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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Sleeve is tomorrow!!!!

    Shana, I am sure you will do wonderfully tomorrow. You will be so happy with the difference between the band and the sleeve. It is like night and day. Good luck to you and let us know how you are feeling as soon as you are up to it.
  2. *susan*

    Finally hit Onderland

    That is fabulous news! I am sure you are feeling so good, congratulations!
  3. It took me about a month before I was able to drink what I consider to be in a normal fashion. But now, even at over a year out, I still can't guzzle or take big swigs, and sometimes I am so thirsty, I really wish I could.
  4. Congratulations on getting your date! It won't be long now. I am so excited for you! Let us know if you have any questions.
  5. *susan*

    Nausea issues

    Hi Lynn Marie. I experienced the same thing after my surgery. It was actually related to being severly dehydrated. Are you making sure you are taking in enough water every day? I know how hard it can be, but it really is vital that you are constantly sipping on water throughout the day.
  6. *susan*

    Burps after eating...

    Ever since I was able to start eating again, I hiccup. I have actually learned that is my bodies official notification that I have had enough and if I eat one more bite, I am going to be really uncomfortable. So, I listen to that warning.
  7. *susan*

    one week post-op

    First off, welcome to our site, we are so glad to have you join us. I agree with the others, it was brave of you to have the surgery after watching what your hubby went through. I am glad to hear that he is doing so well now. It also sounds like you are also off to a great start. You and your husband are so lucky to have each other, you will be a great support system for each other.
  8. The thing is, once you have lost a significant amount of weight, you will be so proud of what you accomplished that you may find yourself wanting to pull those pictures out and say "look what I did". I never thought I would show anyone, especially my boyfriend. How did a person who used to weigh almost 300 pounds end up with a man who owns four martial arts schools, holds five black belts, is a certified yoga instructor and a nutritionist? I thought I would never show him my before picture, but he is so proud of what I accomplished that I did. He was amazed and so happy and excited for me.
  9. *susan*

    6 weeks out and exhausted

    Honestly, I had the same problem. I found that it was important I got enough protein in or I became exhausted. I kept snacks such as almonds on hands for quick fixes. I also usually took about a 20 minute nap during lunch to refresh myself. After about three months, I wasn't having this problem anymore.
  10. It has been done!

  11. *susan*

    Popcorn safe to eat?

    The great thing about the sleeve is things don't get stuck. The 100 calorie packs of popcorn are one of my favorite afternoon snacks. I have been eating them without any problems since about three months out. Enjoy!
  12. *susan*

    Don't want to eat!!!

    Try eating just a few bites at a time and see how you feel. You don't have to rush. Take a small bite and then wait a few minutes. If you feel okay, then eat a little more. At over a year out, I still very, very seldom experience hunger. But, I know I need to eat in order to fuel my body and give it the proper nutrition it needs.
  13. Hey Lyndsey, I put my before photos up on my fridge, on my bulletin board at work and one in my car. Looking at them actually inspired me to keep on going.
  14. Pamela, at six weeks out you should be back on a full/normal diet. I really wouldn't anticipate any problems with eating at that point. Just make wise choices and make sure you are getting enough protein and plenty of water. Have a great trip.
  15. *susan*

    Surgery in three DayS!!

    Hi Libra, Honestly, for me the pain associated with the surgery was really minimal. They gave me tramadol, but I think I only used it once. I wouldn't worry too much about that. Most of the doctors use surgical glue now, not staples. Check with your surgeon, I wouldn't be surprised if they use the glue, and it dissolves on its own. I flew from Florida to Mexicali for my surgery. I went back home two days after the surgery and had no problems there either. I had prepared by making sure I had loose, comfortable clothes for the flight and a pillow for my tummy. They also sent me home with some broth, and the flight attendants were kind enough to heat it up for me on the flight. Good luck, I am sure everything will go fine.
  16. *susan*

    What the heck is this now?

    We all go through times where it seems like we want everything and anything we can get our hands on. Like Tiff said, the best thing to do when that happens is to have a good healthy snack on hand so you don't cave to the junk food. One that works really good for me is almonds. I always keep them with me and they satisfy most of my cravings.
  17. I originally was banded in 2006 and the first year was wonderful. But then, I had nothing but problems. I ended up gaining back everything I had lost because I lived on ice cream. It was the only thing I could get down and keep down, even when completely unfilled. I revised to the sleeve 1 1/2 years ago and couldn't be happier. I have lost over 100 pounds and barely even think about it.
  18. *susan*

    now there's a side-effect I didn't expect!!

    LOL, whatever is causing it, try and enjoy it, even in your situation. I know mine had been lost for years. So glad I found it again!
  19. Congratulations, that is so exciting and your ring is absolutely beautiful!
  20. *susan*

    Canadian Newbie

    Hello and welcome! We are glad to have you join us and can't wait to get to know you better!
  21. *susan*


    I am a little over a year out and have never once regretted having this surgery. It has literally changed my life. I feel better, look better and am having the time of my life with my new man. All of my health problems have disappeared and I receive nothing but compliments from people, which has me beaming from ear to ear. There have been a few times when something tasted so good and I really wished I could eat just a few more bites. But, then I remind myself why I had this surgery and how good I feel, and that just because I can't eat more now, doesn't mean I won't ever get to eat it again. Then, I am okay with everything.
  22. *susan*

    Changing profile pic

    To change the picture that shows up in your posts, you need to go to your user control panel and edit your avatar. The avatar is what shows up in posts. Let me know if you need any additional help.
  23. *susan*

    Small sins

    Hi Maravilla, I apologize that your thread has been hijacked by what appears to be a disagreement between members that needs to be taken to pm as opposed to deterring from the help that you requested. Maravilla, at eleven days out, I would strongly recommend that you not venture away from the diet that was prescribed to you by your doctor. You have had a potentially life changing surgery, please do not put yourself at risk by not following your doctors orders. When I was post-op, if I had to attend a function, I knew it was unlikely that they would have foods that matched my doctors post-op instructions. Therefore, I always made sure to bring whatever I would need with me. What you did should not affect your weight loss, however, not following your doctors orders and eating foods you shouldn't could hurt the healing process. My preferred advice always is to check with your doctor. You paid them a lot of money to take care of you and you entrusted your health to them. If you find your post-op diet is not working for you, you are starving, or whatever then call him/her. That is what they are there for. They can offer you suggestions that will help you get through the post-op period. As for the members having disagreements with each other, how about we keep the personal attacks off of the message boards, and not overrun someones thread who is genuinely asking for needed advice. You may attack the idea, but not the person. Take the arguing to pm, or block the person if you simply cannot tolerate their postings.
  24. *susan*

    I am starving~

    I would call your surgeon and explain the situation with your medication and that it requires you to eat when taking it. Then, you and he can decide together what is best for you.

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