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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Rude and angry Forum !

    Unfortunately, I know of many as well and am very disappointed. This is the first time we have ever had such problems here, and hopefully things will get better soon, everyone will learn to get along, or at least to disagree in a respectful, adult manner. Sent from my iPad using VST
  2. *susan*

    Rude and angry Forum !

    We are here, and believe me, we are trying to turn things around. There is nothing more we want than for everyone to feel safe to post here without the fear of being attacked. We need our members to help us with this, by continuing to report posts that violate forum rules. We do try and act quickly on all reported posts. It may not be done publicly, but I assure you we do address the issues. Sent from my iPad using VST
  3. *susan*

    Is it morbid?

    Lol, another great suggestion. Sent from my iPad using VST
  4. *susan*

    Rude and angry Forum !

    Moved to "Rants and Raves". And yes, I noticed. Sent from my iPad using VST
  5. *susan*

    A Question.

    Not everyone is prescribed the same pre-op diet, even if they are using the same doctor. A lot depends on your BMI, regular diet, comorbidities, etc. As long as you followed what your surgeon prescribed for you, you should be fine. I do agree with definitely no food after midnight the night before your surgery. Sent from my iPad using VST
  6. *susan*

    Is it morbid?

    Hey, that's not a bad idea! Or, maybe I could make an ornament out of it and hang it on the Christmas tree. Sent from my iPad using VST
  7. Actually, adjustments, or fills as is the terminology, is what makes the band the band. You are able to have fills and unfills to meet your intake needs. The problem is, many people are having problems with the bands eroding into their stomachs, or the band slips. The slip involves additional surgery to fix it, but can cause you all kinds of problems with eating until it is diagnosed. The eroded band is even worse, and can cause serious health problems. Mine slipped twice. Then, it eroded. I went for months without being able to eat anything, even with no fill in my band. I literally lived on ice cream, because that was the only thing I could eat and not immediately vomit back up. I have known many people who have had problems with the band, then again, I know just as many who have had great success with it. If I had it to do over again, I would have definitely chosen the sleeve first. Sent from my iPad using VST
  8. *susan*

    Is it morbid?

    Ha ha, no, it was cleaned up and sealed in a clear plastic bag. It is in a box in my closet. One day I plan to have a proper burial for it, lol. I just haven't come up with a properly evil plan for it yet. Sent from my iPad using VST
  9. *susan*

    The New Facebook

    Awwww, that makes me so happy to see some positive feedback on our forums, thank you so much guys! Sent from my iPad using VST
  10. *susan*

    Is it morbid?

    I didn't ask for my stomach, lol, that never occurred to me. However, as I was a band to sleeve revision, I did ask for and got to keep my band and the port. I still have them to this day. Sent from my iPad using VST
  11. *susan*

    Why not Nexium?

    I'm at three years and continue to take a Prilosec every day. If I miss just one, I have unbearable acid reflux. Sent from my iPad using VST
  12. No, I did not. OP, first, I would like to apologize for referring to you as a female instead of a male, I am sorry if I offended you by doing so. Next, I hope you were able to find enough relevant answers in your topic to aid you in your situation. I also apologize on behalf of those members who have taken this off topic, or have decided to have a public argument in your topic instead of taking it to private messaging.
  13. Mary, I know how you feel, how anyone could possibly sleep the night before is beyond me. In fact, my surgeon actually gave me a pill to help me sleep, lol. Best of luck to you, can't wait to hear how you are doing!
  14. Look at you, gorgeous lady! Way to go!
  15. *susan*

    YOUR tickers and profiles

    Love seeing all the great tickers! It is fun to watch everyone's stats and share in their success!
  16. I am an extremely happy person who smiles a lot, however, she did have a legitimate question, to which your first response was completely irrelevant.
  17. Knock it off people. The OP posted a legitimate question and is perfectly within her rights to request that her thread stay on topic so she can make a well informed decision based on her situation. If you want to fight, argue, or make ridiculous comments, do it via pm or start your own thread in Rants and Raves.
  18. *susan*


    Veteran's, you asked for it, and here it is. A forum just for you! Enjoy! Sent from my iPad using VST
  19. *susan*


    I am truly pleased to see the vets using this forum and enjoying it. I just ask that you remember, all members can still see this forum. Therefore, it is important that we continue to be mindful of forum rules and be respectful. Remember, at one time, you were not "vets", you were new to this. And I assure you, if I were to go back into our archives, I could find some questions that you posted as "newbies" that were what you would now consider to be annoying or ridiculous. I do "give a rats patottie" if someone who is earlier in their VST stages reads these forums and is offended by something they read here, because there shouldn't be anything offensive here for them to read. Just because the vets now have their own forum, it does not mean they now have open access to bash newbies, complain about the questions they ask, or anything else. That is not why this forum was created. It was created so you may have a place to discuss issues specific to those who are further out. As for all the complaints about drama, etc., well, guess what, whether you are on VST, OH or any other forums, there is going to be drama. The easiest way to avoid it, is to not contribute to it.
  20. *susan*

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    KarissaKhaso, what the "administration" of these forums supports is the enforcement of our forum rules, which are located here: http://www.verticals...tion=boardrules Those rules express how everyone has a right to post, regardless of perspective. They also say "We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously. We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning." And, they state, "Members will treat each other with courtesy and respect, especially when they disagree. We understand that bright, intelligent and educated people may not always agree, but personal attacks in the form of insults, abusive language or other means of obvious harassment will not be tolerated." Now, asking when one may drink alcohol is not a violation of the forums rules. However, calling people ignorant, pathetic and other names is.
  21. *susan*

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    Perhaps you did not see my warning regarding members who cannot disagree in a respectful manner without calling people names or violating other forum rules? I suggest you review our rules. Thank you. Sent from my iPad using VST
  22. *susan*

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    Asking when it is safe to drink alcohol, eat a cheeseburger or anything does not mean one person is any less serious about this surgery than another. My best suggestion is always to follow what your surgeon advises you to do. Not what Jane, Jimmy, or Johnnie's surgeon advised them to do, because their surgeon doesn't know you! As long as you are following the guidelines set forth by your personal surgeon, you should do fine. These forums are here for everyone, pre-sleeves, post-sleeves, veterans, etc. People come here for advice, support, sympathy, to see if others have experienced the same things they are, to vent, to learn, etc. Everyone should feel free to post without the fear of being attacked, ridiculed, accused of being a troll or anything else. I am so disappointed in the turn our forums have taken lately, so much negativity, so much of "my way is the only way", seriously, it just needs to stop. If you want to offer advice, that is fine. Do so, but do it in a positive, meaningful and respectful manner or simply don't respond at all and move on to the next thread. If you don't like someone's response, thank them, disagree in a positive, meaningful and respectful manner, or simply ignore their post altogether. If you can't respond to something without calling people ignorant, stupid, being the grammar police or any other names or violations of our forum rules, then please do not respond at all. This has gone on long enough, members are leaving the forums because of this, people are afraid to post and it must stop NOW! Thank you. Susan, VST Forum Administrator Sent from my iPad using VST
  23. *susan*


    And just to clarify, he will be sleeping at his home with his wife, and I at mine with my fiancé. Sent from my iPad using VST

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