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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Another great thing, traveling is much easier, and I no longer fear walking through turnstyles!
  2. Wow, what an amazing transformation already!
  3. *susan*


    Hmmm, interesting. I would definitely follow what your doctor suggests. But, at three years out, I chew gum and drink diet soda and my tummy hasn't stretched at all. Sent from my iPad using VST
  4. *susan*

    12 Days Away... Excited To Begin Again!

    Oh goodness, I am so sorry you had issues. I, too, am a band to sleeve revision. I think you will be very pleased with your decision. I have never once regretted it. Welcome to VST and good luck! Sent from my iPad using VST
  5. I tend to be a bit lactose intolerant. It is really weird though, some days I am fine, and other days it just tears me up. There is really no rhyme or reason to it. Sent from my iPad using VST
  6. *susan*

    I Wish I'd Known...

    Same here, wish I had known about it way sooner than I did. Sent from my iPad using VST
  7. *susan*

    65 Lbs Down

    Wow! Check you out, gorgeous! Sent from my iPad using VST
  8. *susan*

    399 Yea

    Not to get all mushy or anything, but it just makes my heart happy to see you all so happy and getting healthy! Sent from my iPad using VST
  9. *susan*

    Sex... Oh My God... Sex!

    Whew, I was a little concerned, but afraid to say anything. Lol. Sent from my iPad using VST
  10. You're welcome! Sent from my iPad using VST
  11. We have a whole forum dedicated to this topic, so I will move your post there. Good luck!
  12. *susan*

    I Miss Salads

    Hmmm, I have had no problems with salads, I have been eating them since about eight weeks out. I am sorry they are giving you so much trouble. I literally laughed out loud when you said your husband pointed out you are gassy, so kind of him.
  13. Wow, I hadn't thought of it that way, thanks for sharing that perspective with us. In regards to your weight loss, you are doing fabulous! This isn't a competition, everyone loses differently. I am a very slow loser and I am okay with that! What is important is it is coming off. Sent from my iPad using VST
  14. *susan*

    Omg No Longer Obese!

    Yay, so excited for you! Sent from my iPad using VST
  15. *susan*

    New To All This

    Welcome to our forums, we are happy to have you here. Hopefully this will be a great start to achieving all of your goals. Sent from my iPad using VST
  16. *susan*


    Sweet, two great NSV's in one day, you are rocking it! Sent from my iPad using VST
  17. *susan*

    399 Yea

    Kurt, that is amazing! I bet you are already feeling so much better, congratulations! Sent from my iPad using VST
  18. I am three and one-half years out and continue to love my sleeve. I lost well over one hundred pounds and was nearly at goal. Unfortunately, about a year ago I went through a rough time with some personal family issues. At about the same time, my back issues started. I got depressed and turned to my old slider friend foods, anything salty and crunchy. I gained about thirty pounds back between the junk food and inability to move much due to my back. Fortunately, the family issues have been resolved and my sleeve is still there for me. I am still struggling with my back, but I have returned to good eating habits, eating Protein first which fills me up very quickly and am back to losing again. As long as you continue to follow the rules of protein first, and stay away from junk except for the occasional treat, your sleeve will continue to be your best tool in losing and maintaining weight loss.
  19. *susan*

    New To The Vgs Talk

    Welcome, we are so happy to have you join us!
  20. *susan*

    Almost In Onederland!

    Wow, whether you get there by Thanksgiving or not, you are beautiful and should be proud of what you have accomplished. Numbers are just numbers, what is important is how you are feeling and how you have improved your health and quality of life. Sent from my iPad using VST
  21. *susan*


    You will do great, I am sure you have done your research and selected a good surgeon with great staff. They will take care of you and you can spend this time concentrating on just you, knowing your children are well cared for. You have all of us here to support you as well. Feel free to pm me at any time if you want, I am always available for our members. Sent from my iPad using VST
  22. *susan*


    Awwww, those are my favorite kind of NSV's, congratulations! Sent from my iPad using VST
  23. *susan*


    Much luck and success to you! Sent from my iPad using VST
  24. *susan*

    Strech Stomach

    Here is the link; http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/28139-the-basics-boot-camp/ Sent from my iPad using VST
  25. I have severe back problems. I am in desperate need of surgery but presently do not have insurance so I am unable to have it. Every night, I have one or two drinks. They help me to relax and help me to sleep. Otherwise, I am awake all night from the pain. However, even without the back issues, I will continue to have a drink at night. It is a great way to unwind, that, however, does not make me an alcoholic. I worked in a psychiatric and substance hospital for 13 years. Lets not confuse enjoying a few drinks with alcoholism. They are two completely different animals. An alcoholic wakes up in the morning craving a drink, same as a drug addict wakes up craving their drug of choice. An addict is willing to sacrifice their way of life, their families, etc. to have their drug/drink of choice. They must have their drug or they will actually experience physical symptoms of withdrawal. That is a huge difference between enjoying a drink in the evening or going out with friends on the weekend and planning on having enough drinks where you need to designate a driver ahead of time. Sent from my iPad using VST

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
