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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Total frustration

    Judy, it is okay, you are doing fabulous. If you read back through the threads, you will see that just about everyone reaches a stall around week three or so. It seems like that is the time our body suddenly goes "whoa, what the heck is going on here?" and realizes there is a lot of major changes going on and suddenly puts a halt to everything while it adjusts to all of the changes it has been put through. Be patient, the weight will start coming off again in very soon. In the mean time, make sure you are taking your measurements as well. Even though the scale may not be showing anything, it is very well possible that you are losing inches.
  2. When I had the band, I slipped it several times. Each time, I had a complete unfill and did liquids only from three to five days. That was enough for my band to get back into place. As for revising, there is no reason why you couldn't go from a slipped band to the sleeve. The surgeon would probably just require that you have a complete unfill a couple of weeks prior to the surgery. He may also recommend a liquid diet for one week prior to the surgery just to make sure any swelling from your band problems have gone down. That is what mine had me do, and I had no problems with the surgery. As for the differences between RNY and the sleeve, and why I chose the sleeve, I pretty much echo everything Tiffy said.
  3. Interesting, I still take the over-the-counter Prilosec. If I miss just one day, I have major acid issues. I have tried just about everything else, and the Prilosec is the only thing that worked for me. I used to wake up with major dry mouth and tongue at night. I never attributed it to the Prilosec. I thought it was my bodies way of telling me I wasn't hydrated enough. So, I made sure to increase my water intake, especially in the evenings and the dry mouth and tongue problem went away for me.
  4. *susan*

    I have my sleve!

    Congratulations on getting your sleeve. Sipping and drinking will get easier as each day passes. Keep us posted on how you are doing and let us know if you have any questions.
  5. Tiffany, you have done amazing and are an inspiration to every one here!
  6. *susan*

    Opening the door

    Ha ha, laughing my you know what off at you guys!
  7. Chancie, I am so excited for you!!! Way to go!
  8. Hey Everyone, Please join me in welcoming VegasAngel to the VST team as a Super Moderator. I think all of you will agree with me that she is going to make a great addition to our team. I am definitely excited to have her help!
  9. Newmom, glad to hear you are feeling better. I had an awful time with the nausea the first couple of days as well, but it does clear up. You two take care!
  10. *susan*

    man food

    Ahhh, yes, only being able to eat filet mignon must be awful, lol!
  11. *susan*

    Happy Thanksgiving

    As we all prepare to spend tomorrow with our family and friends, I wanted to take time out to thank each and every one of you. I have many, many things for which I am thankful this year. One of them is this wonderful site. We have seen it grow tremendously in a very short period of time. VST is not just another web site, it is a special place where we know we can all share our triumphs and challenges without fear of being judged. We know we can count on one another to help us through the good and bad times. In a very short period of time, we have become a family here. I am thankful for all of you, the support you have given me and the other members of this forum. I wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
  12. *susan*

    trouble with stitch infected

    Wow, I hope the anitbiotics do the trick for you!
  13. *susan*

    Fun times

    Ash, that is so cool! Way to go!
  14. Oh my goodness, Judy, I completely missed this thread! CONGRATULATIONS!! :party4:
  15. *susan*

    Popcorn anyone?

    I don't eat the popcorn at the movies because it is loaded with calories. But, I have been know to pop a bag of the 100 calorie popcorn and sneak it in. I enjoy it very much!
  16. *susan*

    I have hipbones

    DeeDee, that is a great NSV!! Congratulations! I remember how excited I was when I looked down and saw my feet for the first time in years, lol.
  17. *susan*

    man food

    Ha ha, I loved your post. I prefer "man food" too. Trust me, a quiche and squash have never passed my lips! I grew up in a family that owned a very nice steak house, so I am used to living on steak. I still eat it frequently and enjoy it, just not in the large quantities that I used to. As for burgers, we do grill them about once a week. But, I don't eat the bun, it just fills me up to quickly. We don't fry anything, and never have. We grill 90% of our meals and love it.
  18. *susan*

    Chat soon Again!

    Have a wonderful and safe holiday season. We look forward to your return and hearing that you have been scheduled for surgery.
  19. JoAnne, it sounds like things are going very well for you and you are in the right frame of mind to handle the holidays. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and keep us posted on your progress.
  20. Angela, how far out are you from surgery? I did ten days of clear liquids, ten days of full liquids and then ten days of mushies. Please let us know when your surgery date was, then we can better help you determine what you should be eating at this stage.
  21. *susan*

    December 7th!!!

    Hope, I am so happy for you! How wonderful to have such a fabulous grandmother who is willing to help you with this!
  22. *susan*

    New Member

    Dan, welcome to VST, we are thrilled to have you join us. Whichever weight loss surgery you decide to go with, we look forward to hearing about your progress. Please keep us posted on how things are going.
  23. I agree with Vegas, the amount you are able to eat at this stage of the game is normal. You had 3/4 of your stomach removed, so you are not going to be able to eat much. I am almost eight months out and am only able to eat about four to six ounces, if that, at a meal. That isn't a lot, especially when compared to what I used to eat. But, that is what I wanted. That is what I signed up for. I did go through a bit of a mourning period. There are times even now when I wish I could eat more. But then, I have to remind myself that eating more is what caused me to become obese to begin with. I just have to tell myself it isn't that I can't eat this food again, I just can't eat it right now because my body is telling me I have had enough. As for drinking, I can definitely do more than sip, but I still can't gulp huge swallows like I used too. It took me about four months before I was able to do more than sip. You are just 2 1/2 months out. Your stomach will probably stretch a bit more. By the time you are six months out, you should be able to eat a satisfying amount of food and still continue to lose weight. Right now, I think you really need to focus on other things. Eat until you are satisified, quit and move on to something else. Don't focus on what you couldn't eat or how you wish you could have ate more. Instead, focus on your family, a hobby, doing the things you couldn't do before you started losing weight. One of the things that I love about my sleeve is that I have learned there is so much more to life than food. I no longer spend my time thinking about and planning what I am going to eat next. I now spend my time thinking about and planning my wonderful life.
  24. *susan*

    Home after VSG

    Mona, that is a great idea, I never thought of using those! They are easier to pack as well.

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