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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Is this normal....

    Yep, I vote with the others. Have you tried gas-x? It really helps. Also, walking seemed to help me as well.
  2. *susan*


    I love their wraps. Although they are huge. I get one and can eat it for lunch for 3 days before it is gone.
  3. *susan*

    deep breaths and burping

    The pain when breathing is fairly normal, it will pass. As far as burping, I have been banded since April and find I am just not able to burp anymore. But, I get the hiccoughs pretty frequently, and they can be very robust ones.
  4. My surgeon requires four weeks. Even then, it is not a guarantee he will give me one. Another thing to remember is that many people get a fill, but don't actually start feeling the restriction from it until a couple of weeks later. I am not sure why, but it just happens that way. So, maybe yours will kick in yet.
  5. *susan*

    I am now a bandster!!!

    Lisa, congratulations on becoming a bandster, I am glad you are feeling well. The most important thing for you right now is to just follow your doctors orders, he knows what is best for you. You had a terrific weight loss on your pre-op diet, and that is wonderful. Please remember, now that you have your band, the weight loss will change. The first couple of weeks you are likely to see more loss, though not at the rate you did with pre-op. However, once your swelling goes down, it is very possible that you will see very slow weight loss, no weight loss or even a small gain. Do not get discouraged if that happens. Remember that our bands are meant to work with fills. The time right after your surgery is for healing. Once you start getting your fills and reach true restriction, then the weight will start coming off. I wish someone had stressed this more to me when I was newly banded. I gained prior to reaching proper restriction. I did not start losing until I reached good restriction around the end of June. I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week, which is where we should be with our bands. Good luck to you, I hope the healing process continues to go well for you.
  6. *susan*

    I'm jumping on the BAND wagon

    Huberslave, that is great. Sounds like you are getting closer to bandland every day.
  7. *susan*

    April 2006 Bandits October Challenge

    I have not been on much this week, have been very busy. I didn't know once your child hits 13 they suddenly have you running everywhere all the time between their extracurricular school activities and their busy social lives. Anyways, I have been keeping up with the challenge, although I have not tried anything new yet. I haven't been able to get on my ab lounger as my doctor wants me to continue to give my port a little more time to heal. I am hoping he will let me before the end of the month and that can be my new thing. Boo, you ran 3.5 miles!!! That is awesome. I am not sure I can run from my couch to my bed, lol. 10/4: 35 minutes on the treadmill 10/6: 35 minutes on the treadmill 10/7: 50 minute walk around the neighborhood 10/8: 35 minutes on the treadmill 10/9: 35 minutes on the treadmill 10/11: 35 minutes on the treadmill 10/12: 40 minute walk around the neighborhood 10/13: None<!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  8. *susan*

    April 2006 Bandits October Challenge

    Good Morning, Kat, I just read about your husband. I feel so awful for you, what a tough thing to be going through. I will definitely pray for the both of you and hope all turns out for the best. Guysis, my goodness, your son is so young, and with a beautiful young family as well. I am also praying for him, you and your entire family as well. Please ladies, keep us posted on how everyone is doing.
  9. *susan*

    initial consult

    Kimmi, how did your consult go??
  10. *susan*

    So im back...............

    Welcome to bandland! I am glad everything went well for you and that you are feeling well. Remember, now is the time for healing, the weight loss will come after you start getting your fills.
  11. *susan*

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I have a 20 year old stepdaughter. She got pregnant with her first child when she was just 16. At the young age of 20, she now has 3 children. The children all have the same father and she is very lucky as he himself is just 20 but is a very responsible young man. He works 3 jobs so she can stay home and care for their children. When she was due to have her 3rd baby six months ago, my husband and I went down to visit them and have a talk with her. They cannot afford the cost of birth control, they do not have insurance and they cannot afford to have any more children. Both of them talked it over and agreed that they have 3 children and neither want anymore. We offered to pay for her to have her tubes tied and they accepted. Well, she was not allowed to have her tubes tied because of her age. I found that ridiculous.
  12. *susan*

    What does PB mean?

    Sometimes, when food gets stuck you will do one of two things, slime or PB (productive burp). Sliming is pretty much what it sounds like. You basically have slime continually coming up your throat and into your mouth for a while. PB is a bit closer to vomiting, without the vomit. Basically, when you PB, the food that was stuck comes back up forcibly. But, you don't get all the nasty, acidy stuff that you would from normal vomiting.
  13. *susan*

    carnation instant breakfast

    I always drink mine cold, but I don't see why you couldn't heat it.
  14. Where are our moderators? There used to be several on here at various times throughout the day. Now, it seems we go hours at a time without seeing one. Just wondering because there is a very inappropriate post with obscene nude photos that has now been posted for several hours that should have been removed by now. Do we need more mods?
  15. *susan*

    Back Pain

    Have you tried using a heating pad? I had a lot of pain both in my back area and in the muscle around where my port is. The heating pad helped a lot. By the way, where is your port? The pain your feeling could be related to it because it is sewn into muscle and is generally the area where people are most uncomfortable following surgery.
  16. *susan*

    initial consult

    Hi Kimmi and welcome. Let us know how it goes today and feel free to ask as many questions as needed.
  17. *susan*

    Please help me!

