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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    i'm sleeved!

    I can just imagine how bad it tastes. When I had my band, I started taking adult liquid tylenol because it went down easier for me. I discovered it works so much faster than the pills, so both my husband and I use it now, but it is hard getting past the taste of it.
  2. *susan*

    i'm sleeved!

    I have never seen the capsules either. But the tablets aren't that big and I have no problem swallowing them.
  3. *susan*

    1 week post op

    Sounds like you guys are doing great, glad to hear it!
  4. Hi Clemma, and welcome to LBT. You can still eat at family gatherings, it just won't be your primary focus anymore. Now you can focus on spending time with your family and enjoying one another's company.
  5. More than likely, the swelling has started going down in your tummy and that is why you are starting to experience hunger. Remember, the band is designed to work with fill in it. Right now, you probably have very little. What you are experiencing is normal. Once you reach proper restriction, which may take from 1-3 fills, you will not feel so hungry anymore and you will get full very quickly.
  6. *susan*

    i'm sleeved!

    Cajun, to be honest, I didn't even bother attempting to get my protein in until I was on mushies. I just tried to concentrate on getting enough fluids. As far as acid, I left Mexico with a three month supply of Nexium. When I ran out, I tried going without anything, but my body disagreed. So, I take the otc Prilosec as well, and it works great. Even at six months out, if I miss one day I have major acid reflux.
  7. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Glad to see BBK, Diva and CC back again!!
  8. *susan*

    2 years out and need to talk

    Hello and welcome back! I understand where you are coming from, I think it happens to a lot of us. The first year or so, we are so excited about our new tool and we are really following all of the guidelines closely and doing wonderful. Then, we start to get a little lax with what we are doing and not as motivated as we were in the beginning. Have you tried keeping track of what you are eating? I know that always helps me when I plateau or fall of the wagon a bit. Sites like www.sparkpeople.com , www.fitday.com , and www.thedailyplate.com offer great free online food tracking. Another good tool with the band, that I used many times to help me, was the five day pouch test. To read more about it, go here: Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test
  9. Woo Hoo!! I am so doing the happy dance for you right now. That is fabulous news, congratulations!
  10. Jennifer, we are so happy to have you join us. Like the others, I can't imagine a more wonderful birthday gift for yourself. If you have any questions, just let us know.
  11. *susan*

    just banded 9-21-09

    Tracy, welcome back! It is good that you waited until you were sure you were ready for this life change. I am sure you are much better prepared now and will do fabulous with the band.
  12. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Bernadette, did you save any of that lasagna?
  13. *susan*

    Any other Canadians out there?

    Hi henner, I know we have several members from Canada, and I am sure they will check in with you soon.
  14. Girl, you are just melting away! Way to go!!
  15. *susan*

    i'm sleeved!

    Cajun, glad to hear the surgery went well and you had a good experience. As for Isopure, I couldn't tolerate it or any of the protein drinks. You really need to go slow and learn what your body is going to like and what it isn't. The gas isn't fun, do lots of walking, that is the best way to get rid of it.
  16. *susan*

    Homecoming date set

    Tiff, I am so excited for you. I know both of you are looking forward to this. I wish we could all be there with you to share in the moment.
  17. *susan*

    Sexuality and the sleeve

    Bob, there is nothing inappropriate here. I agree, I think when we are heavier, we lack confidence in the way we look and how we feel about ourselves. Therefore, we are uncomfortable with sex. We also just don't have the energy. As the weight starts coming off, we start gaining more energy, compliments are coming in from people about how good we look and our self confidence and image of ourselves improves greatly. And, lets face it, when one is morbidly obese, you can be very limited in terms of, well, I guess the best way to say it is moves. Now, without all that excess weight, we can experiment a bit more and in general, find the whole act to be a heck of a lot more enjoyable.
  18. Hi Angie, and welcome. Sounds like you are doing great with the pre-op, congrats on losing 8 pounds already. That is wonderful!
  19. *susan*


    Hi and welcome to LBT. The first three days of the pre-op diet seem to be the worst. Hang tough through them, and then you should be fine.
  20. *susan*


    Heartfire, do you want us to close this thread to help avoid any confusion?
  21. *susan*

    Hi everyone!!

    Hi Genna, welcome to the forums and congrats on getting banded! We look forward to getting to know you as you go through this journey.
  22. *susan*


    Hi there, and welcome to LBT. The pre-op diet can be rough, especially the first three days. You just have to keep your eye on the prize, getting your band and a new and healthier you. You can do this, and you will get tons of support here to help you through the process.
  23. *susan*

    Got my approval!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, that has got to be one of the quicket approvals ever. Congratulations, that is wonderful news.
  24. *susan*

    Food issues, now in reverse.

    Honestly, I have to say I agree, at this far out, you are not getting enough calories. You need to trust yourself, and trust your sleeve. You have a teeny, tiny tummy now, it is not going to allow you to over stuff it. I think if you allow yourself to eat, once you realize the small amounts you are able to eat, you are going to realize you don't want to fill yourself up with junk. Your body will actually crave the healthy foods and that is what you will want to put into it. Sure, you can have treats, I am sure we all do. I enjoy treats, but I have also changed my relationship with food to where I am now satisifed with a few bites knowing that I can have it again, just not right now. Does your doctor have a nutritionist? Perhaps you can make an appointment with him/her to go over these feelings you are experiencing. He/she could maybe help you by working out a sensible meal plan for you to follow, and then maybe you would feel a little better knowing you have a structured plan to follow. That way your body would be getting the fuel it needs, and you would be more comfortable knowing you are getting what you need and still losing weight. Perhaps also speaking with a therapist might help as well. They can also provide a lot of insight and help when it comes to issues like these.
  25. *susan*

    Newbie too

    Hi henner, welcome to VST. You will find we are all one happy family here. Hopefully, your name will come up on that list much sooner than three years, we will all keep our fingers crossed for you!

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