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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    questions about qualifying

    I am not sure, but I think they are normally looking for a BMI of at least 40.
  2. *susan*

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    Back to Netflix I go.
  3. *susan*

    Yeah, I'm bringing it up again

    Is it starting again with Dody's daughter and Yoda? Do I need to grab some popcorn? :angry
  4. *susan*

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    There was a "Terms of Endearment II"? How did I miss this?
  5. *susan*

    Newly Banded

    Yep, when I first got banded, burping was pretty uncomfortable for me too. It was a bit painful for the first week or two. Now, I find I hardly ever burp. But, I do get a ferocious case of the hiccoughs on a pretty regular basis now. I don't know about the breathing thing, I never experienced that. You may want to call your doctor just to be safe.
  6. *susan*

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    I have seen "Terms of Endearment" and cannot ever, never, ever watch that movie again. I went through an entire box of tissues and was depressed for days, maybe even longer.
  7. *susan*


    I find it even sadder that it appears that everything is done and over and people are moving on to actual lapband discussions, but people keep feeling the need to try and keep the drama going by posting threads like this. Please people, its done, its over, let sleeping dogs lie and move on with life with the band.
  8. *susan*

    Music suggestions needed

    No, Ifit.com is a personalized program for your treadmill, if the treadmill is compatible. You go to www.ifit.com It asks all kinds of questions about your current height and weight, your goal weight, fitness goals, current tolerance level of exercise, etc. Then it sets up a six week program that you follow. You plug a special connection between your treadmill and computer and then ifit.com runs a workout program on your treadmill. When you are done working out, it records all your stats for you. The workouts gradually increase in intensity levels. I really like it and it is only about $15.00 per month. You can also choose which type of music you would like it to play while you are working out, which is nice. I usually go for the pop or rock.
  9. *susan*

    Gone For Good Club - September 2006

    Surgery date: 4/28/06 Highest Weight: 283 Surgery date weight: 275 Current weight: 251.5 Goal weight: 140 Oh, and the check is in the mail.
  10. *susan*

    Gone For Good Club - September 2006

    Ha Ha Stitchy, please tell me this is a joke. I couldn't imagine eating them together, lol.
  11. *susan*

    Multivitamin Enough?

    Ok, I went by Walgreens to check out the Optisource chewable vitamins. I talked to the pharmacist about them and decided I would stick with the Flintstones, lol. First off, they are $25.00 for one bottle. Secondly, they are formulated more towards gastric bypass patients who have malabsorption issues.
  12. *susan*

    Calling All "Outies"

    Hmmm, I have an interesting visual of Jack in a thong now. I guess you would call mine an "innie" because you can't see it. That may change as the weight comes off though.
  13. *susan*

    Fast or gradual?

    I wanted to get to maximum restriction as quickly as possible. My doctor gave me 1.5 my first fill and that didn't seem to do a whole lot for me. However, he makes you wait four weeks between fills. And even then, once you go in to see him you are not guaranteed another fill. He asks a lot of questions, checks your weight, etc. He wants to keep the weightloss at 1-2 pounds per week. With all that said, he took me up to 2.0 last time and it is working wonderfully for me. I understand what restriction is now.
  14. *susan*

    When does this end

    Couldn't have said it better.
  15. *susan*

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    Ok, I have never seen the movie, but after reading all these posts and I going to have to see if Netflix has it and order it. It sounds great.
  16. Congratulations on your decision to join the bandster world and welcome!
  17. *susan*

    Music suggestions needed

    Is your treadmill ifit.com compatible? Mine is and I love it.
  18. *susan*


    I have been known to pop some light microwave popcorn at home and carry it into the movies in an oversized purse.
  19. *susan*

    Gone For Good Club - September 2006

    Hi All, I was wondering if I can join the club? If so, what do I need to do? I have been giving in to the temptation of cheetos and ice cream and really need some added motivation right now and this seems like a good place to start.
  20. *susan*

    NSV- the first one i've ever posted!

    Wow, that is a great NSV! Gaining your self-confidence back is so rewarding. And, I bet the guys thought you were smokin' hot too!!!
  21. Ok, I am posting this because I feel the need to be completely honest and fess up and am hoping to be severely reprimanded in the process. I was and still am very pumped about the September challenge. Last night, I had my tennies on, my dog on the leash and was getting ready to head out the door for a vigourous walk. Out come my daughter and hubby and say "Hey, lets head to Marble Slab for ice cream, we haven't been there in ages." Needless to say, Marble Slab won and I didn't get my exercise in.
  22. *susan*

    Multivitamin Enough?

    Interesting, I went out and bought Flintstones chewables yesterday, but think I may run by walgreens today and try these, especially seeing they are made for people who have had wls. They really taste ok?
  23. *susan*

    Colon Blow anyone?!?

    Honestly, I don't think I would ever do this to my body. It worries me that it would end up being like douching, and get rid of important things that are bodies need and by getting rid of them, we end up causing ourselves a bunch of new infections, etc.
  24. *susan*

    I am Just a SeaMonkey

    Sigmund and the Sea Monster!!! Oh my goodness, I haven't thought of that show in years, I used to love it. Oh, great, now the little theme song is running through my brain.
  25. *susan*

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    Hey, Jacqui, Lisa has been banned again. But, I am sure she will be back in some other personality. How many did Sybil have again?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
