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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Gurgling sounds?

    Just curious, what size band do you have and what is your current fill level? I have the opposite problem with burping. Sometimes I feel like I need to burp, but since getting my band, I just can't. Now, I do get some major hiccoughs. And when I am eating, I will do a couple quick big hiccoughs and I have learned that is my band telling me to stop eating or the next thing will be a pb.
  2. *susan*

    6mths already!?!?!

    You are doing absolutely fabulous! This band is a wonderful tool and chance at a new life that we have been given. I love the name you gave your band, it is so fitting. They really do give us hope at a new and healthier life.
  3. *susan*

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Puddinpie, WOW!! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us, you are such as inspiration.
  4. *susan*

    Smiling from ear to ear

    Awww, what a sweetie he is, and what a wonderful NSV!!
  5. Woo Hoo, you should be an official bandster by now, congratulations! Let us know how everything went when you feel up to it.
  6. *susan*

    Banded Tommorow

    Kellie, I am so sorry your surgery was delayed, how disappointing to be there and be ready and have to go home without the band. But, the good news is you do already have another date, and it is only a couple of weeks away.
  7. *susan*

    How long until the dreaded PB

    When you PB, the problem food comes back up.
  8. *susan*

    I'm 16 years old again!

    Congratulations! You guys are doing fabulous. I was 120 when I was 16, so I am nowhere near that weight yet. But, between the weightloss and exercise, I am starting to have energy similiar to when I was 16.
  9. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    :yuck: :)
  10. *susan*

    My BEAUTIFUL band baby!

    She is absolutely beautiful!!!
  11. *susan*

    New to the Forum

    I just wanted to jump in and say hi and welcome to LBT to both of you. Feel free to ask questions whenever you need, as we are all here to support one another. Also, check out the stickies at the top of the forums, as they are filled with a wealth of information that I am sure you will find very helpful.
  12. *susan*

    I yr. soon

    I think what is important to remember is that the band is designed for slower, healthier weight loss. Ideally, one should be losing about 1-2 pounds per week with the band. If you have lost 40 pounds in two months, that is an average of 5 pounds a week, so you are actually losing above and beyond the suggested amount for lapbanders.
  13. *susan*

    How long are you on liquids after a fill?

    My doctor has me on liquids the day of the fill and the following day. The day after that I do mushies for a day and then back to normal.
  14. *susan*

    does anyone feel the same way?

    Ok, I am having a bit of a bad day, and am a bit cranky, so I hope this doesn't come off sounding mean spirited or anything, and if it does, feel free to tell me off, lol. Uh, yes, we are all "in the same boat" as you. We did not get fat by eating to satisfy the hunger and stop as soon as it was. We got fat because we kept eating, because we like the taste of food, because it makes us feel good, etc. etc. And yes, everyone here has probably tried just about every diet known to mankind before getting the band. What you are feeling/experiencing is really no different than what anyone else has. What makes you different from the millions of other obese people is you have decided enough is enough, you want to be healthy and you are going to take whatever measures you have to take that will work for you to get there. With all that being said, at this point it really doesn't matter that you couldn't lose the weight without the lapband. If any of us could, and keep it off, this site wouldn't exist, and neither would the band. If you have proper restriction, make smart food choices and listen to your band, you cannot fail with it! Even if you occassionally make poor food choices, your band will not let you go crazy because you will still only be able to eat a small amount of that poor choice. As long as you don't go crazy and eat nothing but crap food, you will do fine. The band is a wonderful tool and it will take care of you so long as you take care of you as well. Ok, stepping off my soapbox now. Sorry.
  15. *susan*

    Ideal calorie intake?

    I don't count calories, carbs or anything else, so I can't help you, sorry. I just listen to my band and when it tells me I am no longer hungry, I quit eating.
  16. *susan*

    Laser hair removel. Has anyone had it???

    I don't want to be too forward, but I have heavy hair growth on my chin and upper lip from PCOS and other hormonal issues. I would love to have this done. Do you mind my asking what kind of cost is involved? Thanks.
  17. Wow, bluehill, if I were you I would be happy dancing all over the house. Congrats!!!
  18. *susan*

    Officially Been Banded!

    I agree, walking and gas x were the best things for the gas. As far as sleeping, do you have a recliner? I found that I was more comfortable sleeping in a recliner for the first few nights. After that, I was able to sleep either on my back or on the side that my port isn't on. Oh, by the way, congratulations on getting your band!
  19. *susan*

    Newbie on the beach

    Hi and welcome to LBT! Congratulations on your decision to get the band. I hope to join you on that beach in my itsby bitsy teeny weeny bikini too someday!
  20. Hey Kat, Have a wonderful time in Texas, sounds like it will be fun!
  21. *susan*

    New Lap band

    Wow, I have never heard of the band itself literally breaking. I also would like to know if you experienced any pain or anything to give you an indication that there was a problem.
  22. *susan*

    Hair Loss

    Hi Green, Fortunately, thus far I have not experienced any hair loss. I know many other posters have, but I am not sure why this happens. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I keep my hair.
  23. *susan*

    Soft food vs Mushies

    I never really thought there was much of a difference between the two either.
  24. *susan*

    Bad posture causes pain?

    Hmmm, that is interesting. I can't say I have ever experienced that problem.
  25. *susan*

    hoping for surgery

    Hi Kimmi, Welcome to LBT! We are glad you found us. Making the decision to have the band is not one I think any of us go into lightly. Most everyone has tried just about every method of losing weight we can think of. Sometimes we are successful. Most of the time we either aren't successful, or we gain the weight back (in my case, we add even more pounds than we took off). I see this as being no different than a person who is addicted to smoking or alcohol. It is very difficult to "kick the habit" and we usually have to reach an all time low point before we finally decide we have had enough and if we want to continue living, be healthy and have a good quality of life, then we have to make that final, life changing decision. For us here, that decision is to acknowledge that we are unable to succeed at the more "traditional" ways of losing weight and we need help. For us, that help comes in the form of our band. It is not taking the easy way out. You still have to make good food choices and you still have to exercise. But, with the band, you have a constant companion who is there to tell you you have had enough and it is time to quit eating. With that being said, I personally feel that if you have proper restriction it is almost impossible to fail with the band. I don't always make great choices, I still eat cheetos and chips and dip. But you know what, even when I do, I still lose because my band does not let me get out of control with the quantity that I eat. It is normal to be nervous before having surgery. But with the band, the risks of not having it probably far outweigh the risks of having it. I think you are making a wise choice. Please check out the stickies at the top of each forum. They have a wealth of information that you will find very helpful as you begin this journey. And, of course, do not hesitate to ask for help and advice. We are all here to support one another.

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