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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. If you are in that much pain, and your surgeon who did the surgery is not available, I personally would not risk my health. I would head to the nearest emergency room. In fact, that is what I did when I had problems and was glad I did. I hope you get to feeling better quickly.
  2. *susan*

    Yippee!! I'm in Onederland!!

    Julie, that is fabulous news, congratulations!
  3. *susan*

    Eating then Laying Down?

    As long as I continue to take one priolosec every morning, I never have problems with reflux. But, if I miss just one day, I am in deep trouble. And this is a year and a half after my surgery. So, I think it really just varies from person to person and you have to find what works right for you.
  4. Congratulations, I am sure you will be thrilled with the decision you have made. Let us know how you are feeling as soon as you are up to it.
  5. Good Morning Everyone! I am going to be absent for the next week or so while I travel to Tennessee with my man in pursuit of his dream to be The Next food Network Star. I am pleased to announce that LilMissDiva has accepted a moderator role with us and will be on spam guard, keeping the peace (lol, no worries about that here), etc. She is a moderator on our sister site, LBT, and is very well experienced in this role. Please join me in congratulating/thanking her for her help here as well!
  6. *susan*

    First week of waiting...

    Welcome to the forums. We will all keep our fingers crossed for you on your approval. Let us know as soon as you hear something!
  7. Welcome, and congratulations on your decision to get the sleeve. I think it is great that both you and your hubby are having this done. You will be a great support system for each other. Please keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you have any questions.
  8. *susan*

    Here I go!

    You will do great! Just remember your prize, a healthier you! As soon as you feel up to it, please let us know how you are doing.
  9. *susan*

    Scale victory... Booya!

    Wow, that is an awesome victory! Congratulations!!
  10. *susan*

    Acid Reflux???

    Just about everyone has problems with this. Dr. Aceves explained to me in the very basic of terms that the reason for this is because we have 3/4 of our tummy removed, but our body doesn't know that yet. It continues to produce the same amount of acid it did before we had our sleeve. Eventually, the body figures it out and makes the appropriate adjustments. The best thing that worked for me is taking one Priolosec every morning.
  11. *susan*

    New Moderator

    Ha ha, Dave! He is also a personal trainer, nutritionist and owns three tae kwon do schools and holds a blackbelt in six different forms of martial arts. I am still trying to figure out how I ended up with him! But, actually, it is all good. His point of view is taking traditionally high calorie/fat food and making a healthier version while still tasting good. And, he does a great job of that!
  12. *susan*

    Eating spicy food?

    Dave, there is nothing I love more than some spicy hot chicken wings. I also love spicy chili, etc., and have no problems with any of them at all. Enjoy!
  13. Remember, your body is going through a lot of changes right now. Don't get upset about the scale not moving, it will catch up and even out. Try taking your measurements on a regular basis, you will probably be happy to see that even if the scale isn't moving, you are losing inches. Most everyone goes through a stall somewhere between weeks three and six. It is not at all unusual, though it is frustrating. Just remember, it won't last forever!
  14. *susan*

    New Moderator

    The audition went great! Most people were only in there for five minutes, he was in for a good twenty-five minutes. Now it is just a matter of seeing if he is the personality they are looking for. Keep your fingers crossed for him!
  15. Everything you are feeling is 100% normal. This is a pretty major change we are undertaking, of course you are going to have moments where you second and third guess your decision. But, at the same time you keep thinking about how this surgery can literally change and extend your life and the excitement of that outweighs the nerves and second guessing. You will do fine, and we are all here for you!
  16. *susan*

    Boo! I'm so sore!

    Actually, I don't remember being sore at all. The only time I took pain medicine was the first couple of days to help me sleep at night. Try a heating pad on your tummy, that worked really well.
  17. Hi Tracey, and welcome! We are happy to have you join us here. I am also a band to sleeve revsion after numerous problems with the band. I have not once regretted switching. I hope all goes well for you and you get your insurance approval soon.
  18. *susan*


    Jack, I love you! You are such an asset here!
  19. *susan*

    officially sleeved on August 31st.

    Congratulations on getting your sleeve. They discovered three tumors on my liver when they did my surgery and removed them as well. I consider that a blessing in disguise. Here is a link for how to add a ticker to your profile: http://verticalsleevetalk.com/vertical-sleeve-talk-forum-assistance-suggestions/267-vst-tickerfactory-ticker-tutorial-pictures.html
  20. *susan*

    20 lbs in 2 Weeks!!!

    That is fabulous! I bet you are feeling better already!
  21. *susan*

    Counting the hours...12 more

    Congratulations on starting the journey to the new you! I am sure you will do wonderfully. Let us know how you are doing as soon as you feel it up to it!
  22. *susan*

    Sleeved in the a.m.!

    Congratulations to both of you getting sleeved tomorrow. You are starting a whole new chapter in your life to a new and healthier you. As soon as you feel up to it, please let us know how you are doing. Good luck!
  23. *susan*


    Ha ha, I think you may be onto something here, I like it!
  24. *susan*

    yes, I am still alive

    Glad to hear you are doing well. Every day will be better and better!
  25. *susan*

    Heavyweight NSV

    Donna, that is a great NSV! I am so excited for you and know how good it feels to drop down a size. Congratulations!

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