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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Thank You Alex!

    New toys are the best! Then again, I am a complete techology geek.
  2. Hey, Time-For-Me, welcome to the forums! We love your mom, she is such a sweetheart. We look forward to taking this journey with you and getting to know you better.
  3. Happy birthday!

  4. I don't know your husband, but the point I was trying to make was what thinoneday was saying. Is he normally abusive or controlling? If not, then perhaps there is a deeper fear there that he has not verbalized to you. We all know how men are, then need to keep up their tough facade at all times. However, if this isn't typical of him, then perhaps he is actually concerned about something happening to you and the possibility of losing you from a medical complication. Or, perhaps he is concerned that you will lose weight and once you do, other men will begin noticing you again. Maybe he just needs reassurance that you love him and the size of your body is not going to change that. And, if he is concerned about complications, that is why I suggested he attend a seminar, talk to the doctors or even join this forum and talk to us.
  5. Jeff, thanks for keeping us updated. I am six months out and very satisfied with the amount of food I am able to eat. In the beginning, I could only eat a few bites of food before being stuffed. Now, I am still not able to eat a lot, but enough that I am satisfied and able to sample a little bit of everything on my plate. The thing is, I had the same worries as you did pre-surgery. But, I think you will find that once you have the surgery, food is not near as important to you anymore. Sure, there are times when I am eating something and it tastes really, really good and I would love to be able to eat some more. But then, I remember that is what got me fat to begin with. I then remind myself that I just can't eat anymore right now. I will be able to eat and enjoy this food again, and I am okay with that.
  6. *susan*

    Weekend Social Club

    That is amazing, Mac. You are awesome.
  7. *susan*

    not losing anymore!

    Yay, Ruthi, it is always a happy moment when you step on the scale and the stall has finally broke. Way to go!!
  8. *susan*

    Hi from Louisiana

    Good luck today, Feffers. We are all thinking about you!
  9. *susan*

    Missionary hoping to be sleeved soon!

    Hello and welcome to our forums. We are so, so happy to have you join us. You will find a great deal of support and friendship here. I commend you for the wonderful work you and your husband are doing. You are obviously two very, very special people. And, you obviously have a very special, loving mother for her to be willing to help you get this surgery and improve your health. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask. There is always someone here who will be able to help you. Best of luck in all of your endeavors!
  10. When I was first looking into WLS and getting the band, my husband was dead set against it. Not because he thought he I was taking the easy way out or because he thought I could do it on my own, but because he was actually afraid something bad would happen to me. I asked him if he would go to a seminar with me and listen with an open mind. He did, and to my surprise, he asked a lot of questions. He spoke with other people who were considering the surgery and listened to their struggles. He asked the surgeon a lot of questions. By the time we left there, he had a much better understanding of what I was going through and the actual surgery itself. From that point on, he supported me 100%. Do you think it would help your husband if he were to talk to a surgeon about the surgery, or possibly sign up and gain some insight from some of us about how difficult it is to lose weight. It is an addiction, just like smoking or drinking. The difference is, we can't just quit eating, so that makes it that much more difficult. Regardless, you need to do what is best for you. But, it will be so much easier if your husband is supportive of you through the process.
  11. Happy birthday!

  12. I believe Norma is a therapist. I will send her a pm and ask her to post here. Hopefully she can help you with this.
  13. *susan*

    Newbee with questions

    Hello there and welcome. I am a band to sleeve revision. I have to tell you, if I had known about the sleeve first, I would have never had the band. It isn't nearly as drastic as some weight loss surgeries. Basically, all they are doing is reducing the size of your tummy. It functions the same as anyone else's, it is just smaller. And, they remove the portion that makes ghrelin, so you don't feel hungry all the time anymore either. The best thing is, no fills, no unfills, etc. You get the sleeve and you immediately have restriction. That is it, you are done. I remember when I got my band one of the biggest attractions was that is was reversible. But now, I realize that isn't so important, because I don't ever imagine waking up some morning and thinking, "gee, I wish I were fat again." As for Dr. Huacuz, I personally don't have any experience with him, so I am unable to comment.
  14. Thanks for updating us. I am sure you will have more questions after the seminar. Don't be afraid to ask questions there, and come back here and ask questions. We will help you out as best we can.
  15. Hi Claire, and welcome to our forums. We are glad to have you here with us. One of the first things to remember, is don't compare your weight loss to others. Everyone is different, everyone loses differently, and everyone's body reacts differently to surgery. Your body is going through a lot of changes right now. It went through the shock of surgery, the pre-op diet and now the post-op diet. You may still be retaining a lot of fluids as well. I wouldn't worry about weight loss right now, just concentrate on healing and recovering from your surgery. I am sure the weight will start dropping soon as long as you are following the food plan as prescribed to you by your surgeon and are exercising.
  16. *susan*

    NSV shout outs

    Ha, Ha, Ruthi, you never know!!
  17. Hi and welcome to the forums. For me, the worst part was the first three days. I had a non-stop headache, I was lightheaded and had no energy. But, after day three I think my body adjusted, everything leveled out and I felt fine. Like Deedee said, you have to keep your eye on the prize, your reward is your sleeve. Good luck, I know you can do this.
  18. *susan*

    headaches after surgery

    I didn't have any problems with headaches following my surgery. I hope yours continues to get better, if not, I would definitely have it checked out.
  19. Hi guys, No reason to start getting personal and attacking one another. I think we can keep it friendly while debating the issue. As for LBT, we neither advocate nor promote the use of marijuana. It is clearly stated in our rules that "All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of LapBandTalk will be held responsible for the content of any message."
  20. *susan*

    My Appeal Draft W/references

    I wonder if employers have ever stopped to think that if they include WLS in their insurance coverage, their premiums might actually go down. Think of all the health problems we resolve/avoid by losing weight.
  21. *susan*

    when do others notice?

    Attitude, ask him in what ways he can tell. I never asked my hubby if he could tell I was losing, but one day we were lieing in bed and he had his arms around me. He commented he could tell I had lost a lot of weight because his arms now completely go around me.
  22. *susan*

    First Procedure

    Vegas, hold on to Bearded!! He is definitely a keeper!
  23. *susan*


    My family is big on pasta, so we have a fair amount of it. I am just careful to eat half of what I would eat in a non-pasta meal because it does swell up inside and you can be pretty uncomfortable if you are not careful.
  24. *susan*

    Indiana, Ohio or Florida?

    Hello and welcome to VST. I am from Florida, but to be honest, do not know who here in our state does it, or the price. I went to Mexicali to have mine done. I am sure some of our other members will see your post soon, and hopefully they will be able to offer some suggestions for you.
  25. Definitely easier said than done, Helen. Like you, I do believe my family is also eating a bit better as well. I no longer buy all the junk that I used to, and they haven't complained about it at all.

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