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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Had a GOOD day today :))

    I am trying so hard to get myself in the right frame of mind again as well. I really wanted to reach my onederland goal by my birthday, but I don't think I am going to. I still have 3.4 pounds to lose and only six days to do it in. My problem is when I get stressed, I eat. Well, actually, I graze, all day long. Last week was really stressful at work due to a major event on Saturday. This week is not looking much better due to people at work being angry with other people and me just trying to stay out of the middle of everything. But, I am forcing myself to track what I am eating and try not to graze.
  2. Norma, I am so happy for you that your time has come. You have been so patient waiting for this date. Best of luck to you, let us know how you are doing as soon as you feel up to it.
  3. *susan*

    Broke into the two-fers

    Bob, you look fabulous and are doing so well! Be proud of everything you have accomplished, you definitely deserve it.
  4. Thanks for updating us. I am sure waiting for that approval phone call is tough, but I am keeping good thoughts for you that the call comes quickly and with good news.
  5. *susan*

    the gas is....

    The best thing for the gas problem is like Carolyn said, walk, walk and then walk some more. And just when you think you have walked enough, go for another walk. :thumbup1:
  6. *susan*

    Cup of Noodles??

    Aside from them being high in carbs, you want to be careful eating any type of pasta. You may feel like you have eaten a small amount and you stop eating thinking you are satisfied. Then, about twenty minutes later you find you are absolutely miserable because that "small amount" has swollen up inside your tummy to twice the size.
  7. *susan*

    Does it Ever Stop

    Sweating has never been an issue. I have always been a person that is freezing, no matter what the temperature or my weight. It tends to drive my family crazy.
  8. Agreed, thank you for sharing that with us Steve. What happened to your brother is very sad. Kirasoma, I am worried, we haven't had an update from you. I am hoping everything is okay.
  9. I truly believe with this wonderful surgery, and the support we provide one another on these forums, each and every one of us will reach our goals and all of our dreams will come true.
  10. *susan*

    November Sleevers

    Judy, I was the same way. No nerves at all, surgery day couldn't get here fast enough for me.
  11. Just popping in to welcome our new members. We are definitely excited to have you join our family.
  12. I forgot about My Fitness Pal. I like Daily Plate because they have an iPhone app that syncs with the online app. I know a lot of people that have also started using Weight Watchers Online because they also have a new iPhone app that is included in the WW online price. I haven't checked it out though, as I am pretty happy with what I have.
  13. I am pulling for you and have my fingers and toes all crossed. Keep us posted.
  14. Speaking of hineys, I noticed mine isn't huge anymore!
  15. Chancie, I also understand where you are coming from. What is wierd is people are so used to seeing me at 283, that at my current weight they think I am perfectly healthy. They say if I lose anymore, I am going to be too skinny. Hello, I don't even weigh under 200 yet, that is still obese! Vegas, I like www.thedailyplate.com, there is also www.fitday.com, www.sparkpeople.com and some others. I don't care for spark though, you get slammed with a ton of annoying emails from them.
  16. *susan*

    Chicken Pot Pie

    Oh man, this looks really good. Especially now that the weather is starting to turn a bit colder.
  17. I am six months out and cannot stop taking the Prilosec either. If I go just one day without it, I am suffering.
  18. Okay, you guys have inspired me. I am so determined to hit onederland before my birthday, I just have to!!! So, I moved my Livestrong app back to the first page on my iPhone and am going to start religiously tracking everything I put in my mouth. I am going to back away from the gatorade and start drinking nothing but Water again. And, I am going to up my exercise. The weather is cooler now, and the dogs love taking me for brisk walks at night, so I am going to let them walk me every night. (yes, they walk me, not the other way around, lol). On November 1st, I will be under 200 pounds, I WILL!!! And then, I will finally post some progress pictures.
  19. Kirasoma, first off, welcome to the forums. I am so sorry about what has happened to you. I can't imagine the disappointment you must have felt when you woke up and discovered you did not have the surgery. Then, the anxiety that followed from concern over your liver. I know you are anxious to have the surgery and start the weight loss process. However, you need to take care of your liver first. It is important that you are in good health. Please keep us posted on what you and the doctors find out. We are all here and pulling for you! :cursing:
  20. *susan*

    I luv my sleeve

    It doesn't necessarily happen to everyone. Mine was falling out a little, but it wasn't very noticable because I have such thick hair and it only lasted for about two weeks or so. If you do experience some loss, it is usually only short term and grows back pretty quickly.
  21. *susan*


    You know, you are right. She hasn't posted recently. I hope everything is okay with her.
  22. *susan*

    Tell Your Story

    Hi Katydid, and welcome to our forums. I am sorry you had so much trouble with the band. There are just some of us that seemed destined to have problems with it. I am also a band to sleeve revision and the difference is night and day. I am so much happier with the sleeve. You are not a failure. food is just as much an addiction as alcohol and drugs are. The difference is, we can't just quit eating. Until someone has actually walked in our shoes, it is difficult for them to understand how hard it is to commit to exercise and diet. Many of us need help, such as weight loss surgery. If it were as easy as some make it out to be, then there would be no obese people in this world. We are all here to support one another. You will find we are more a big family here than anything. And we are here for you whenever you need us.
  23. *susan*

    chickened out

    Welcome to the forums. Dr. Aceves will review your medical information that you provided to him. He will order all of the necessary tests based on that information for the day before your surgery. When you get ready to go home, he will provide all of the test results, surgery records, etc., for you to take back with you. As for your PCP, your body, your choice!

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