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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Singing after surgery

    You know, every person heals differently. And, I believe if you have had surgery before, that is a good indication of how you will recover from this one. Some people, such as myself, really get taken out from anesthisia and are down and out longer than others. I am just not sure about the singing. I mean, I am sure you will be able to sing, but like Donali said, there is some pulling there and it might be a bit uncomfortable. It was a good 2-3 weeks before I felt like doing much of anything and about a month before I felt like my old self again.
  2. *susan*

    new one

    Hi and welcome to LBT, I am glad you found us. Many of us do work out and I believe it does help speed up the weight loss. Not only that, it is just plain good for you. We have an exerices forum that you may want to check out. And, many of participate in exercise challenges to help keep ourselves and others motivated. Make sure you check out the stickies at the top of each forum. They are loaded with information that I am sure you will find helpful over the next few months as you prepare for your surgery and life afterwards. Don't be afraid to ask questions, we are all here to help and support one another.
  3. *susan*

    Newly Banded and Need Advice

    Hi Angela, congrats on getting the band and welcome to LBT. Every doctor has different guidelines for food stages once banded. I was on liquids only for the first 10 days. On day 10 I saw my doctor and he moved me to mushies. If you really feel you need something more substantial, I would suggest calling your doctor and talking to him about it. If he feels you are ok to have something a little more filling, then he will suggest what he feels is appropriate for you to try now.
  4. *susan*

    Can Liquids Stretch Your Pouch?

    I don't think you have anything to worry about. Fluids basically go right through your pouch. That is one of the reasons we are told not to drink with our meals, because the fluid pushes the food through.
  5. *susan*

    OMG Hic-Ups

    I get them much more now than I ever did pre-band. I don't know what causes them. And, when I am eating, I will get a tiny hiccup, and I know I better not take another bite. For some reason, that is my bodies warning sign that if I take one more bite, I am going to PB.
  6. *susan*

    April 2006 Bandits October Challenge

    Ugh, I really need to get started with this and get motivated guys. I am in desperate need of a fill. I was doing great and all of sudden this past week, I am able to eat like crazy. Thank goodness I have my monthly appointment scheduled this Monday, fill me up doctor! I finally got on my treadmill tonight. 10/4: 35 minutes on the treadmill
  7. *susan*

    Hello Folks

    Hi Julie and welcome to LBT! Congratulations on your decision to get banded. I suggest checking out the food forum. There are stickies at the top for every stage of banding. We also have a reciepe forum that you may enjoy.
  8. Another warning about weight watchers, I also did it more times than I count before I got banded. I was very active on their boards for years, in fact, up until about February of this year. If you go on their message boards, I wouldn't mention that you have had WLS. They will slam you like you do not believe! Their message board members are very much against WLS.
  9. *susan*

    A pretty good idea, I think

    That was really sweet of you. Some people believe taking home a paycheck is enough of a reward. But, to make your job truly "rewarding", hearing a genuine thank you from someone whose life you have improved goes a long, long way.
  10. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    Ohh, that was just gross.
  11. *susan*

    I'm a bad bandster-a badster!

    Not to be rude or anything, but you keep asking if, even with restriction you can drink your food through the band. Do you want to sabotage your efforts? I am not sure why someone would get the band without being committed to it. You have it now, either you or your insurance company spent a lot of money for you to have it. It is still in there waiting for you to use it and become healthier. Are there any local support groups in your area? Or, perhaps as the other poster said, you should seek counseling to help you with your issues.
  12. Hi and welcome to LBT! I think it is great that you are doing your research and getting as many questions answered and concerns alleviated as possible. No need to cry about going out to eat, because you absolutely can still go out to eat. My recommendation is that when you do, you are careful to not try anything new. Order something that you know you have had before (either at home or the restaurant) and that you know your band tolerates well. Always remember the bandster rules to take tiny bites, chew, chew, chew to mush and wait in between bites. If you do this, you should be able to continue to enjoy dining out with your boyfriend, mom and others. What will be wonderful is that the focus will no longer be the food, but the people you are with and the time you are enjoying having together.
  13. *susan*

    Resturaunt Card and Airplanes?

    I have never used my card either. I guess my personal opinion is I wasn't charged more as a big person at a restaurant eating more, why should I be charged less because I am getting smaller and eating less. As for airport security, don't forget, they are called "metal" detectors. Your band is not made of metal, so it will not set off security.
  14. *susan*

    unfilled blues

    I know, the waiting is pure he**. I will go find my magic wand for you guys, lol.
  15. *susan*

    April 2006 Bandits October Challenge

    Hey Julie, I am definitely in. I didn't get much real exercise in the last week of September. I had a yard sale yesterday and spent all of last week going through closets, etc. getting ready for it. Between working all day and doing that in the evening, I just didn't have time to fit exercise in too. But I am back on the ball effective today!
  16. Congratulations! And, like the others have said, the good thing is once you have the baby, the band will still be there waiting for you.
  17. *susan*

    Is my underwire bra gone forever?

