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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Judy, that is wonderful news! I am really, really happy for you.
  2. *susan*

    Chat appears to be down

    I heard back from Ken, he said he should have the issues resolved shortly.
  3. Bob, that is great about your dad complimenting you. As for me, I am 43 and have lost almost 85 pounds. I really haven't noticed any differences in my face in terms of looking older or wrinkles. I have people frequently tell me they don't believe I am 43 when I tell them. I also have a full skin care routine that I do every morning and night to help prevent signs of aging and I think/hope it is working, lol. p.s. Thank you Carolyn!!!!
  4. We will look into this. Probably the easiest thing to do would have been to just send us a message though.
  5. *susan*

    Chat appears to be down

    I have notified Ken about the problems.
  6. *susan*

    chat room help

    I wasn't aware there was a problem. I will notify Ken.
  7. *susan*

    I am in the hosptial

    Hey Daisy, just checking in to see how you are feeling and if they are going to let you go home today. I hope you are doing well.
  8. *susan*

    My surgery in Mexico

    Hello and welcome to the forums, we are so happy to have you join us. I didn't have my surgery in Juarez, so I cannot speak to that. However, I think you will be surprised at how easy a surgery this is, and the recovery process. Best of luck, and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  9. *susan*

    My turn 11/19!!!!

    Best of luck today. We can't wait to hear how you are doing!
  10. I am so excited that your surgery has been approved and you are on your way now!

  11. Good luck today!

  12. *susan*

    I am in the hosptial

    Daisy, sending lots of good thoughts and hugs your way! Please keep us posted on how you are doing and I hope you get well quickly!
  13. *susan*

    need some motivation

    What you are experiencing is not at all unusual. Very often, once we move from full liquids to the next stage you will notice that you stop showing a loss on the scale. It is okay, your body is going through some major changes right now. It will adjust and soon you will once again start seeing the results on the scale. In the meantime, make sure you are also taking your measurements. While you may not necessarily see the numbers going down on the scale, you may still be losing inches. Don't let yourself get discouraged. I promise, the scale will start moving again.
  14. *susan*

    Does anyone else do this???????

    I do that at home all the time. I still load up my plate like I did pre-surgery and my family always laughs at me because they know by the time I am done eating, my plate isn't even going to look like I touched anything it. Old habits die hard, I guess.
  15. *susan*

    Hubby gone

    Ruby, I understand how tough this can be, but I am proud of you for having your first NSV and not turning to food. Please know that we appreciate what your husband and your entire family are doing for us and we are all here for you when you need us.
  16. You sound like you are going into this with the right attitude and should do wonderfully. It won't be long now!
  17. Ginny, good luck. I understand your writing a letter to your family, but I assure you, I am confident everything will go just fine. Best of luck and we look forward to hearing from you soon!
  18. Janette, thank you so much for checking in with us and letting us know how you are doing. Many of our members have been very concerned about you. I am so sorry you have had such a difficult time of things. I am happy that you are home with your family and do seem to be improving now. I will keep you in my thoughts that you continue to improve and hopefully soon this will all just be a very distant memory and you will be well on your way to a happier, healthier you.
  19. Hi Dale, take a deep breath and relax, lol. You know what you did, you recognized it and now you need to move on. What is important is that from this point out, you stick to the pre-op diet as prescribed by your surgeon. If this is the only slip up, I am sure you will be fine. Many doctors don't even prescribe pre-op diets for their patients.
  20. Ha ha, Carolyn, those are some good ones. You are definitely on a roll.
  21. *susan*

    NSV shout outs

    Thanks. I thought it was great. They were surprised at how many woman, and even men got the tattoo. They had originally hoped to raise about $2,000, but ended up raising well over $10,000, which is amazing!
  22. *susan*

    NSV shout outs

    I love reading these NSV's, they are great. I admit, I especially enjoy reading some of the R rated and up ones, lol. I had a great weekend. I got a new tattoo. October was breast cancer awareness month and a local tattoo parlor was doing the pink ribbon tattoos for free, as long as you gave a minimum donation of $20.00 to breast cancer research, so me and a coworker got one. Here is the picture, just pretend I am wearing a bathing suit: Then, I went to get my nails done for the first times in six months. I went to my same nail tech I had been going to forever, and she didn't even recognize me! She couldn't believe how different I looked with all of the weight loss. Lastly, I had an appointment with my OBGYN on Tuesday. One of the reasons I have always dreaded going is because not once in the past 25 years have I been able to close those darn gowns they make you wear. I realize they are going to see us in our all anyways, but still, I like to remain covered up for as long as possible. I was pretty darned excited when I was able to completely close the gown with no gapes whatsoever. So, those are my most recent NSV's, kind of silly, but they made me feel good.
  23. *susan*

    My FIRST pair of Jeans!!

    Yay, that is a great NSV! I am so happy for you, that is amazing. And, being able to shop at Kohl's is a major plus, they have amazing clothes and a lot of great sales.
  24. Hello, a soft diet is pretty much anything mashed, pureed or placed in a sauce making it mushy and easy to chew. Things like mashed potatoes, refried Beans, apple sauce, scrambled eggs, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, yogurts, tuna, etc. Look under our recipes forum, you should find some ideas there. As for carbonation, I really don't recommend it, especially not as early out as you are. It will most likely really upset your stomach creating a very uncomfortable experience for you. I am seven months out and cannot tolerate carbonated beverages, but I don't have any desire to drink them either.

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