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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    They couldnt fill me!!!!

    I also had mine flip once. If it has, it is a very simple, and quick procedure to correct it. Don't worry, you will be fine.
  2. *susan*

    to band, sleeve or not?

    Getting banded, sleeved or any other type of weight loss surgery does not mean the end of food and the ability to socialize with others at meals, etc. It just means you will now have the ability/help you need to say, I have had enough and not over-indulge. As long as you listen to your body and learn it's signals, you will be fine.
  3. *susan*

    my time has finally arrived

    Congratulations! I want a tummy tuck so bad, but just don't have the funds for it.
  4. *susan*

    Two weeks from today.....

    Welcome, and thank you for introducing yourself. We look forward to getting to know you better as you move along this wonderful journey. The liquid diet phase can be tough, but you just have to keep reminding yourself of the wonderful prize you will get in the end; a healthier you!!
  5. *susan*

    Full of Emotions and Questions

    First off, welcome to the forums and congratulations on your decision to get sleeved. Honestly, I had the band first, and then revised to the sleeve. I experienced a great deal of pain with the lap band, but virtually none with the sleeve. I was surprised at how little discomfort I felt. I only took pain medicine the first couple of nights to help me sleep, but other than that, I was fine. As for the diet after your surgery, that will depend on your doctor. It is best to go with whatever he/she recommends, as they know you and what is best for you. But, you will be on liquids for at least ten days to two weeks after surgery, then move to mushies from there. Your doctor should provide you with a specific plan to follow. As for regrets, I think during the immediate recovery period a lot of people experience some regrets. This usually stems from the frustation of getting tired of only being on liquids and/or mushies. But, once you get past that, and you see the weight dropping off and how easy it is, you will have no regrets. You will love yourself for having this done. You will feel better and have that extra energy you want to be able to care for and enjoy your kids.
  6. *susan*


    Hi Tim, just wanted to welcome you here! I am sure the men will be on later to chat with you. In the meantime, check out the rest of our forums and let me know if you have any questions.
  7. *susan*

    One year since VSG

    Thank you for sharing your success with our members! You are doing fabulous!
  8. *susan*

    clammy, dizzy, pale, numb????

    Are you sure you are getting plenty of water and fluids as well? I experienced those same symptoms after my surgery and ended up in the hospital with severe dehydration. I cannot stress to everyone now how important it is to make sure you are getting plenty of fluids.
  9. Brian, I am so happy for you. I think reaching onederland is one of the biggest, most exciting milestones for all of us. Do something special for yourself to celebrate.
  10. *susan*

    Weight Loss - Zero Effort

    I felt the same as you, and still do. The last thing I wanted was to be on yet another diet. I don't want to have to count or journal anything, lol, I have been doing that all my life with no success. That is the beauty of the sleeve. For me, I quit eating when I am full, which happens very quickly. I mostly make healthy choices with my eating, but when I don't, I don't sweat it. I know my sleeve will not allow me to over-indulge like I used to. Now, if I want something, I eat it, just everything in moderation.
  11. *susan*

    What the heck is goin on here

    Daisy, looks like you got your ticker problem fixed, just wanted to make sure. I tried mine and had no problems.
  12. *susan*

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Good luck to you and everyone having surgery tomorrow. Let us know how you are feeling as soon as you are up to it.
  13. *susan*

    4 mths and 100 pounds you can do it!

    That is amazing, I think you are the first person I have heard of to lose that much weight that quickly.
  14. *susan*

    29 Years Old & Getting the Sleeve

    Wow, all I can say is how fortunate all of you are to have learned about this surgery at your age. At 44, I feel like my life is just beginning. I spent the majority of my life obese and trying to be invisible. Now, I am loving life. Originally, I didn't want to share with people what I had done. But now, I tell everyone, especially those who are also struggling with weight issues. If someone is my friend and judges me negatively for having the surgery, then I figure they weren't much of a friend to begin with and I don't need their negativity in my new, wonderful positive way of life!
  15. Girl, you look absolutely amazing! What an accomplishment, you should be very proud.
  16. *susan*

    New Food Finds I Like

    I will second that on the Campbell's broccoli cheese soup, that was one of my main staples. Good stuff!
  17. *susan*

    Got a date!!!!

    Congratulations! That is great news! Time for a new you.
  18. *susan*

    OUCH- This was on my friend's Facebook.... RANT!

    It is really sad how people think it is okay to make fun of people who are struggling with weight issues, especially children. I agree, I would have posted a comment asking exactly where the humor is in this picture.
  19. *susan*

    Clothing while losing

    I watched the sales. Kohls often has amazing sales, and if you are on their email list, you usually get coupons for as much as an additional 15% off of the sales price. I got a pair of jeans two weeks ago that were originally $36.00 for just $9.00. I felt pretty good about that. Don't forget, we also having a clothing exchange forum here on VST as well.
  20. I had the same problem with the band, but not at all with the sleeve. My embarassing problem is when I have reached my limit on food intake, I start making really loud, obnoxious hiccoughing sounds. Quite entertaining when dining out!
  21. *susan*

    Starting my journey

    Welcome, we are glad to have you here. I wouldn't worry too much about the eval. I have yet to hear of anyone who was denied surgery based on the eval. At the most, I have heard of a few people who were told they could proceed with the surgery, but would have to follow up with a counselor just to make sure they are dealing well with all the changes weight loss can involve. Keep us posted on how things are going.
  22. If you don't tell your kids, then you need to make sure that someone close to you knows what is going on in the rare event that a complication should arrive. There needs to be someone they and you trust to explain to them the situation if the need should arise. As for telling anyone else, that is a very personal decision. At first, I thought I wouldn't tell anyone. But, to heck with that, lol. I have lost a lot of weight, I feel amazing and I am excited to share with everyone what I did. I especially like sharing with those who have weight issues to let them know there is something out there that works. As for the snobby ones, the negative nannies, the critical ones, etc., well, I just don't worry about them. I have been making many positive changes in my life over the past year that have improved me and made me a happier person. One of the things I have started doing recently is eliminating the negativity in my life. That includes people, because in my opinion, if they are truly someone who cares about me, they will be supportive of me. If they can't be, then do I really need them and their negativity in my life? I don't think so. If it is a co-worker, well, I have to work with them. But, I don't have to be their "buddy" just because we work together. I keep things strictly on a professional level and if they make comments about my personal life, I gently remind them it is none of their business.
  23. *susan*

    Um... endowment?

    Hmmmm, maybe this could be a new advertising angle for doctors.
  24. *susan*

    Started Process Today

    Your story sounds almost identical to mine. I actually ended up living on ice cream, because even without any fill at all, it was the only thing that would go down and stay down. Not only is it not healthy, but your quality of life just drops drastically because of it. I think you will be very happy with your revision choice. There are many of us here who have done it and not regretted it for one moment. Let us know how things are going, and enjoy your Thanksgiving!
  25. I am so excited about Halloween this year. I have not dressed up or attended a costume party since I was 20 years old. I have not been able to buy a costume because of my size, which none of the costume stores carried. However, thanks to my sleeve, I am down from a 34 to a size 10 and was able to go to our local Halloween store and buy a costume off the rack, in a medium! I was so excited. And last night, I went to my first Halloween party in 24 years. I had a blast and it was so much fun to participate in the costume contests, etc. I love my sleeve and consider this a major NSV. I am living and enjoying life again. And for those of you just starting this wonderful journey, you will too! And we are all here to support you. Have a safe and happy Halloween everyone!

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