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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Fab 40's shout out

    Yay, I am so happy to see this thread picking up some speed. Us forty-somethings need to support each other. I have to agree, thus far, the forties have been awesome for me! Everyone is doing fabulous!
  2. Goodness, I am so sorry you had such an awful experience. I guess I am fortunate, I have been able to eat anything I want without a problem since four weeks out. I am a little lactose intolerant, but other than that, no issues unless I eat too much, then it comes right back up on me.
  3. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Wow, I just went on a friend adding frenzy, lol. It is great to see so many of us on there! Wish we had a food tracking system here on VST!
  4. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    You inspired me to sign up too! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/SusanLackey
  5. Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you! It is amazing how being sleeved and losing weight can change our lives for the better! I love seeing posts like this!
  6. I would have to say that when I originally had my band surgery, I experienced a great deal more pain than when I had the band removed and was sleeved. I had my removal and sleeve done at the same time. I experienced a bit of discomfort where the port used to be, but not enough to make me want to take the pain meds once I was discharged from the hospital. Pain really wasn't an issue for me, my problem was dealing with the nausea.
  7. Congratulations, I know how excited you must be. And thank you so much for your willingness to share the cost information with our members as well, that was very sweet of you! I can't wait to see pictures!
  8. *susan*

    Replying To Posts

    Moving this to the "Rants and Raves" forum. Keep it appropriate, please.
  9. It just amazes me to see how many people have problems with the band. I hope when new people are researching weight loss surgery, they are really looking at long term results people have had with it and see how many people are revising. If I had known then what I know now, I would have never had the band. I cannot and will not ever recommend it to anyone.
  10. Love that site, thanks for sharing!
  11. Yay, I am so glad to hear you are doing better, you sure had us worried about you. Now, to start truly loving your sleeve!
  12. Isn't it amazing how dependent we have all become on computers? Ten years ago, I would have never cared if anything crashed on a website. Now, I am lost without them. Fortunately, Alex has an amazing team and got us back up and running as quickly as possible.
  13. I agree with your surgeon, you do sound dehydrated, I speak from experience. Girl, I went through so much of what you are going through right after my surgery. I ended up in the hospital three times due to severe dehydration and had to get fluids via IV. As soon as those fluids were in me, I was amazed at how much better I felt. Additionally, the dehydration caused me bladder and kidney infections, which I wasn't even really aware I had until I was tested. All of those things can just really wear you down. I would feel so lightheaded and dizzy, like I was going to pass out at any moment. If you can't get more fluids in your body, then I suggest going to the emergency room and getting IV fluids. Your health is too important to mess around with. And, as I did, you may have additional infections as a result of the dehydration.
  14. *susan*

    Sleeved At 10:30 Today!

    Congratulations on being an official "sleever"! I too had tremendous problems with nausea. They were able to give me something to help control it, thank goodness. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  15. Awww, thank you so much, Daisy, it is much appreciated!
  16. I too have recently gained about 15 pounds. I went through a very emotionally troubled time between April and November last year with my kids and family. I turned to my old friend, salty, crunchy food. If you put junk in, you will gain. I knew what I was doing, but just couldn't stop myself. But, I am determined not to gain another pound, so I am back to tracking everything I put in my mouth and eating very healthy again. No more feeling sorry for myself, new year, new me! The other thing contributing to my gain is my inability to exercise right now. Previously, I could eat whatever I wanted, and still lose so long as I stuck to my regular exercise program. Unfortunately, I have been going through major back problems and have pretty much been incapacitated since about August. I will be having surgery on my spine in the next couple of weeks. I will know the exact date after I meet with my surgeon on Friday. Normally, I am not excited about surgery, but I am for this, as I can hardly stand living with the pain anymore, and I just want to get back to living life and losing the rest of my weight.
  17. Dave, I am sorry that you feel this way, and have not had success. However, 99% of people who I know that have had the sleeve have been successful and are very pleased with their results. I do not in any way feel this procedure is a gimmick, in fact, I feel it saved my life. In what ways are you having problems, perhaps we can help you figure out why your sleeve is not working for you. Again, I disagree, this is a forum for sharing information. By sharing what we are feeling, what has or has not worked for us, etc., that is how one is often able to determine what is happening with them and how to adjust what they are doing to make the sleeve work best for them. I think we all need to be respectful of what each person is experiencing and feeling, regardless of whether we agree or disagree.
  18. Daisy, you are so right, I had an awful time finding ones I liked. Right now, what I am loving are the new Yoplait frozen yogurt smoothies. Bill makes them for me and doctors them up by adding a banana and two scoops of vanilla flavored whey protein. The smoothie by itself is 110 calories. With the added banana and protein it brings it up to 220 calories and 45 grams of protein.
  19. *susan*

    "unmentionables" Nsv!

    Yay, that is awesome! I am not too particular on panty styles, but I enjoy staying away from granny panties. Also, I will not, under any circumstance wear a thong. I have no desire to indulge in a self-induced wedgie, thank you very much!
  20. *susan*

    The Final Countdown...

    Good luck to you, let us know how you are doing as soon as you feel up to it!
  21. Symptoms of a sleeve leak include pain in the abdomen that gets worse rather than better, swelling in the stomach, pain in the left shoulder or chest, dizziness, fever, infection and the appearance of sickness. The best thing to do if you are unsure, is to get in to see your doctor as quickly as possible!!
  22. I agree, the men of VST do rock!! I admit that I love peeking in on their forums and seeing what is going on there!
  23. *susan*

    Need A Little Support Here

    I am definitely not an expert, but I think one of the most important things is to be able to express your grief, anger, and other associated feelings to someone who is willing to listen. You don't want to keep those feelings bottled up inside, that is unhealthy and it is helpful to talk to someone. Share good memories with others who were close to your friend, that always helps. Most importantly, take care of you and get plenty of rest.

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