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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    In The Mood

    Yes, this is one type of "exercise" I actually enjoy and look forward to!
  2. *susan*

    I Learned Something New!

    Isn't it amazing how the things we used to really love can be such a turnoff now? If I even eat just one McDonald's french fry, all I taste is grease and it makes me sick to my stomach. But hey, I figure that is a good thing.
  3. So excited for you, you will do fabulous! As soon as you are feeling up to it, let us know how you are doing.
  4. *susan*

    New To This Site

    Welcome and congratulations on your decision. Like the others have said, it is normal to be scared about the surgery, we all feel that way. But you just have to keep reminding yourself how this is going to make you healthier, improve your quality of life and extend your life. It will be so worth it.
  5. *susan*

    5% of 1%?

    Another agnostic here. I don't mention it too often, because it just isn't worth the hassle I usually end up getting as a result.
  6. *susan*

    New Here - My Introduction

    Welcome, Trish, we are so happy to have you here! I too am sorry for your loss and everything you have been through. You will find great support on this site. We look forward to taking your journey with you.
  7. I live near Jax as well, but had my surgery in Mexicali. I stayed in the hospital two days, then did the very long plane trip home and did just great. I did not see a nutritionist in the hospital, but they did provide me with a ton of documentation and covered all of that prior to my having the surgery.
  8. Hi Nance, and welcome, we are excited to have you here with us. What you are feeling is 100% natural, I think we all had that moment of panic just before our surgery. We kind of go into mourning, thinking we will never be able to eat the things we love again, we worry about possible side effects and every other scary thought that goes through our minds before any type of surgery. But you know what, it will be okay. You will do great and you will be thrilled with the results. You will still be able to treat yourself to your favorite foods, you will be healthier and feel so amazing that you will never regret having this surgery.
  9. Oh man, I am so glad I am not the only one who has noticed this! I can look in the bathroom mirror and think everything looks great. Then, I get to work and check my makeup real quick before getting out of the car and have that "freak out" moment when I see all that darn hair that didn't show up at home.
  10. *susan*

    Ppi Users?

    I am 2 1/2 years out and still take a Prilosec every day. I have to take it first thing in the morning, or I have major acid problems. This never happened to me prior to surgery. But, I am okay with it. Having to add one extra pill to my morning regimen is no big deal, in comparison to all the weight I have lost and how much better I feel.
  11. Oh girl, let me tell you my story. I have been shopping in the plus sizes since I was 18. I am now 45. I have always love Kohls. I will never forget about a year and a half ago when my daughter and I went shopping one evening there. She headed for the juniors department, and as always, I headed for the plus size department. I picked out a few outfits and when I tried them on, they were too big. So, I went down a few sizes and they were still too big. Then I realized that everything in the plus size section was too big for me. I panicked because I just knew everything in the "normal" size section would be too small, and I love Kohls and was afraid I wouldn't be able to shop there anymore. But, for hoots and giggles I wandered on over to where the "normals" get their clothes, picked out a few things and headed for the dressing room. OH MY GOSH!!! I couldn't believe it, they fit! My daughter came looking for me and found me sitting on the floor of the dressing room balling my eyes out. She was terrified something awful had happened. Then, when I told her I was crying because I was so happy about finally being able to wear regular sizes, she was so happy for me she cried too. I remember calling my son, my parents, anyone who would listen, because I was so excited. That is a moment and a feeling I will never, ever forget.
  12. Hi Chris, and welcome to VST, we are so happy to have you join us here! Congratulations on making the choice to have this surgery, I know it is the best thing to ever happen to me. As far as your goal weight, I think many of our doctors have set a weight for us, and at the same time, we have our own personal goals we would like to achieve as well. Most of the time, the two are fairly close to each other. I look forward to getting to know you as your journey proceeds.
  13. Another one with PCOS here, and unfortunately, no, my facial hair did not stop growing. I hate, hate, hate this problem, lol. I never had any problem with hair loss. Danielle, I am going to have to pop over to QVC and check that out, I am willing to try anything.
  14. It is absolutely possible to gain back weight! I have been through the most emotionally draining year of my life. For about the past five months, as a result, I let myself fall back into a horrible old habit. I comforted myself with my dear old "friend", salty crunchy food. If you eat junk, you will gain weight. I gained back about 15 pounds. I may not be able to eat large amounts of it at one time, but if every few hours I am reaching for it instead of a healthy snack, well, here comes the pounds. I wasn't planning on confessing this to anyone. But, I realize now it is important for everyone to see that the sleeve is a tool. In order for it to work, you have to continue to make wise choices and exercise. Sure, you can have treats and eat normal food, but if you overdo it like I did the past few months, you will suddenly find your clothes getting tighter. That was my wake-up call, I refuse to buy bigger clothes again, I like going down, not up!! So, I am back on track again.
  15. Yep, I agree with the others, just one of the side effects of surgery. Your body is going through all kinds of changes right now and things are going to be a bit out of whack until everything levels out a bit.
  16. Welcome to VST, we are so glad to have you join us. I look around at all the younger people getting the sleeve now and am so happy for you. If only I had this option available to me when I was in my twenties, I can only imagine how different things may have been for me.
  17. Merry Christmas to all of you, and many blessings in the New Year to come!
  18. Just curious, do any of you former bandsters ever experience pain where your port used to be? I have just recently started experiencing pain similar to that of what I used to feel from my port, except it is no longer there. This seems pretty weird to me. I am thinking maybe it is scar tissue or something?
  19. *susan*

    Forum disagreements

    Would ya'll just shut up already and bring me a sandwich! (just kidding, LOL)
  20. I feel absolutely amazing! Believe me, I have never once regretted getting the sleeve. It is definitely the best thing to ever happen to me.
  21. I wish I had known about this surgery before I reached nearly 300 pounds! Think of all the health issues and heartache it would have saved me! Goodness, people who have never been in the shoes of an obese person don't understand how we suffer and what it is to feel so out of control of one's self.
  22. Ha ha, in this forum, I don't think there is any such thing as gross or "TMI". So happy things are moving again for you.
  23. Okay, first off, take a deep breath and calm down. You are doing just fine. Your body is going through a major adjustment period right now. Look at all the changes you have put it through in the past few weeks! It is trying to figure out what it is supposed to be doing. Additionally, you probably are still having swelling and Water retention from the surgery itself. Just keep doing what you are supposed to be doing, and I promise, the weight will start to come off. You are doing great and will be fine. Also, make sure you are taking your measurements are on a regular basis. There will be times when your scale will not show a loss, but you will show lost inches.
  24. Rebecca, congratulations on getting your sleeve! I am so happy for you. It has been so long since I was in your stage, but I made up most of my protein shakes with fruit, skim milk and whey protein powder.
  25. Wow, what an amazing group of people we have here, I love reading all these wonderful accomplishments and seeing how much better we are all feeling about ourselves!

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