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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Hey guys, I haven't posted in this thread in ages. I was having a horrible time maintaining my weight for a while there, and gained a ton back. Considering I live with a personal trainer/nutritionist, I really had no excuse. But like he said, he couldn't force me to get back on track, it had to be my decision. I found that eating 800-1000 calories a day during the initial weight loss period is one thing, but for me, it just wasn't realistic to continue to do that for the rest of my life. I felt absolutely lousy, no energy and was even getting depressed. So, I finally decided to listen to my fiance's advice (gosh, I hated doing that and admitting he was right, lol) and started eating at my tdee for eight weeks. For me, that was 1,875 calories a day. I gained about eight pounds during that time, but Bill had warned me that would happen while my metabolism went through an adjustment period and would attempt to store everything I ate because it was so used to me depriving my body of the fuel it needed to just to breathe and be alive. Then, my metabolism leveled out and so did my weight. So, I then started eating at a 20% deficit of my tdee. And, I started losing weight again. Now, I have added weightlifting in at least four days a week, so on those days, I eat around 1,900 to 2,000 calories a day. I have to tell you, I have more energy and feel better than I have in about three years. It feels amazing to be fueling my body, and strengthening it at the same time. I have finally found a form of exercise that I love. And, the weight and inches are dropping, which makes me so happy! I am eating a ton of protein, which is how I am able to give my body more calories on the limited amount I am able to eat a time. Anyways, this is working for me. It may not be something for everyone, but I thought I would share what has finally helped get me back on track.
  2. *susan*

    Just ate a Wendy's cheeseburger!

    Goodness, I am definitely not the food police. At fours year out, I am now eating based on my TDEE, less a 20% deficit. When I first started doing that, it meant I was eating 1600 calories a day. Now, because I am lifting weights and doing a lot more cardio, I average closer to 1900 to 2000 calories a day. Most of the time, I make sure the food I am eating is healthy and is good fuel for my body, and I eat a ton of Protein. But, like others, I did not get my sleeve to deprive myself. I got it to be able to live like a normal person and to not let food control me or spend every day obsessing about every bite that goes in my mouth. My fiance loves pizza, and so do I. So, Monday nights is pizza night at our house. I have my one slice which fills me to the brim, and I enjoy every bite of it. We also get the occasional craving for a nice bacon cheeseburger, and when we do, my fiance cooks us up one. I don't eat the bun though, the bun just swells up in me and then I would only be able to eat a few bites. The point is, what may be right for you may not necessarily be what works for everyone else. You have to find that balance in your life where you have a good relationship with food, it doesn't control you and you are able to reach your goals with a plan that works for you. It can't be everybody else's plan, it has to be yours. Some people can go their whole lives and never eat a cheeseburger again. I'm not one of those people, I got fat because I love food, especially junk food. I would go crazy if I thought I could never have the foods I love again, and quite frankly, for me, that would be setting myself up for failure. Instead, I try to make sure I fuel my body with things that are good for it the majority of the time and I make sure I exercise and stay well hydrated. That way, I have no guilt whatsoever for indulging in the things I love, I never feel deprived and I am one happy sleever!
  3. Hey guys, I found this recipe on Pinterest, and it is really yummy, so I thought I would share it with you. Each muffin has 58 calories, 9 carbs and 7 grams of Protein. Ingredients: 3/4 cup Ripe banana (about 1 large banana) 3/4 cup Egg whites 1/2 cup Plain low fat greek yogurt (I used plain Chobani yogurt) 3/4 cup Oats (use gluten free if sensitive to gluten) 2 scoop vanilla Protein powder (I used Designer Whey™, or you could use any flavor you would like!) 1/4 cup Baking stevia OR 1/2 cup sweetener of choice that measures like sugar 1 tsp Baking powder 1 tsp Baking soda 1/2 tsp Cinnamon Preheat oven to 350. Spray muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray or line with silicone or foil liners (spray liners if using). Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until mixture is smooth. Divide mixture evenly between 12 muffin tins. Bake for 15-18 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. (Note: be sure to use either silicone or foil liners with the paper insert removed because they will stick, as does any muffin made with oats rather than flour!)
  4. *susan*

    Banana Protein Muffins

    If you search the internet, there are tons of recipes made with protein powder. If cooking denatured proteins to the point that they were unusable by the body, we would all be eating our steaks raw. Heating the whey past about 105 degrees F will break some of the peptide linkages between the amino acids, but it will in no way render the amino acids useless (unless they heated to the point that the amino acids began to react, which is extremely unlikely).
  5. *susan*

    Banana Protein Muffins

    LOL, that was fast! Glad you enjoyed them. I like making them on Sunday, then I have a quick breakfast or mid morning snack of them throughout the week.
  6. *susan*

    I am now a master farter!

    Chris R, too funny, that is what my fiance always tells me. He says his farting in front of me speaks of how much he truly loves me, lol. I can honestly say, I have not suffered from the farting phenomena. I too, hardly ever toot.
  7. *susan*

    Banana Protein Muffins

    I hope you guys enjoy, I love them.
  8. *susan*

    Just ate a Wendy's cheeseburger!

