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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Hair Loss After Vsg

    I have heard of a lot of people having problems with hair loss, sad to say. I guess I was fortunate in I never experienced any.
  2. Yay, Julie, you are doing so good! I know when I hiccup, it is time to stop or bad things are going to happen, lol. The funny thing is, the dogs have learned that sound and get really excited because they know I am done eating and they get the leftovers!
  3. Honestly, I say don't beat yourself up over this. At our house, we do pizza every Tuesday night. I believe everything is okay, in moderation. I got this surgery so I could eat like normal people do. And "normal" people eat pizza. They just had better control over the amount they ate than I did. Most meals, I make sure I eat healthy, get in my protein and plenty of vegetables. And, I have no guilt whatsoever when I treat myself. I look forward to our Tuesday night pizza night. And, one slice satisifies me perfectly now, whereas before I would eat around four slices. Goodness, I love my sleeve!
  4. Ah, the infamous week three stall. Many of us have experienced it. I think it is really just your body adjusting to all the changes that are going on. I mean think about it, first we put it through the pre-op diet, then the post-op of liquids only, moving up to soft foods, etc. Our bodies are wondering what the heck we are doing and it needs time to adjust. Seriously, many, many of us have had a stall around the third week. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will be fine. Also, make sure you are checking your measurements. While the scale may not be moving, you may still be losing inches.
  5. I would love to have one of those scales as well. I promised myself after the holidays I am going to invest in one.
  6. *susan*

    SEX...TMI??? I Know But I Gotta "ASK"!!!

    LOL, Sassy, I figure it just meant I had to experience the bad to really appreciate my great man I have now. I have always felt sex is a very important part of a relationship. It seems to me, if things are going well in the bedroom, then you have a greater sense of intimacy and closeness and are able to handle anything that life throws at you as a couple.
  7. *susan*

    SEX...TMI??? I Know But I Gotta "ASK"!!!

    When I first had the surgery, I pretty much didn't have a sex life because my husband of ten years was cheating on me with his first wife, and having several online affairs as well. Prior to my discovering that, sex was more of a chore than anything. It just took too much effort on my part with all the extra weight. Now, I am with an amazing man, and neither one of us can get enough of each other. It is exciting, amazing and always changing, even after being together for nearly two years.
  8. It really is best to follow your doctor's orders on the pre-op. However, if you really are hungry, feeling weak and feel like you must have something, I would recommend calling your doctor or nutritionist. He/she will usually be able to offer you some advice on what you may have that will better satisfy you, while not putting you at any risk for your upcoming surgery.
  9. Ohhhh, carbonation, forgot that one. My sleeve hates carbonation with a passion too!
  10. Oh goodness, what a mess girl! Unfortunately, I guess even our surgeons are allowed to get sick, just why did it have to be on the day you were finally supposed to get your surgery? Oh well, keep a positive attitude and remember how wonderfully healthy you are going to be once you do have the surgery.
  11. *susan*

    Almost Halfway There

    Wow, what a change! You are doing so well, keep on keeping on girl!
  12. That sounds very yummy, I am a peanut butter freak, lol. Thanks for sharing.
  13. My sleeve loves Steak and hates too much dairy. My sleeve loves salad and hates greasy food. My sleeve loves pasta and hates cold beverages.
  14. Congratulations, that is wonderful news! Please keep us posted on how you are doing, and, of course, let us know if you have any questions.
  15. My boyfriend is a martial artist, personal trainer and licensed nutritionist. So, he really helps me out a lot with my meal planning (he even does all the cooking, which I love). He feels like I eat so little, it is important for me to have healthy snacks. He packs my lunch for me every day, and always includes a healthy morning and afternoon snack. That is good for me, because it keeps me from hitting the snack machine and munching out on chips and candy bars. I am a snacker, I know that, so if I am going to do it, at least I make sure it is with healthy foods. He also believes that it helps keep my metabolism up as well. And, of course, he makes sure I drink a ton of water too.
  16. Goodness, I never even thought to use my short-term disability for this. I used up all of my vacation. This is a good topic to bring up, as others may not have thought of this either.
  17. I had one that last approximately six weeks. What finally broke it for me was doing the five-day pouch test. You can find it here: http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html I have actually gone back and done this a few times when I am getting way off track and need to get back on again. It always works well for me. Also, during this "stall", make sure you are taking your measurements. While you may not be showing a loss on the scale, you may still be losing inches.
  18. *susan*

    Woohoo, I Made Goal

    Awesome news, congratulations! So excited for you!!!
  19. *susan*

    My Gastric Sleeve Surgery Is In 16 Days

    Congratulations, it is almost time. You said something that is so key, "the food will not run out." I remind myself of that when I am eating something I really enjoy, and want more, but am full. I remind myself, I can't eat any more of this now, but I can enjoy it again later. Having that kind of control is a wonderful feeling.
  20. Welcome to the forums, Dominique! We are so glad to have you join us. What wonderful accomplishments you have already achieved. You are taking amazing steps towards a new and healthier you, and you will be so proud of what you achieve and how you feel. We look forwarding to following you through this journey.
  21. That is awesome, girl, you are doing absolutely fantastic! Way to go!
  22. Mine gurgled a lot at first too. My friends and family used to think it was funny, that it was fussing at me. After about three months, it did quit though.
  23. *susan*

    Constipation- Nothings Moving :( Solutions?

    Oh my goodness, I feel for you and know where you are coming from. For the first several months after my surgery, I had the worst constipation of my life. I wouldn't go for a week or longer, and when I finally did, I would literally cry because it hurt so bad. Nothing I tried worked. Finally, I asked other members and they all suggested good ol' Milk of Magnesia. You know what, it worked! I was so excited, I was calling everyone just to say, "hey, I went"!!! I don't know if you have tried it, but if not, give it a shot. Good luck.
  24. *susan*

    Weight Watchers

    That is great. I know it really helps when you have a "partner" in weight loss too. It is fun to compete with each other, support each other and cheer each other on.
  25. *susan*


    Hi Jessica, we are so glad to have you join us!! You will love the sleeve, and our amazing site. We look forward to getting to know you better.

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