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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Excess Skin Pics

    I figure loose skin is way better than the alternative. I would post my pics, but I don't like seeing unclothed pictures of myself, or allowing anyone else to see them either! LOL Sent from my iPad using VST
  2. *susan*

    New Stomach Talking!

    I know this is probably way too much info, lol, but the good news is since getting my sleeve, I seldom pass gas. I figure that is a win for everyone! Sent from my iPad using VST
  3. *susan*

    Strech Stomach

    If your stomach has stretched back to its original size, then I would be concerned that perhaps your surgeon removed the wrong portion of your stomach. One of the benefits of modern VSG is that they have learned to remove the "stretchy" part and leave the muscle, which is very difficult to stretch. Yes, there will be some difference in the amount you are able to eat at one month, versus six months and even one year, but it should not be like it was prior to surgery. At several years out, it is still difficult for me to eat very much, and believe me, I have definitely tested my sleeve's limits. Now, it may also depend on what you are eating. If you are eating slider foods like ice cream and chips, yep, you can put a lot of that away and it will certainly have a negative effect on your weight loss. But, if you continue to do your best and remember the protein first rules, you should be fine.
  4. *susan*

    New Stomach Talking!

    Oh man, I am a few years out, just wait till you discover all the little embarrassing tricks your tummy will pull on you. Mines favorite thing is it's full signal, several very loud and obnoxious hiccoughs. Always a pleasure when dining out.
  5. *susan*

    Sleeve Tomorrow!

    Good luck, check in with us as soon as you feel up to it.
  6. *susan*

    Social Network

    My links are in my signature.
  7. *susan*

    4 Wks Post Op Miserable

    Oh goodness, Lux, what a mess! Hopefully you her everything straightened out quickly and feel better. As for knocking people up, y'all do what ever, but stay away from this girl! I am so done with those days, lol.
  8. *susan*

    Hello 199!

    Woo Hoo, that is definitely a major milestone! Congratulations!
  9. What a wonderful Valentine's Day gift to yourself! Congratulations!
  10. *susan*

    Bad Bad Girl...

    For me, at close to three years out, it can be very easy to slip back into old habits. I am a member of the "everything in moderation" philosophy, so fortunately, I don't run into too many problems. If I want something, I don't deny myself, that only leads to trouble for me. Fortunately, I can have those things I crave, but not go overboard on them because my sleeve is still there for me.
  11. *susan*

    Is It Bad I'm A Little Happy....

    For me, sweet, cakey treats were never my problem, it was and still is the salty, crunchy treats that are my downfall. I do feel bad for all the people who will be out of work as a result of this, though.
  12. *susan*

    Fat me.jpg

    From the album: *susan*

  13. *susan*

    Female Issues

    My advice is, it never hurts to give a quick call to your doctors office. Usually they have a nurse who takes those calls, and she will be able to tell you whether it is something you need to be concerned with or not.
  14. *susan*

    4 Wks Post Op Miserable

    Please, if you wish to have a disagreement with someone, take it to personal messages as opposed to hijacking the OP's thread. I personally believe it is vital to know everything you can about any type of surgery prior to having it, the good, the bad and the ugly. Everyone should educate themselves before making any life-changing decisions about their body. How can we do that, if we only know the positive outcomes, and not the possible negatives as well? OP, I am so sorry you are having problems. I spent the first six weeks regretting having the sleeve. I couldn't even get hardly a sip of Water down, I was weak, couldn't work, had fainting spells, was nauseous 24/7, and ended up in the hospital three times due to severe UTI's and kidney infections from dehydration. I looked like a drug addict because of how many times I was placed on IV fluids. Fortunately, around week seven things started turning around for me. I was finally able to start taking in more fluids and more substantial Protein. I gradually began to feel better and now I love my sleeve. It was a rough start, but in the long run, for me, it was indeed worth it. Most of us here are not doctors. We can only share our personal experiences and what did or did not help us. It is vital we stay in touch with our medical care team and openly communicate with them everything we are experiencing. If we don't, then they cannot help us and we are not doing ourselves any good. I am glad to see you are keeping in touch with them. Please keep us posted on how you are doing and I truly hope things improve quickly for you.
  15. I could use a good, swift kick in the arse!

  16. So excited, I love being a geek! Can't wait for my NFC tags to get here.

  17. Okay, being the typical geeky tech girl that I am, something new has perked my interest. Are any of you using NFC tags with your phones? If so, I am interested in hearing your thoughts and experiences with them. Thanks!

  18. So disappointed, scary to think what is going to happen to our country in the next four years.

  19. I've been bad. Sent to bed early with no dinner and watching election results.

  20. Oh, today is election day? Thank goodness I signed onto Facebook and saw all the status updates telling me to vote or I wouldn't have known! Silly me with my head in the sand.

  21. Should I be offended that Facebook just recommended I like AARP?

  22. *susan*

    Social Network

    I'm pretty much an addict, lol.

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