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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Water or Coke

    Wow, that was very interesting. I do notice on days that my water intake falls below normal, I tend to be more sluggish. As for coke, I used to be a diet coke addict. I drank it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between. However, I have not had a soda of any kind since starting my pre-op diet at the beginning of April. I don't miss it and after reading this, I am glad!
  2. *susan*

    2nd fill - what to expect?

    I have had pretty good restriction immediately following my fills. However, in reading many, many posts, I have seen where many people's fills do not kick in for as much as a week or two after they actually get the fill. Maybe you are one of those people. I would give it time and see how things go over the next couple of weeks.
  3. This has been the best decision I have ever made for my life, my health and my family. No way do I regret it and if I had to do it all over again, I would.
  4. I have been so bad, two nights in a row with no exercise. I wasn't feeling well again last night, but I think I lost about 2 pounds running to the bathroom. :sick I guess I will have to double up over the next couple of days. 9/1: None 9/2: Ice Cream instead of exercise, bad me. 9/3: 30 minutes on the treadmill! 9/4: None 9/5: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/6: 45 minutes packing and moving heavy boxes 9/7: 30 minutes moving boxes and 30 minutes treadmill 9/8: None, was sick all day :sick 9/9: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/10: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/11: No exercise, 1 hour washing, vacuming, cleaning out car 9/12: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/13: None 9/14: None <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  5. *susan*

    How long was your belly big postop?

    I really don't remember my tummy being swollen at all. I do remember the gas though...oh how I remember the gas. :embarassed: It lasted for close to 3 weeks for me!
  6. *susan*

    Click and Have Some FUN

    I love that!! Grease is one of my alltime favorite movies ever! I have it on DVD and watch it often. Too cute!
  7. *susan*

    Is it bad to sleep on your port?

    I usually sleep on my side or stomach. It has never hurt. However, my port did flip, but I doubt the way I slept had anything to do with it. It was just a freak thing.
  8. *susan*

    I'm jumping on the BAND wagon

    Hi and welcome to LBT! Congratulations on your decision to get the lap band. You are already off to a great start by reading the threads and learning as much as you can. I suggest reading all the "stickies" at the top of most of the forums, as they are loaded with valuable information. If you have any questions, ask away, we are all here to help and support one another.
  9. *susan*

    It wasn't all in my head...GALLSTONES

    I am glad you found out what was causing your pain and that is wasn't "just all in your head". Hopefully you will get everything taken care of soon and be feeling well again in no time at all.
  10. I weight myself naked as naked can be. I had my monthly appointment with my surgeon this week. At home, I weigh naked and first thing in the morning. At his office I was fully clothed and it was mid afternoon and I had ate twice. His scale showed 3 pounds more than mine. I'll stick with what my scale says.
  11. *susan*

    birth control and wls

    I take birth control to help control my PCOS and the cysts I get from them. I have not seen that it has any effect on my weight loss.
  12. Hi Julie, So, doing all the ab work didn't bother your port at all? You couldn't feel it or anything? Just wondering, because one of the new pieces of exercise equipment I ordered was the Tony Little Ab Lounger. After I already ordered it I began wondering if it would bother my port or not. I am really hoping it doesn't. You have given me more hope.
  13. *susan*

    greetings from tennessee

    Hi and :welcomeB: to LBT! So glad you found us! You will love it here. We are here to offer support, advice and friendship. Whatever you need from us, just ask.
  14. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    Holy smokes, this thread is alive again! :biggrin1:
  15. 9/1: None 9/2: Ice Cream instead of exercise, bad me. 9/3: 30 minutes on the treadmill! 9/4: None 9/5: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/6: 45 minutes packing and moving heavy boxes 9/7: 30 minutes moving boxes and 30 minutes treadmill 9/8: None, was sick all day :sick 9/9: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/10: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/11: No exercise, 1 hour washing, vacuming, cleaning out car 9/12: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/13: None
  16. Wow, I get a few mild hiccups when I am full too. That is my sign that I had better not take another bite. On another note, I also get some pretty intense, loud, obnoxious hiccups that I never had before getting the band on a fairly regular occurance. I don't think they will hurt my band though.
  17. The person my ex-husband was cheating on me with was one of my best friends. Heck, I didn't know it at the time, but I was picking up her kids from daycare and taking care of them for her while her husband was at work and they were at the hotel! Now, the best part of the story, for me anyways. And, no, I did not plan this and it was not revenge or anything, it was just something that happened. We had a regular group of friends that we all hung out with all the time. One of them was my husband's best friend. He had been divorced from his ex-wife since 1991. She cheated on him constantly. They worked at the same place of business, and one day the owner came out and told him they had to fire her because she was in the used car lot, in the back of the car with a salesman having sex. Can you imagine how humiliating that must have been. Anyways, after many years of this, he had enough and got out of the marriage. He always made his opinions known of how he felt about the sanctity of marriage and how he feels about people who cheat. About a week after my ex and I split due to his cheating, his best friend started calling me. At first, I didn't take his calls. When I finally did, he told me that even though they were best friends, he ended his friendship with my ex. He said he feels very strongly about the vows of marriage and being faithful to ones spouse. When he found out my ex was cheating on me, he lost all respect for him. And, he said, how can he be friends with someone he doesn't even respect. Anyways, he said he knew what I was going through and offered to be there for me and support me any way he could. Well, we had known each other for close to 5 years, so we were already friends and knew a great deal about each other. Things progressed very quickly and soon, we fell in love and were married. We have now been married for 7 years and I truly believe I have found my soul mate. And, if it weren't for my ex-husband, I would have never found him. So, for that, I am thankful for my ex and do believe in happy endings.
  18. Hi Christina, Welcome to LBT! You will find many people here who have shared their stories and give hope to all of us. The band is such a wonderful tool and I am so thankful to have found it. It is like getting a second chance at life. I am sure this is a decision you will not regret. Please, do not hesitate to ask us questions. We are all here to support one another.
  19. Hi and welcome to LBT! I am so, so sorry to hear about your husband leaving. I am sure that this must be a difficult time for both you and your children. I am glad you found us. This is a great place for support, advice and friendship. Please do not hesitate to ask us for help, we are here for you.
  20. Most people find they need to have their band filled in order to feel restriction and lose weight. However, there are a small percentage, such as yourself that have a good amount of restriction without having to have a fill. I say if you feel restriction and continue losing 1-2 pounds a week, then go with it. If you reach a point where the weight loss stops or you a really struggling to lose, then go get a fill.
  21. *susan*

    Gone For Good Club - September 2006

    I think we just have to have someone to volunteer to take over the thread. We can't update Heather's, but we can certainly copy and paste it. Then, we just need to update the numbers.
  22. *susan*

    Surgery in the a.m. (9-13-06)

    Hi! I just wanted to wish both of you good luck. You will be bandsters in no time!
  23. *susan*

    No weight loss third week

    Have you been taking your measurements? Sometimes, you may not necessarily see a loss on the scale, but you may see a loss in inches.
  24. *susan*

    Today is my day.

    Thanks for posting and letting us know how you are doing. I am glad everything went well. It sounds like you are doing well and it is good you don't have to use the prescription pain meds, but they are there if you need them. I tell ya, I found that the liquid tylenol works better for me than the pills ever did. My hubby agrees!
  25. *susan*

    I am so devastated!

    I understand your anger, I would be absolutely furious if I were you. Ok, so they decide to cancel the program. It seems to me the smart thing to do, business and image wise, would be to say we are accepting no more people into this program, but will honor those who are already scheduled. Wow, what a poor business practice. Let us know how this all turns out.

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