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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Damn, you are one hot and sexy woman! Work it girlfriend!! :woot:
  2. Hmmmm, okay. Dr. Aceves did mine all at once, I was glad. I didn't want to have to go through the surgery and healing process twice. But, your doctor definitely knows what is best for you. What is important is that you are getting it done!
  3. I could never, ever under any circumstances ever recommend the band to anyone. Everyone I know, myself included, developed problems after the first year. Glendaaus, just curious, why doesn't your surgeon remove the band and do the revision to sleeve at the same time? That is what I did, and couldn't be happier.
  4. *susan*

    Is My Weight Loss Too Slow?

    Sassygirl, you hit it right on the nose, girl!
  5. *susan*

    Struggling A Bit

    I decided not to spend the money on weight watchers online when there are a ton of good programs available for download on my Android phone. I just downloaded My Net Diary, and will see how I like it. They have an online site as well that you can sync to. I have heard really good things about My Fitness Pal too. I think what is important is we start tracking what we are eating, hold ourselves accountable and get back into our good eating habits again.
  6. *susan*

    Struggling A Bit

    I am going through the same thing right now. I went through a rough period in my life, and I know what caused my gain, I went back comforting myself with salty, crunchy foods. I am going to probably either do weight watchers online, or download a good food tracking app for my phone to help get myself back on track. I agree, watching and recording everything you eat will help. Come on girl, together, we can get back on track!
  7. Certain foods do it to me too, and it is miserable, the sweats, the nausea, ugh, I hate it. Milk products and mayonnaise based sauces are the worst for me.
  8. *susan*

    Is My Weight Loss Too Slow?

    You are doing absolutely fabulous. Remember, don't compare your weight loss to others, because everyone's body reacts differently and loses differently. As long as you are eating right and exercising, the weight will come off and will do so in a healthy manner. And, as you noted, you are dropping inches as well, and that is a wonderful thing! Nothing like going shopping for new clothes because of those lost inches!
  9. *susan*

    One Day Until Vsg Surgery !

    Girl, I know how excited you are, I so remember that feeling. Congratulations on your decision to be a healthier you! Let us know how you are feeling as soon as you are up to it.
  10. *susan*

    Help from the Ladies

    What a wonderful idea and sweet man you are! I love it. Let us know how it goes!
  11. Your body is going through a ton of changes right now, but I promise you, the weight will start coming off. Like BonBon said, you have a lot of swelling from the surgery, maybe retaining water and who knows what else. But, relax, it will happen. And don't compare your weight loss to anyone else's, because everyone loses differently.
  12. *susan*

    VST iPhone and iPad Application

    Hi Alex, where are we with a mobile app for Android?
  13. Congratulations, I am glad to hear you are doing so well. And, I remember the "nasty blue stuff", lol, you aren't kidding, that was awful!
  14. About four months out I started experiencing lactose intolerance. Foods I was able to eat previously made me incredibly sick, for almost a year, all dairy was pretty much off limits for me. Now, I am doing better. I can do dairy, but only in small amounts. A piece of cheese on my sandwich is okay, but a bowl of ice cream is going into dangerous territory for me. It seems like what I am able to tolerate and not tolerate is an ever changing thing for me.
  15. *susan*

    Weight Watchers

    I know I am bringing up an old topic, but I wanted to see how you are doing with weight watchers, Sleeve of Steel. I went through a lot of emotional stuff the past six months and went back to my old habits of eating salty, crunchy foods to make myself feel better. Things in my life are wonderful now, but darn, I am having a horrible time breaking that old, awful habit and have gained weight as a result. I am thinking about just doing the online portion to help me keep track of what I am eating. It always worked well for me in the past.
  16. It took me almost a year before I could drink what I consider "normally" again. And even now, I still cannot gulp a drink like I used to. My tummy punishes me when I forget that, and am really, really thirsty.
  17. Hey everyone, Wanted to apologize for being missing in action for a while. I have gone through some major life changes, some good, some not so good. I also have been without a computer for quite a while. The good news is, I only have to save up $100.00 more and I will finally have one again. I can't wait! But, I still love VST and am going to try and be back on as much as possible offering you support, sharing in your triumphs, and gaining the continued support I need. For those of you that are new and don't know me, hopefully we will get to know each other now! Love you guys!
  18. *susan*

    Evil, Evil Hormones

    Those hormones can be nasty little buggers. I actually got put on medication becase I have pmdd which causes me to really get depressed and angry and everything else. This came about after I had my surgery. The worst is when you can actually feel yourself getting angry, you know it is coming, you don't want it to happen, but you just can't stop it. The medication made a huge difference in me, I have no side effects, and people are no longer afraid of me.
  19. *susan*

    Week 16 pics!

    Wow, you look positively amazing! Do you feel the difference already? Just from your posting, I can tell how excited you are, and that makes me excited for you! Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeou!
  20. *susan*

    surgery tomorrow

    Well, by now you have had your surgery! I am sure everything went fabulously! Let us know how you are feeling as soon as you are up to it.
  21. *susan*

    SOOOO Moody........

    Girl, I was known as "Queen Bitch" for about eight weeks following my surgery. Your body is all confused right now. First off, anesthesia does a number on it. Prior to that, you were probably on some kind of crazy diet that made your body say "what the heck"? Then, you have surgery. Then you only give your body liquids and then slowly incorporate food back into your diet. You start adding exercise and losing weight. Your poor body is a mess, it doesn't know what is going on and has some major adjusting to do. But never fear, your hormones and everything else will level out soon enough and all you will be is happy, happy, HAPPY with the new and improving you!
  22. I was so excited to have it done, I told anyone who asked, and even those who didn't! I still do to this day. What is important, is I don't just tell them I had WLS, I educate them as well. They need to understand, we did not take the easy way out. You still have to maintain a proper diet and exercise, even with WLS to lose weight. And for many of us, this surgery literally will save our lives. I think it is too important not to share. And, once I explain the benefits, and educate people, most of them always have a positive outcome in terms of their thoughts on the sleeve.
  23. Wow, two months and forty pounds down, look at you! You can definitely see the difference already, way to go!
  24. *susan*

    before and during pics

    Wow, you look absolutely amazing! I am sure you must be feeling fabulous as well. Congratulations!
  25. Hi Susan, Welcome, wow girl, it definitely sounds like you are ready! It is amazing how our weight can totally affect everything in our lives. We have all been there, done that. You will be so pleased with your choice, I am sure of that. I know it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please keep us posted on your progress and how things are going. We are excited to make this journey with you!

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