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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    April Bandits, It's August!!!!

    Hey Alison, I didn't realize it snowed in Africa! Does that happen very often or is it a really freaky thing like when we get snow here in Florida? I understand what you mean about the family. I asked for their support too, but I didn't want to feel like I was having every bite monitored. Before I had my first fill and wasn't losing I told everyone that I appreciate their support, but it was a bit overwhelming and put too much pressure on me. I told them I need to do this my way, and basically, even though it may sound mean or selfish, what I really need from them is just the compliments, lol. I want them to tell me if they notice the weight loss. And, when I weigh myself on Sunday morning and have a loss and tell them, I want to hear a big "Woo Hoo" from them. Well, everyone, I had my port revision yesterday. I was there at 11:30 and they got backed up in surgery and I didn't get in until late afternoon. I am feeling pretty good though, it wasn't too big a deal. But I did toss and turn a lot last night and not get much sleep. Plus, I am sore today, so I decided to take it easy, stay home from work and recover on the couch today with my laptop. I think all of us April bandsters are doing great and it is wonderful that we are all continuing to support one another. I like exchanging recipies, although I think I will pass on anything that involves spinach, lol.
  2. *susan*

    My First Fill

    Don't be nervous, it really isn't bad at all. I was terrified when I went in for my first one, and it was so easy that I walked out of there wondering what I got myself all worked up over. Plus, the great thing about getting that first fill is the weight loss really begins from that point. You will do great, let us know how everything went after you get back. Oh, by the way, try doing a search on fill videos. I know there are a couple people on the board who have posted videos of their fills, and you will see how it is done so you know exactly what to expect.
  3. *susan*

    Whatever happened to the band bracelets?

    I sent him an email yesterday too. I will also let you know if I hear anything back.
  4. *susan*

    When to reveal?

    With me, my band is a very personal issue. I have told my children, hubby, parents and my best friend only. I also don't want to feel like everyone is looking at me and monitoring every bite of food I put in my mouth. If that lady lost a lot of weight and at first chose not to tell people she had WLS, that is her business. I don't think it is as important how we lose the weight, as it is that we are losing weight and becoming healthier. We are not required to tell people we are losing our weight because we have a band or some other WLS. JMO.
  5. *susan*

    everytime I eat it's different

    I know what you mean. Some days I can eat certain foods and other days I can't. It is so frustrating, especially when eating out because I may order what is normally a "safe" food and all of a sudden, there I am running to the ladies room to PB.
  6. I believe a great deal of it is up to the individual person. I am sure many people reach a certain weight, decide they are satisfied and do stop trying to get to their goal weight. I don't think it is fair of someone to tell us that we will only achieve 65% of our weight loss goal. I think that is setting us up for defeat before we even start. Of course, then again, I am sure they need to protect themselves as well. If they say that you can definitely lose all the weight you want, and then don't, they may be opening themselves up to a lawsuit or something (you know how people are in this day and age, sue happy!). My surgeon told me, with my band, I can lose as much weight as I want depending on how hard I want it and how much I put into it. Meaning, if I truly want to reach my goal weight, then I will. So, let them have their statistics and say what they need to say to protect themselves. In the meantime, lets totally mess up their stats and all of us reach our goal weight!
  7. Tim, I don't believe it is in any way an indicator of your success once you have the band. Hey, if we could all stick to diets and follow them 100%, we wouldn't need the band and Inamed would be out of business. DonnaMarie, I admit I have tried some of the old fastfoods that I used to love, primarily McDonald's hamburger and french fries. I found that now that I have to chew these things to mush or risk a PB, they actually taste really disgusting the more I chew them. It has actually cured me of any desire for those foods. It tastes like I just swallowed a cup of grease and nothing else. YUCK!! :omg:
  8. *susan*

    Banded at last

    Congratulations and welcome to bandland Mert. I had the same little patch behind my ear for nausea too, plus they gave me a little extra something in my IV for it. That was the first time I didn't wake up from surgery with profuse vomiting. If it weren't for this board, I would have never known to let my doctor know about my problem with vomiting after surgery and gotten that patch, etc. This place is awesome, isn't it??!!!
  9. *susan*

    20,20,20, twenty-FOUR hrs to gooooo

    Jill, take a deep breath and relax. Everything is going to go just fine. Before you know it, you will be banded and so excited about becoming a new and healthier you. Honestly, the surgery part is no big deal. One minute you are in the pre-surgery area talking to the doctor and the next thing you know they are waking you up and telling you everything went wonderfully and you are an official bandster.
  10. *susan*

    April Bandits, It's August!!!!

