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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    goal weight?

    I know I will never be what I was in highschool again, and that is ok. I told my doctor I would like to be somewhere between 140 and 150 and he said for my height and age, that was very reasonable. However, at this point, for me, anything under 200 will be a victory.
  2. *susan*

    Pre-op diet

    I agree with Julie, please, please call your doctor or nutritionist for their advice. We do not know your complete medical background and what is best for you, whereas they do. The pre-op diet is tough, no one will deny that. You have to keep your mind on the goal and the reward, which will be your band. I weighed myself frequently during my pre-op diet because seeing that scale drop daily was a huge motivation in itself. Again, please call your doctor or nutritionist and see what they suggest. I felt like I was going to completely lose it about halfway through and called my doctor and he let me have a treat of a broiled chicken breast. Maybe yours will do the same, depending on your situation.
  3. *susan*

    Describe Hunger and Full (Please)

    Since getting my second fill and finally understanding what restriction is all about, I am only able to eat about 4-5 oz of food. As long as the head hunger doesn't strike, that will keep me satsified for 4-5 hours. I know I am full because all of a sudden, I will feel a little pressure in my esophagus. I don't have to eat much at all to get that feeling. And when I do feel it, I have learned to not take another bite or the consequences are the dreaded pb. I have found that I very seldom actually feel hungry. If I do, it is the usual tummy growl. I will usually eat something very, very small and that satisifies the growling. Otherwise, I am not doing any snacking and just eat at are regular meal times.
  4. *susan*

    The first few weeks....

    That is a difficult question to answer, because everyone's recovery is different. I think most of us have very busy lives between work, family and home. I took well over a week to get to feeling better. I was fortunate and my mother came to stay for a week to help us. After she left, my hubby and kids took care of all the cooking and cleaning. Of course, I am very lucky in that we all always share in all the household chores and cooking anyways.
  5. *susan*

    Couldn't click threads?

    I had the same problem all last weekend and this weekend. Today, I finally got so distressed that I took the option of emailing the webmaster. I was shocked because about 2 hours later they did reply to me saying the problem was fixed, the site was back up and to please email them again if I experience any more problems.
  6. *susan*

    New Orleans in Danger again

    Hey Funny, After the party is over at your house, we can move it on up to my mine. I just looked at the latest projected path and it has it going right over Jacksonville too. Sigh, guess I might need to think about getting the ole hurricane supply box out and see what needs restocking.
  7. *susan*

    10 cc band

    Goodness, I feel like the odd man out. I have a 10cc and just got my second fill two weeks ago. I am now at 2 and have major restriction and am loving it. For the first time, I truly understand what restriction feels like. I can't imagine being at 8 or 9.
  8. *susan*

    Vegetable Stir-Fry

    I am going to try this tonight, except add some sirloin and japanese stir fry sauce.
  9. *susan*


    I love popcorn and my band and it get along well. I use the microwave snack size bags at work and at home I make it in my airpopper.
  10. *susan*

    Strike Up The Band

    :clap2: :welcomeB: to bandland! Hope your recovery is fast and you are feeling well.
  11. 4-3: JenRN - 263/257/248/150 - 15 total 4-3: jenn28 - 282/265/229/165 - 53 total 4-3: Picardy3 - 298/300/271/150 - 29 total 4-3: tipper - 300/290/259/165 - 41 total 4-4: Sugar1 - 311/289/231/150 - 80 total 4-4: Dak – 255/251/225/150 – 50 total 4-4: Angels - 264/255/235/? - 29 total 4-4: Harpseal Al - 327/295/220 - 34 total 4-5: Boo - 208/203/188/130 - 20 total 4-6: Disneynut - 290/287/260/125 - 27 total 4-7: Guysis - 234/194.5/134 - 39.5 total 4-10: JulieNYC - 358/288/150 - 70 total 4-11: Vickie1177 - 320/297/267/137 - 53 total 4-11: tellymelly - 240/235/184/135 - 55 total 4-11: Fel0816 - 307/284/265/to get under 200 - 42 total 4-11: dsrjrr - 231/230/210/130 - 21 total 4:11: truckinmama - 262/234/160 - 28 total 4-13: Nursekathy2u - 358/356/335/175 - 23 total 4-13: NJgirl - 248/230/212/140 - 36 total 4-13: Miper70 - 217/201/145 - 16 total 4-17: Amourette - 22.5 total 4-17: Jeepergurrl - 242/222/140 - 20 total 4-17: MelAnne - 245/207/150 - 38 total 4-18: Danaclark2 - 270/260.5/245/150 - 25 total 4-18: LapBandit - 392/369/347/336/324/308/298 - 94 total 4-20: Omamoon - 220/211.5/188/130 - 32 total 4-20: KimInMD - 288/288/253/156 - 35 total 4-21: Yoda - 273/257/231/150 - 42 total 4-21: kristielynn - 310/302/259/150 - 51 total 4-22: alisonb - 286/270/176 - 16 total 4-24: Eficka - 125/117/106.6/69 - 18.4 kgs/40.4 lbs total 4-24: Ceparano - 255/270.5/235/170 - 35 total 4-24: Kat - 289/281/238.5/165 - 50.5 total 4-24: hlj25950 - 262/257/241/160 - 21 total 4-25: momof2boys - 270/266/244/145 - 26 total 4-26: Bostongurl - 264/244/206/145 - 58 total 4-27: tinaj - 226/221/210/150 - 15 total 4-27: lookingout - 185/178/165/101 - 20 total 4-27: flowergoddesstn - 214/204/190/130 - 24 total 4-27: Dimples0323 - 284/284/241/145 - 43 total 4-28: Susan4794 - 283/267/251.5/145 - 31.5 total 4-28: bluehill - 333/271/145 - 62 total 4-28: Irish Girl - 224/214/175/135 - 49 total 4-28: MomofSixKids - 240/238/215/150 - 25 total
  12. *susan*

