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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    10 Minute Trainer - Beachbody

    I hadn't seen this, and Bill is a Team Beach Body Coach. It looks interesting, I am going to have him get it for me.
  2. *susan*

    Curves? Beneficial Or Not?

    I tried it a couple of years ago, and honestly didn't even feel like I was getting a work out. It wasn't even enough for me to work up a sweat. I tried it for about six weeks and never noticed any difference so I finally quit. Now I go to Planet Fitness and absolutely love it and am definitely feeling the burn and seeing a difference.
  3. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    LOL, I know. When I got my fitbit, I thought I would do all my food logging there. But, I am really unhappy with their logging program and their very limited database. For some silly reason, I deleted my original MFP account. So, now I had to create a new one and find all my friends again.
  4. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Ok guys, I deleted my original account because I got a fitbit and was going to do all my food logging there as well. But, alas, I don't care for their food logging program or database, so I am going to link it with myfitnesspal. My new account there is: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/susanelackey Please add me back. I won't do anything silly like delete the account again, lol.
  5. *susan*

    No More Plus Size Shops!

    I remember discovering that exact same thing at a Kohl's. I literally sat down and started crying with happiness when I realized clothes in the plus size section were now all to big for me. Congratulations, I know what a fabulous feeling that is!
  6. Cindy, I was a band to sleeve revision, and it is absolutely the best thing to ever happen to me. I love my sleeve every day and have not once regretted it. It is so wonderful not having to worry about fills, unfills, pb'ing, and all the other awful things that went along with having the band. With my sleeve, it just quietly does its thing, and I lose weight. Bedhead, I am so sorry for the problems you are having. I hope your doctors are able to resolve your issues quickly. *hugs*
  7. Wow, absolutely amazing. I bet you are feeling great too! Congratulations girl!
  8. Yay, Alex, I am checking it out now!
  9. Wheetsin! Welcome, and good luck with your sleeve. I have not once regretted getting the revision, it was the best thing to ever happen to me!
  10. At almost three years, I found myself struggling, but a lot of it was due to depression and major back issues. Now that I am past that, I bought a fitbit, and I have to say in just a few weeks this little device has changed my life. I didn't realize just how sedentary I was at work. I now make a point of parking farther away, walking to the furthest bathroom, climbing the stairs and in general, just to move more. I also log all my food on their site. Every day, I was coming in way below what they recommend I needed to be eating. So, as an experiment, I upped my calorie intake to what it suggested I should be eating based on my age, weight, and the daily activity level data it gathered from my fitbit. I was amazed that by eating more, I kick-started my weight loss again. I have lost seven pounds since doing this. So, maybe I just wasn't eating enough to really get my metabolism going.
  11. *susan*

    Official: FitBit Thread

    I just got a fitbit, and I have to say, I love, love, LOVE it! It is motivating like you would not believe. I want to meet my daily steps goal, so I check it frequently and find all kinds of excuses to get up and move now. I park in the farthest spots away in parking lots, walk to the opposite end of the building to use the restroom instead of using the one right next to my cubicle, etc. And, mine is very accurate thus far. I love the website, and the fact that it is free. I have decided to do all my food tracking there as well. Right now, it is not the greatest in terms of its database, but Fitbit is aware of that and working on improving it. I am actually in a group who will be testing their new food entry program starting tomorrow, and will let you know how I like it. If you are on there, add me, my profile is in my signature.
  12. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I have sent requests to all of you!
  13. *susan*

    Today Is My Day

    Yay, glad you are feeling so good!
  14. *susan*

    Embarrassing Day!!

    Seriously? Wow, I can't believe someone at Lane Bryant would do that! You would think they would be more sensitive.
  15. *susan*

    At 8 Months Out I Ate...

    Oh my gosh, you get that too? I can't tell you how many times we have gone to eat someplace, and I can't finish my food so I ask for a to go box. They are always worried something was wrong because I eat so little. I have even had them send the manager over to make sure everything was okay. I don't want to say to a complete stranger that I was sleeved, so I usually just say I wasn't as hungry as I thought, but it is so delicious that I am going to take it home for later.
  16. *susan*


    LOL, you all are too funny. I saw "obituary" and was almost afraid to open this thread.
  17. *susan*

    At 8 Months Out I Ate...

    It is amazing to me how little I can eat after well over two years out! Got to love the sleeve!
  18. *susan*

    Today Is My Day

    So happy for you, today is the first day of the rest of your new life! As soon as you feel up to it, please let us know how you are doing.
  19. *susan*

    Embarrassing Day!!

    Oh goodness, I probably would have absolutely died of embarassment. So glad you were able to laugh it off!
  20. *susan*

    I Have A Date--And It's Next Week!

    Yay, congratulations on getting a date! So excited for you. And, I am glad your family is being supportive, that makes it so much easier.
  21. My tastes changed drastically. Things I used to love no longer appeal to me, while things I wouldn't have touched before, I actually enjoy now. That is a good thing though, because the things I loved pre-sleeve were unhealthy and the things I now love post-sleeve are healthy.
  22. *susan*

    One Week Update

    Glad to hear you are recovering so well, and, what an amazing loss already, WOW!
  23. I am so sorry you are continuing to experience problems. I had some problems the first few weeks after my surgery. My surgeon was out of the country, so I had to deal with local doctors. I was seeing one, and he just didn't seem to be hearing or helping me. I ended up going to four different doctors before I found one who really sat down, listened to exactly what I was experiencing, did a very comprehensive exam and was able to properly diagnose my problems. For me, I learned that finding the right doctor is so important. As for the sleeve itself, while I understand your experience hasn't been good at all, and I absolutely do not blame you for regretting it, people reading this need to understand this is not the norm for most people who have this surgery. Most people are very pleased with their results. I know I am. And lets face it, whether you are looking at weight loss surgery, heart surgery, back surgery, cosmetic surgery, or whatever, we all know going into it there are risks and there are going to be those whom the surgery is unsuccessful for. It is the chance we take. We just have to weigh the pros versus the cons and decide what choice we want to make. For me, I knew if I didn't have the sleeve, my life span was going to be drastically decreased and my quality of life was going to continue to decline. So, I took the risk and have never once regretted it. I continue to keep you in my thoughts and hope you recover soon and learn to live with and love your sleeve, and see all the wonderful things it can bring to your life. One day at a time, sweetie, you have lots of love and support here.
  24. *susan*

    My First Nsv

    Yay for you!! That is an awesome and exciting NSV, so happy for you!

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