    Oh, I don't do fast food either, it takes like pure grease to me. Fortunately, my fiance is a nutritionist and an amazing cook, so I get the best of both worlds.
  9. *susan*


    What I think you should do, in all honesty, is to quit comparing yourself to what everyone else is doing. Have you ever lost 50 pounds in three months before? Personally, I think you are doing amazing! You aren't doing anything wrong. Everyone's body is not the same, everyone loses differently, and, most importantly, this isn't a race. Heck, if it was a race, I would have given up a long time ago. I am an extremely slow loser, but you know what, I don't care! I weigh 125 pounds less than I used to, and no matter how long it took me to lose that 125 pounds, the only thing that matters is that I did and I am healthier for it. Relax, you are doing fine. Most people would be thrilled with a 50 pound weight loss in only three months.
  10. *susan*

    Just ate a Wendy's cheeseburger!

    Iggy, you and I are definitely on the same page. No tiny plates, plastic ware or anything else from me. I want to be like normal people and I don't want to be on a diet for the rest of my life. Even as far out as I am, my sleeve still works beautifully. If I try and eat something with a bun, I can only eat a few bites and feel miserable. So, I usually just toss the bun and enjoy the rest. However, I'm sorry, but I am not with you on the wine. I do, once in a great while partake of it, but my drink of preference is a White Russian, lol. I won't give those up for anything. And hey, I'm still losing too!
  11. *susan*


    LOL, I hate when I do the "one bite to many thing", especially when I am eating in public. For me, when that happens, I start making a series of very obnoxious hiccup sounds. Very embarrassing. But, your dinner does sound yummy! We've got ribs and asparagus going on the grill right now, and it smells so good!
  12. *susan*

    My wife is pissed!

    Mmmm, there is just something so snuggly and safe feeling about lounging around in your man's shirt. You have to let her keep of feel of them for that purpose. It just feels good.
  13. I remember not sleeping at all prior to leaving home. The good thing was, once I arrived in Mexicali, the doctor gave me a sleeping pill to help me sleep the night before my surgery. I am confident if he hadn't of done that, I would have been up pacing the floors all night, not from nerves, but from excitement! Good luck tomorrow, and as soon as you feel up to it, let us know how you are feeling.
  14. *susan*

    5% of 1%?

    Laura-Ven, you sure as heck didn't offend me, you know I love ya girl!
  15. *susan*

    5% of 1%?

    A lot of our sub-forums are not just for discussing the sleeve, but for also meeting people who have similar interests to our own and discussing those interests. Therefore, it is not uncommon for many discussions that take place in the special interest groups to not necessarily be specifically related to the sleeve. Sent from my iPad using VST
  16. Lol, no worries. And actually, I make my living as a recruiter, my passion is helping others. Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to make my living and my passion doing the same thing.
  17. Marielove, like others have already said, the success rate for patients having their surgery done in Mexico is the same as those anywhere else. In terms of aftercare, I always recommend that you have a PCP here in the states, and visit them prior to going to Mexico. Explain to them your plan, and make sure they are on board with you and willing to provide you follow up care as needed. Most of the doctors in Mexico also provide you with a record of what they did for you to take home with you and give to your doctor. There are very few post-op complications, so in all likelihood, everything will be fine. And, we are always here on VST to help you, offer advice and answer any questions you may have as well.
  18. Veronica, welcome to our forums! We are so happy to have you join us here and we are excited to follow your progress. As you have already learned, research is key! Research the forums, use Google, to talk to other patients and get their personal experiences and make sure you make an informed decision that you are are comfortable and confident with. As you can see, we have a great community here with many wonderful members willing to share their experiences and help you in any way we can.
  19. First off, not all coordinators are "head hunting". Many coordinators, myself included, are in this because we had surgery and it changed our lives. We know what it is to be obese, how confusing the process of choosing a doctor can be, and how important it can be to have someone with you acting on your behalf every step of the way. I am in this because I want others to achieve the same success, health benefits and happiness I have. I care about my patients. We offer care, advice, nutritional information, etc. from start to goal. I don't know about this business of coordinators receiving thousands of dollars for every surgery they book either, that is definitely news to me. What I am saying is, with surgeons, Medical Tourism and coordinators, there are going to be good ones and bad ones. And, if they have performed enough surgeries, worked with enough patients, etc., there are bound to be some bumps along the way where, tragically, something may go wrong. That doesn't mean they are bad at what they do, and most of them will bend over backwards to correct whatever went wrong, or may have been perceived to go wrong. Lastly, your statement that Dr. Aceves does not use "agencies" is incorrect, as we work with him.
  20. *susan*

    Vet's Forum

    I have been closely monitoring this thread and taking things into consideration. This forum was actually created out of your requests to me to have your own place, so please do not think we do not listen to what you are saying. On the contrary, we are very interested in your opinions. I will look further into this tomorrow, and will chat with Alex a bit more on the subject and get back with you in the next couple of days. Sent from my iPad using VST
  21. Ha ha, true. We need to change your title to "intervention specialist" or something more fitting. Sent from my iPad using VST
  22. *susan*

    Mexico Bariatric Center

    When posting on our forums, please remember the following rules: 7. Don't report other people's experiences as truth. Share your own experiences, thoughts, opinions, theories at will. 12. Recommendations or reviews of surgeons, hospitals, products, or services are welcome if based on the reviewer's personal experience. The reviewer must have no financial interest in the subject being reviewed. Violations will result in the posts being removed and a possible permanent ban of membership. Sent from my iPad using VST
  23. *susan*

    Hello fellow sleevers!

    So happy to hear you had a great experience and are now on your road to recovery. I hope you have a safe and comfortable trip home. Sent from my iPad using VST
  24. Thanks for the welcome, but where was the warning?! Lol. Sent from my iPad using VST

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