    Always the outcast???

    Yep, I can 100% relate to this. It seems my whole life I will make a friend and become close to being best friends with her. Then, I will introduce her to another friend of mine. Next thing I know, they are inseperable and I am the odd man out. I know I am very insecure, and I am guessing this is obvious to everyone around me. Maybe that is why this happens. I don't know. I do have one true best friend in life, and that is my hubby and no one is ever going to take him away from me!
  13. *susan*

    need immediate reply please

    I have no problem taking Tylenol. Anything bigger might be a problem though, and I haven't tried it.
  14. *susan*

    Life changing event ...

    Wow, what an amazing and scary experience. I am so glad you are doing better now.
  15. *susan*

    My Response ~ Stop the whining *****

    :clap2: :funnypost:
  16. *susan*

    Up All Night???

    Actually, for the first week or so after surgery, you will probably find that you really don't have much of an appetite at all. At least, I didn't. The headache will pass. Good luck with your surgery and let us know how you do.
  17. I drink right up until I have my meal. Then no drinking during or for one hour afterwards. I thought I would have a really tough time with this, but it has actually been pretty easy. If I am having something really hot/spicy, I may take a small sip, but not usually because it seems to hurt.
  18. *susan*

    Protein and hunger question

    It is not unusual to be hungry when you haven't had a fill yet. You really don't start feeling restriction and lose the hunger pains until you have been filled. When did your doctor tell you you can get your first fill?
  19. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    I hate to change the subject, but back to a more serious note. Dawg, is there any chance you will be expanding your practice in the future to include plastic surgery, specifically, tummy tucks and bat wing removal? After doing the lap band, I can't imagine this would be a hard technique for you to master, especially with Susan helping you. What would your cost be on that? Also, do you and Susan provide lodging and meals while we recover?
  20. *susan*

    Lap band support...on ebay?

    Ha Ha Josette, only a $90.00 handling fee? What a bargain! ROFLMAO
  21. *susan*

    Awareness of food moving down???

    I don't know that I would necessarily, definitively call it stress. Not necessarily everyone has stress, and even if they do, this particular problem may not automatically be caused by stress. Many people have what is called "first bite syndrome". I know I do. When I first start to eat, things tended to not go down very well and I would have to wait awhile before I could begin to eat again. After doing research on this board, I learned that if I drink something hot just before eating, that does alleviate the problem. Try that and see if it works for you.
  22. Maybe they are confused, I know most people I talk to have never even heard of lapband and assume it is the same or similar to bypass. I had no problems returning to work one week after my surgery. I belong to 2 support groups as well, and everyone returned to work with no complications between 3 days and one week after surgery.
  23. *susan*


    Reduction? :mad: Are you referring to weight loss? Sorry, I am a bit confused. As far as the hair loss, like LapBandit said, I have heard this happens when you are not getting enough Protein. You may want to up your protein intake.
  24. *susan*

    Red Meat???

    I love red meat. My parents used to own a very nice steak house, so I had steak whenever I wanted and will never give it up. I have never heard of having to wait six months. I was back eating steak at 1 month after surgery and have not had any problems with it. I would just suggest not eating the cheaper cuts as they are pretty tough and you usually can't chew them up small enough. I have no problem with filet mignon though. Of course, the most important thing, as always is, just because this is what I did and I did so with the blessing of my doctor, I did follow his advice and did what he said to do, when he said I could. I would suggest that you follow your doctors orders, as he is in charge of your health, knows your specific medical situation and will advise you to do what is best for you. Stepping off my soapbox now. :faint:
  25. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    Sheryl, that is such a cool idea. That tattoo will have life-long special meaning to you. DL, I love your tattoo, it is beautiful. I have a hummingbird in a flower on my lower right leg that was my birthday present when I turned 30. I want to get a new one when I reach 75 pounds lost. I love dolphins and am thinking I will get one that has something to do with a dolphin, but I am not sure yet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
