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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Hot dogs?

    My thoughts exactly Carol. Normally 15 minutes or so and I am done. But, oh no, not this time. I was like the energizer bunny, I just kept pb'ing and pb'ing and pb'ing.
  2. *susan*

    Big Disappointment!

    I am sorry to hear about that, what a huge oversite on your physcian's office staff! I too am self-pay. We refinanced our home in order for me to have the surgery? Would that, or some other type of loan be a possibility for you?
  3. Yes, I am definitely in. Can't wait to get my lazy butt motivated. :huggie:
  4. *susan*

    Hot dogs?

    Sigh, I wish I would have seen this thread last night. For the first time since getting my band, I had a hotdog, no bun. I ate about 3 bites, extremely well chewed, before I had that golfball feeling. Let me tell you, I have never been more miserable than I was last night. I had major pain and pb'ing with projectile vomiting for 3 hours! Will I ever eat a hotdog again? NO!!! Nor would I recommend eating one to any of my fellow bandsters.
  5. *susan*

    When did you tell your children?

    Hi Karen, My kids are a bit older than yours, 13 and 15. However, I figured that this was going to effect them almost as much as it effects me. Therefore, they were a part of the process right from the very start. They looked over all the information, watched a video, talked to my doctor, etc. They were a major part of the process when I was making my decision to have the surgery, and support me wonderfully now. I think by having a lot of knowledge about the procedure prior to my actual day of surgery, it helped alleviate a lot of their concerns. But, as I mentioned before, they are older than your daughter, which may make a big difference in their ability to handle the information and how much.
  6. Hi Denise and welcome to LBT. You will find a lot of wonderful information here.
  7. *susan*

    April Bandits, It's August!!!!

    I'm in... So, 30 minutes of exercise at least 15 days out of the month? Correct? Woo Hoo, I am going to get off my lazy hiney and get some exercise in September! :biggrin1:
  8. *susan*

    April Bandits, It's August!!!!

    Yoda is right, we are almost done with August. I am excited about us doing a challenge. Are we going to go with the exercise one?
  9. Mine said it is best not to drink it at all, but if I have to, leave it out overnight so it goes flat. But, to be honest, I quit drinking diet coke when I went on my pre-op diet. I used to drink it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between and thought I would go crazy without it. But, I honestly have to say I don't miss it. I am now a Crystal Light addict. The one time I did try drinking a sip of my husband's diet coke, it tasted very unappealing to me, which I was shocked about.
  10. I had to do mine for 2 1/2 weeks. After the first couple of days, it did get easier. Additionally, stepping on the scale and seeing the weight literally drop off helped make it easier too. Keep in mind your goal and reward for following the pre-op diet. If you find you are going a bit crazy, and desperate for something, check with your doctor first. A little over a week into mine, I felt like I needed something. My doctor allowed me to have one small broiled chicken breast that night only. I truly thought I had died and gone to heaven. Congratulations on your decision to get the band.
  11. *susan*

    Cheese killing...

    :censored: :funnypost: :mad:
  12. *susan*

    Cheese killing...

    Funny, I have followed and read the entire threadkiller post, thank you very much. While it did contain comments that could scare off newbies, at least it was contained in that thread and in the appropriate forum. However, once it got taken from that specific thread and to other forums, it was no longer funny, just inappropriate and offensive.
  13. *susan*

    Where to buy stuff after banding

    I am not sure if it is appropriate to mention another website here or not, but www.obesityhelp.com has an online store where you can purchase things specifically for people who have had WLS. I don't know how there prices are compared to others though, as I have not actually purchased any of these items myself.
  14. *susan*

    Are you hungry/shaky?

    You know, that is something I really hadn't thought about since getting my band. I used to get killer shakes and headaches when I was hungry. But now, even with the limited amount of food I am eating, I never, ever have that problem. I don't know if it is because I am not hungry thanks to my wonderful band, or if it is because the food that I am eating is of a much higher quality and nutritional value now than before I was banded.
  15. Me too!! Please let us know how your tummy tuck goes. I am 99% sure I will need one once I get my weight off. I have been reading as many posts as I can on it and watching all the shows on Discovery Health Channel to help me decide if I am brave enough to do it.
  16. *susan*

    Cheese killing...

    Sorry, but I still feel the whole "threadkiller", "cheese" and "what is a PB" comments are all inappropriate. I guess my question is, was there an official vote appointing a few select people as threadkillers or cheeseheads or whatever it is they are called? Is this a new position that Alex created in addition to the moderators? Or, did they appoint themselves without first questioning whether their services were truly needed or appreciated by everyone else?
  17. *susan*

    Question about Moderators

    Sorry, I just need to add that I love this comment. :clap2:
  18. *susan*

    Question about Moderators

    Dear Newbies, If you are reading this thread, please do not be scared off of LBT. Do not be afraid to ask us questions about what a PB is or anything else. Most of us will do our best to answer your question in an honest and respectful manner. And, we will not then go to another thread and poke fun at you for asking said question. Most of us remember that at one time we too were newbies, still learning about the band and learning our way around LBT. Next, please understand that "cheese" is not the solution to every problem that occurs in a thread. It is sad that when having meaningful discussions, whether they are heated or not, a select few must revert to the cheese thing to try and take focus off of the issue. As adults, we should be able to discuss any issues in a meaningful and respectful manner. Newbies, again, please do not take this thread as a representation of all LBT members and posts. I personally have gained so much wonderful information from this board and support from all of the members that I will continue to recommend LBT to anyone I know of who has the band.
  19. *susan*

    I may finally have good restriction

    Hey Miper, I am right there with ya girl! Since having my port revision and being taken up to 2.0, I finally understand what all this talk about restriction is and am loving it. Although, I must admit, when I am eating something that really tastes good, I find myself almost feeling angry that I can't eat more than 4-5 ounces. Oh well, old habits die hard. Thank goodness are bands keep us under control.
  20. *susan*

    Question about Moderators

    Kind of what I thought too. It is their first post and kind of looks like someone trying to stir up trouble or something. JMO.
  21. *susan*

    Question about Moderators

    Where did this come from? Strange post.
  22. *susan*

    April Bandits, It's August!!!!

    Hey Yoda, you are doing fantastic! I would love to do a September challenge. For me, something to do with exercise would be great, as I have not been doing any and really need something to motivate me to start doing so.
  23. *susan*

    PB'g at Work

    As long as you are careful and remember to eat slow and chew well, you shouldn't have a problem. I make sure to never try things I haven't already tried and know I can eat without a problem when at work or out. As long as you do that, you should be fine.
  24. I was on liquids only for 10 days. I went for a post-op visit on day ten and was moved to mushies. He said after a week of mushies, I could test the waters on a regular diet and if everything went down ok, I was good to go. I had absolutely no problems with that. Roiansmom, lol, the first thing I had to eat coming off of liquids was scrambled eggs too. My hubby made them and you would have thought I was eating the finest steak at the finest restaurant in the world. It was pure heaven. :biggrin1:
  25. *susan*


    Oh, that is a tricky question. I think you can be approved and denied at any stage during the process. For many of us, insurance did not cover and we are self pay. Check out the insurance thread, you will find a lot of valuable information there. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=8

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