    Hi Larry, I understand your pain, truly I do. You have found a wonderful place where everyone understands and wants to help you. My first question is, have you explored all your options? What types of diet programs have you tried in the past? How much success have you had with them? If you are considering the lapband, I strongly suggest that you start by going to inamed's website at www.lapband.com and click on their link to find a free seminar in your area. They are the best place to start in your research of the lapband. Next, spend as much time reading as much information as you can about the band. Again, inamed's site is a great place, they will provide you with great material at the seminar, and of course, this website has plenty of wonderful information available to you as well. Read the stickies at the top of all the forums as they have information that I am sure you will find very valuable. And, of course, do not be afraid to ask us lots of questions, that is what we are here for. I wish you the best of luck.
  18. Goodness, I could not even vote. I actually gained a couple of pounds the first week. I think it was from all the IV fluids and I was retaining water really bad though.
  19. *susan*

    Love this site!

    Hi Lisalee and welcome to LBT! I completely understand your sentiments. LBT has guided me through my decision to get the lapband, the pre-op diet, the surgery, the post-op diet and life with the band. Everyone here is very supportive. Don't be afraid to ask for our advice and support whenever you need it, we are all here to help each other.
  20. *susan*

    Wow i cant belive it

    Sam, you are doing great. It is easier when you keep in mind the reward for following that liquid diet. Only one more week until you are an official bandster!!!
  21. *susan*

    One month post op

    I am assuming that you have not had a fill yet. The important thing to remember immediately post-op is that this time is for healing, not losing. Many people experience little to no weight loss during this time period, and some (such as myself) gain during that time. Your band really isn't meant to work without a fill. You may have felt some restriction the first couple of weeks following your surgery, however, that was probably due to swelling. When are you scheduled for your first fill? Be patient until then. Once you start feeling restrictions from your fills, I promise the weight will start coming off again.
  22. *susan*

    My Biggest NSV To-Date

    I haven't had the pleasure of doing any clothes shopping yet, but I wanted to congratulate you on your great NSV! I can't wait to shop in a department other than plus sizes, how exciting. Oh, and by the way, long time no talk to! I just saw Dr. Herrera today for my monthly appointment. I was on the line about whether or not I needed a fill, so we talked and decided not just yet. I am averaging between 1.5 and 2 pounds a week, so we are going to give it a few more weeks. I have a feeling by next month I will definitely need one. I hope to see you at the next meeting, I have missed the last two, one due to my daughter being ill and the other due to work.
  23. *susan*

    April 2006 Bandits October Challenge

    Hey Roberta, congratulations on being halfway to goal! That is outstanding. Well, I started doing laundry at 10:00 am this morning and am just now finally going to fold the last load. Yes, I had a lot to do and am sick of doing it now. I had a pretty good week this week, I lost exactly 2 pounds. I have been averaging 1 so that is good. My mini goal is to get to 240 (a) before my 40th birthday in two weeks and (:girl_hug: once I go below 240 I will finally be able to say I have less than 100 pounds to lose. So, that is why that is my mini goal. Strange, I know, but it works for me right now. I just got off the treadmill. I am off to fold that final load of laundry and go to bed. Hope everyone has a good Monday. 10/4: 35 minutes on the treadmill 10/6: 35 minutes on the treadmill 10/7: 50 minute walk around the neighborhood 10/8: 35 minutes on the treadmill<!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  24. My hubby was and continues to be 100% supportive. My kids are also very understanding and love to help mom with the band. Like others, I was shocked by my parents reaction. I thought they would be horrified by the idea. I sat down at my laptop one night and email them inamed's website, and LBT's. Then I immediately picked up the phone and called them. I started off by talking to them about the struggles I have had my whole life with weight loss and explaining to them the emotional effect (which they were not aware of the emotional aspects at all) it was having on me. I then told them what I wanted to have done and asked them to please go to the sites and review the information on the band. I was shocked when they called me the next day. By then, they had been to the websites, called their doctor, spoke to a friend who said their daughter had had it done and were completely in support of my having it done. I was shocked. They said they understood my decision and would support me through it anyway they could. I know they have also told at least one of my brothers about it because I received an email from him saying how much he admires me for doing this. He is a major fitness freak, but he said he knows staying fit and healthy is hard work and that he is really proud of his baby sister for making a decision to be healthier and live longer. I was thrilled with their reaction.
  25. *susan*

    Bites and Chews

    I do not count how many times I chew my food. I know it is a great deal more than what I did pre-band though. I just chew until my food is completely mush and almost in a liquid form. To get used to taking smaller bites, I followed a suggestion that another bandster posted on here months ago. I ate with baby utensils until I learned the proper size bite I should take. I felt silly for about a month, but it worked and it is a habit that has stayed with me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
