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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Definitely, it is normal. Like others have said, you are only taking in liquids, so your body isn't producing much solid waste right now. If you are getting in all of your liquids, then your stools will most likely be pretty loose as well.
  2. *susan*

    What's In Your Fridge?

    To be honest, I haven't had any problems, I can pretty much eat the same foods I have always enjoyed. The only thing I found is I have to be careful with milk products, at times, my body acts a bit lactose intolerant, at others, it is fine.
  3. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    MyFitnessPal is wonderful. I love using that, and syncing it with my fitbit site as well. The sleeve, MFP and my fitbit are awesome tools for monitoring what I eat and making sure I am active enough every day. I am susanelackey there if you would like to add me as well.
  4. We are doing our research, thank you.
  5. *susan*

    Official: FitBit Thread

    I have the ultra and absolutely love it, especially with the stair counter. That little device has definitely encouraged me to get moving. And, I have mine linked with MyFitnessPal as well. The two linked together are an awesome tool, along with our sleeves!
  6. *susan*

    I Find The Operation Stupid

    Okay folks, clearly some of you failed to read Diva's earlier post regarding our rules. I am going to move this thread to the "rants and raves" section, as at this point, it is not really proving to be a topic of giving and receiving advice, but more of a "lets see who can out slam who" type of thread. I suggest you go back, read Diva's post, review our rules and treat each other with respect. We really don't wish to have to close topics and send out warnings. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  7. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Sent you a request!
  8. *susan*

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Irene, I have been bad the past two days. Got upset because these darn cortisone injections seem to have made my body just refuse to give up the weight. But, I realize that is not going to get me anywhere, so I am getting back on track too,
  9. *susan*

    Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.

    Kim, Wheetsin has a great deal of knowledge and is definitely offering you some great advice. I am so happy to see her here offering you some help.
  10. *susan*

    Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.

    Okay guys, I see where this thread has the potential to get some people riled up. Please remember, everyone is allowed to tell their personal story. Let's remain polite and respectful of one another. Thanks.
  11. Yay, I will dance with you too, and burn some calories while I am at it, lol. Congratulations, that is awesome girl!
  12. Okay, I will whine. I have a love/hate relationship with cortisone/steroid injections. They have eliminated my back pain, restored my mobility, and made it possible for me to exercise again! Yay, it feels awesome to be moving. But, as everyone warned, it is definitely affecting my weight loss, hence the hate part.
  13. Everyone here is basically going to do what they want. Heck yeah, you are going to lose weight on a 500-800 calorie a day diet. Of course, you will probably be losing muscle, which is definitely not good for you. It's that muscle weight which will allow you to maintain your goal weight when you reach it, I don't want to lose muscle, I want to lose fat. I want healthy muscles. I am not so desperate to get the weight off quickly that I am willing to jeopardize my health. Not only that, I don't want to gain it back either. And, I kind of figure of course those doctors want me to do 500 calories and lose a ton of weight as fast as possible. Then, everyone will see that and think, "wow, I want to do what she did". Which means, they will be on the phone, scheduling the surgery with the same doctor, making him/her more money. Don't get me wrong, I love my sleeve doctor, he saved my life. But, I do know what is smart weightloss, I too have spoken with nutritionists, doctors, personal trainers, etc. And, I have done lots and lots and lots of research. Everything and everyone I know recommends a minimum of 1200 calories a day to fuel our bodies. If you want to eat more and lose weight, here is a thought, get off the couch and move. Walk, run, go to the gym, anything, just get moving. A pound of body fat equates to approximately 3500 calories. So if you have a calorie deficit of 500 calories (meaning that you burn 500 calories more than you eat each day) you would lose approximately one pound per week. I would rather properly fuel my body by giving it the calories it needs to function, eat a healthy diet, and get off my butt and move to lose weight. My sleeve is a great tool to help me do this, and so is my brain, lol. But, as I said, that is just my opinion. YMMV.
  14. Bellabr, I am so against the idea of 600-800 calories a day, to me, that is just insanity. Our bodies need a minimum amount of calories just to function, approximately 1200 calories a day. Perhaps, your problem isn't that your eating too much, it is that you are not eating enough. I was suffering a major stall. My man, who is a nutrionist and personal trainer, looked at how many calories I was eating a day and about had a heart attack. As a result, he now fixes all my meals for me every morning for the day. I am averaging a minimum of 1200 calories a day, and, based on my fitbit calories burned for the day, add anywhere from 100-400 calories more based on how much I have exercised that day. Since doing this, I am no longer stalled, the weight is coming off consistently again, and by gosh, I feel so much better! Now that I am properly feeding my body, I don't feel sluggish, hungry or anything else.
  15. Congratulations to all of you on getting your dates, that is fabulous news!
  16. *susan*

    I Am Peeeeeved

    It has been almost three years since I had my surgery, and I am still not at goal either. In fact, I went up some in the past six months. But, I am starting to lose again now. It is important not to compare yourself to others. Everyone loses differently and this isn't a contest. I have learned and accepted that even though I may be doing everything right, my body just doesn't like to give up that much weight in a week. I will get to goal, it is just taking me longer, and I am okay with that because I know I am exercising and eating healthy, and even if I am not losing, that is still good for me.
  17. *susan*

    Pictures Of The Happy Day

    Ha ha, I originally said I would never put a before on my facebook, but after losing a bunch of weight, I was pretty darn proud of the way I looked, so I did, if for no other reason than to inspire others. I wish I would have taken pictures at different stages to document my progress. I think it is a great idea.
  18. *susan*

    Help, I Can't Pee

    I agree with the others, you are in the hospital and they will manage that. They are definitely not going to release you unitl everything is functioning properly. In the meantime, congrats on being an official sleever!
  19. Wonderful news! It won't be long now!
  20. Yikes, definitely not a pleasant experience. Sorry you had to learn the hard way, but, honestly, I think that is how most of us learn our sleeve lessons.
  21. Love the dress, and you are definitely rocking it girl!
  22. *susan*


    Darn tootin' you should feel good! There is nothing wrong with that, be proud of feeling good and what you are accomplishing, and be supportive of those who are having problems. For most with problems, it is just a matter of learning to adjust and live with the changes and it will quickly pass. Also, remember that for many who are having great success, we don't see a lot of their postings on here because they are out enjoying their new life.
  23. I think it is a good idea you are going to see your doctor. Honestly, I am not a fan of the 600-800 calorie a day plan, not even for sleevers. Especially if you are exercising regularly, as your body just needs more calories than that to fuel itself. I felt/feel that way when I do not give my body enough fuel. If I average at least 1100-1200 calories a day, I feel good and lose weight. Anything less and I just feel yucky, like you described. This may not be a popular theory with most sleevers it is just what works for me and why I feed my body something healthy every couple of hours.
  24. *susan*

    10 Minute Trainer - Beachbody

    I just had Bill order it for me. If anyone else is interested, you can order it here: http://beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/mastercotter/#

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