    Julie, you went on vacation and still managed to lose, that is awesome! I hope your new plan for the gym goes well. I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning to go to work, let alone work out. Fortunately for me though, I am home by 5:30 so have plenty of time to exercise, fix dinner, help kids with homework and hang out with the family. I had no idea about my port. My first fill went great, he was able to get right in with no problems. On my second, nothing would happen and that is when we learned it had flipped. So, off to surgery tomorrow for a revision. I am anticipating everything will go well. And, he is going to give me a fill during the surgery too, which I am really looking forward to because I need one bad!
  11. *susan*

    Just got back from Upper GI......

    Miper, I don't have any advice to offer on the spasms. I have been reading your other posts and am glad to see that you are just not restricted enough as opposed to some sort of other problem. Are you going to be getting a fill soon?
  12. I was going to suggest the same thing, measure out your food and freeze the rest for later.
  13. *susan*

    One Year and At Goal

    Barb, that is fabulous! Have you posted before and after pictures? I would love to see them, as I am sure many others would as well.
  14. *susan*

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Honestly, I wouldn't be trying to cure an infection at home by myself. If I were you, I would contact my doctor immediately.
  15. Mine did not have any restrictions for before the fill, just afterwards. Liquids for 24 hours afterwards, then mushies for two more days.
  16. *susan*

    Friday was my one year......

    Mandy, I saw your pictures on the before and after thread and you look absolutely fabulous girl! Congratulations on your bandiversary.
  17. *susan*

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Thanks Kim, I have a Walmart close to work, so will run by there on my lunch hour tomorrow.
  18. *susan*

    Cleaning out closet!! Anyone need anything?

    I sent you a pm.
  19. *susan*

    Poll zodiac sign

    Proud scorpio here!
  20. *susan*

    Black Widow and eggs in my garage

    Oh my goodness, that does not sound fun at all. The only I thing I hate worse than spiders is roaches. And living in Florida, we have lots of those. No matter how clean we keep the house and how often you have it sprayed, it seems every so often those little buggers come in the front door with you. The worst ones are the ones that fly! Oh how I hate those.
  21. *susan*

    Throwing In The Towel...

    I agree with the others and are unsure of why you are reluctant to have a fill. That is how the band is designed to work, by getting filled to the optimum restriction so the weight comes off.
  22. *susan*

    Traveling to Normal Size Land

    I am approaching 40 and have noticed that lately I often find myself getting very depressed over that and fantasizing about how wonderful life was when I was 18-20 years old. I then realized that that was the last time in my life that I was a "normal" sized person. Of course I am missing those years, I could shop anywhere, people noticed me, I wasn't embarrassed to eat in public (now I am because I think people look at me and think "she is so fat, she doesn't need to be eating). I think once I see a significant weight loss and change in how I look, I will stop fantasizing about being 18 again because as the weight comes off, I will be able to start doing a lot of the things I used to be able to do. I am already feeling better. And, I am definitely looking forward to shopping at someplace besides Lane Bryant and Avenue.
  23. *susan*

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Awesome, I think I am going to head out to the drugstore today then. My scars from my band don't bother me too much, but I have some really bad ones on my breasts from when I had reduction surgery about a million years ago. I have always hated them. It is definitely worth a shot and I have nothing to lose but the ugly scars.
  24. *susan*

    my gall bladder is gone!

    I hope you have a speedy recovery. I have never had problems with gall bladder, but my mother did and I know she was thrilled to have hers out and be relieved of the pain associated with it.
  25. Wow, that is amazing and your are doing fabulous! Pictures, pictures, we want to see pictures!!!! :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