    Ok, now that I have picked myself up off the floor from laughing at T.O.M, I will add my 2 cents worth. I could not wear my wireless bra for close to a month after surgery. In fact, that first month, I found I was most comfortable wearing a sports bra. However, I am now back to wearing my regular underwires without a problem.
  18. *susan*

    *gasp* Nsv

    Congratulations, skinny!
  19. Hmm, maybe there is a trend with you and those orange drinks, lol. A couple of things, one, is it that time of month? Many of us tend to retain Water during our periods, and this causes everything to swell, inside and out, which causes our bands to tighten. Along those same lines, when I reported to my doctor that I am tight in the mornings and can only drink liquids, he asked if my rings felt tight in the mornings, which they do. He said some people tend to retain water at night, which makes their bands tighter in the morning. I also cannot drink anything cold. I have to drink everything at room temperature or I have problems. Final question, are those diet orange drinks carbonated? If so, that could be part of your problem too.
  20. Julie, I think the new October challenge sounds perfect, I am in again. I haven't done much exercising this week. I have been bad because I am having a yard sale on Saturday, so every night after work I have been doing nothing but going through closets, etc. getting things ready. 9/1: None 9/2: Ice Cream instead of exercise, bad me. 9/3: 30 minutes on the treadmill! 9/4: None 9/5: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/6: 45 minutes packing and moving heavy boxes 9/7: 30 minutes moving boxes and 30 minutes treadmill 9/8: None, was sick all day :sick 9/9: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/10: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/11: No exercise, 1 hour washing, vacuming, cleaning out car 9/12: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/13: None 9/14: None 9/15: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/16: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/17: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/18: None 9/19: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/20: 30 minutes on the treadmill <!-- / message --><!-- sig --> <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->9/21: 30 minutes on the treadmill 9/22: None 9/23: Out of town, 35 minute walk 9/24: None 9/25: None 9/26: None 9/27: None 9/28: 30 minutes on the treadmill I better get busy and exercise tonight and tomorrow so I meet the challenge! I will do this.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  21. *susan*

    getting surgery, I hope!

    Congratulations on your decision and being accepted into the study. That is wonderful news. As far as the diet after banding, once I got past the required liquid and mushy stages, I can honestly say I don't diet. I do not count calories, carbs., points or anything else. I don't want to be on a diet for the rest of my life. I just want to be a normal person who eats a reasonable amount of food. My band does a very good job of controlling my portion sizes. With all that said, the only real change I have made is to cut out the majority of the junk food and am making healthier choices. In order for me to succeed with my band, it has to be something I can do and live with for the rest of my life, and this is. I am not losing as fast as many on this board do, but I am ok with that because I am happy and able to live with my new lifestyle. Let us know how everything goes for you and don't be afraid to ask questions, we love to help. I think it will be great if your friend gets accepted too, that would be great for both of you and you would be able to support each other through this wonderful journey.
  22. *susan*

    How does it feel when you are full?

    I agree that many of us experience the sensation of being full in a different way. For me, my tummy starts to feel a bit tight, and then that tightness rises to my chest. I know I had better stop when I hiccup, because that usually means if I take one more bite, I am going to pb. I am not sure why you are experiencing jaw pain. I would find it difficult to believe that would have anything to do with your body telling you it is full. I would ask my doctor about that one.
  23. *susan*

    I am wondering

    I would not proceed with anything until you have asked your doctor's staff if they have received approval for the surgery from the insurance company. Either that, or contact your insurance company directly. Unless you are prepared to self-pay, it is better safe than sorry.
  24. *susan*

    Can I just tell you this

    Laura, that is a wonderful NSV. Congratulations! I think it is fun "going shopping" in my own closet and rediscovering things I haven't been able to wear in forever.
  25. *susan*

    tummy tuck

    Sounds like things are moving along great. I wish you the best with quitting smoking, I know that will be tough, but you can do it. Are you doing the patch or anything to help you? My ex father-in-law had smoked for over 30 years, 2 packs a day. He tried everything to quit but never succeeded. Then, when my son was born and had asthma and severe allergies, and could not be around the smoke, he decided to quit. His doctor gave him a prescription pack and it worked. He hasn't smoked in 12 years.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
