, far outnumber those few here that do not appreciate what I do. I am okay with that. Not everyone in life is going to like you. We just have to do the best we can every day. I know I am doing that. And, I will continue to do that. I think it is time for all of this to end. We have over 72,000 members on this site. Only a few of those seem to be unhappy. And, unfortunately, no matter how hard I try, Alex tries, or anyone tries whether it be on the internet, at work, or anywhere else in our lives, you simply cannot please everyone. You either accept things, or you move on. Life is too short to carry over such anger and hatred. And to allow something to continue to eat at you, and to continue to fester is unhealthy. Have a great evening everyone.
  24. *susan*


    Hi Jen, and welcome to LBT! We are glad to have you join us.
  25. *susan*


    Welcome to LBT, Gramma-O. Sounds like your pre-op is going great and the pounds are just dropping off, that is wonderful.

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