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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    Just Banded!!

    Hi and welcome to LBT! I think you will find that as the swelling from your surgery goes down, you will get to feeling better. If not, the best thing to do is contact your doctor and let him know what you are feeling and experiencing.
  2. *susan*

    Breakfast of Champions.

    I can't eat solids until about noon, so I have a carnation breakfast drink in the morning and it works for me.
  3. *susan*

    To Tell or not to Tell!

    My original plan was not to tell anyone, except my parents and kids. I was laid off from work, and had my surgery then, so my new coworkers did not know about it. One day, about six of us were chatting and one of the ladies pointed out that it looks like I have lost quite a bit of weight since starting. I don't know why, but I just shared with everyone that I have the band. They were all actually quite fascinated by it and had a lot of questions. No one has accused me of taking the easy way out and have actually been quite supportive.
  4. *susan*


    The only pizza I can eat is Papa John's thin crust pizza. Depending on how tight I am, I can always eat one piece and part of a second. I have to be very careful and really chew it and take small bites. It takes me about 45 minutes to eat it.
  5. *susan*

    April 2006 Bandits October Challenge

    If we do this next month, can we add something related to drinking our water into the mix? I am really being bad about this.
  6. *susan*


    If you get a request to add "journey to a new me", thats me!
  7. *susan*

    Doing your own fills?

    I just can't imagine why you would want to. Having your trained, qualified physican do it gives you the opportunity to meet with them and discuss any problems or concerns you may be having. Oh, and did I mention they are trained and qualified to do fills? Additionally, what if you had some sort of complication. If you have insurance, good chance they would not cover a complication from you doing your own fill.
  8. *susan*

    New to the site

    Hi and welcome! I am glad you found us. This site has guided me through every step of my band journey and I love it. If you have questions, just ask, we are all here to help and support one another.
  9. According to most surgeons, and Inamed, ideally you should lose between 1-2 pounds per week with the band. With that being said, I am averaging about 1.5 per week and very happy with that.
  10. I have no problem eating pretzels, so long as I remember to chew them to mush. For me, a hiccough is my sign to stop eating. If I continue, then I will probably end up with a pb.
  11. Hi Sarah, and welcome to LBT! You have found a great place for advice and support. I would suggest starting by reading the stickies at the top of all the forums. They have a great deal of valuable information. Next, ask questions and lots of them. We are all here to help and support each other. Any advice you need, I and the other members are always willing to provide, as long as we can. Congratulations on your decision, I know I have never regretted mine.
  12. *susan*

    New from Rockford Illinois

    Hi and welcome to LBT! I think you have made a wonderful decision, I know I have had no regrets. Any idea on when you will be having your surgery? Make sure you read the stickies at the top of the forums, they are loaded with valuable information. And, of course, don't be afraid to ask us for any advice you need, that is what we are here for.
  13. Hi there! I just wanted to check in, welcome you to LBT and bandland, and see how everything is going for you. I hope you are doing well. Recovery is not bad at all from this, I am sure you will do fine.
  14. *susan*

    G'day from Down Under

    Well hi there, Divakaz, and welcome to LBT! We are so glad you decided to start chatting with us! :biggrin1: I am sure that by now you have learned what a wonderful board this is and how supportive everyone is of one another. Feel free to ask for any advice and support you need, that is what we are all here for.
  15. *susan*

    other things you've tried

    Just look up diet and/or weight loss on the internet. Chances are I have tried just about all of them....twice. Unless, of course we are talking about weight watchers, I have been on it at least 7 times. The beauty of my band is I no longer diet and I love that. I don't count points, carbs, calories or anything. I just quit eating when I am no longer hungry and make healthier choices. I love, love, LOVE my band!
  16. Perhaps, because she one of the original band, it is different than the ones we have now? Maybe that is why is has to come out? Just a thought. I know the ones we have are meant to last forever, and I plan on keeping mine just about that long, forever!
  17. *susan*


    :bump2: :bump2: :bump2:
  18. *susan*

    Shrinking feet???

    Funny you should post about this. I haven't bought new shoes yes, but I was just telling my hubby yesterday that I think my feet are shrinking because I am suddenly walking out of all my shoes.
  19. *susan*

    Bandster Hell

    I don't think we are saying you can eat "normal". We are saying it is normal to be hungry at this stage in the game. When you had your surgery, didn't your doctor give you a specific schedule to follow with food. Meaning, you stay on liquids for a specific period of time, then on to mushies, etc.? You should always follow your doctors advice.
  20. I do agree she needs help psychologically with her eating issues. But, I don't believe having her band removed is going to help her. I can't believe she eats too much, throws up and then starts eating again either. I know if I PB, I don't want to eat again for hours, or even a full day.
  21. *susan*

    Hi from Michigan

    Hi Marcy, and welcome to LBT! You have definitely come to the right place for advice and support. We are all friends here and love to help and encourage each other. Your surgery will take from about 30 minutes to an hour. As far as staying overnight, it depends on your doctor. Many go home within a few hours of their surgery. My physician prefers to keep his patients overnight. I was surprised with my friends and co-workers. I had not planned to tell anyone but immediate family. But, now that the weight loss is starting to show and people are commenting, I am finding myself telling everyone that I am "with the band" and loving it! I have not had a negative comment from anyone. In fact, most everyone is fascinated with it and want to know more.
  22. Hi Michelle and welcome to LBT! You are scaring me with all that cold weather talk, lol. I am from Florida and can't handle anything below 60! Anyways, glad you found us. Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you like, we are all here to support and encourage one another.
  23. *susan*

    Hello! new here

    Hi ya Doobie and welcome to LBT! Congratulations on becoming an official bandster. Hope to get to know you better!
  24. *susan*

    Hey Hey Hey

    Hi Geoffrey and :welcome: to LBT! I understand not wanting to hassle with insurance, I knew mine wouldn't cover, so I went self-pay as well. So, it has been a couple of weeks since your surgery now, tell us how you are feeling. Have you started on mushies yet? I remember my first mushie, it was scrambled eggs and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Anyways, welcome again, we look forward to getting to know you.
  25. Congratulations on the new man, the new you and entering onederland! :clap2:

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