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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    What Was Your First......

    Thanks, I will try the creamed corn. That should make my hubby happy because he really likes it.
  2. I love that food no longer controls me!!!
  3. *susan*

    Hi from Florida

    Hi and welcome to LBT! We are glad to have you here. I am from Florida, Jacksonville as well!
  4. *susan*

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rebulican..... I would like to know what that is too!
  5. *susan*

    Can't eat bread!

    I have to tell you, I absolutely cannot eat bread either, and I have missed it so much. In January, I got overfilled. I messed up and kept thinking it would get better and didn't go to the doctor until a week later. By then, I was severly dehydrated as I could not even keep liquids down and had spent a great deal of time vomiting. As a result, I had a slight slip of my band. So, my doctor unfilled me. First off, I am happy to report that worked, my band is back in place and I have been filled again. But, three days before my fill we went to the bud shoot-out in Daytona. Well, unfortunately they just do not have a lot of bandster friendly foods at the track. They had a checkers, so I got a cheeseburger from there figuring I would just eat the meat. But once I opened it, I thought, wow, I haven't had a cheeseburger in almost a year. I was wide open and figured I could eat the bread, and I did! It was wonderful. My hubby thought I had lost it because I kept raving about how that was the best burger I ever had. I only ate about half of it, and I took it real slow and it took about 45 minutes to eat what I did, but I loved it, enjoyed every minute of and don't regret it one bit. Now that I am back to being restricted, bread is once again a no-no food.
  6. *susan*

    Calorie Requirements for Each Stage?

    Don't you worry that if you do not get in enough calories, that is unhealthy too? I think 1000-1300 range should be good.
  7. *susan*

    What Was Your First......

    I remember very well. My first soft food was scrambled eggs and I remember them tasting wonderful! My first full meal was bbq chicken on the grill and corn-on-the cob. That was also my first pb. Corn still does not go down for me. I miss corn!
  8. *susan*

    How many days before Mushies...

    I was on liquids for ten days after my surgery. I did mushies for another week and then on to normal foods. It worked well for me.
  9. *susan*

    Time for first fill or not?

    Like you said, the pb problems sound mostly like an issue with forgetting you have the band and either taking too big of bites or eating too fast. If you are hungry after only two hours, I would say keep your appointment for your fill. Part of the job of the band is to keep us from getting hungry as often.
  10. I understand where you are coming from, after being on liquids for so long the idea of going back to solid food can be scary. Just remember that it will be a learning process. When I first went to solids, someone on here told me a good way to learn the right size bite to take was to use baby utensils. I did that for a couple of weeks and it really did help. As long as you are careful and follow the standard bandster rules, chew chew chew and wait between bites for a minute to make sure everything is going down ok, you should be fine. You are getting a pug, that is awesome! I think they are so cute. I have been wanting one for a long time, but we already have a chocolate lab and a long-haired doxy, so hubby says no more pets right now. But, I think my next pet may very well be a pug, I love their little squishy faces!
  11. Hmm, I seem to have the opposite problem I am tight all day until dinner time since my last fill. I can't even drink anything until after I have been up for about two hours. I can have something like Soup for lunch. Then, by dinner time I am finally open and able to eat. This band we have is definitely a finicky tool. Ogre, you said you are able to eat soft bread? That is amazing to me! Most bandsters, including myself, have a very tough time with bread of any kind. I would love to be able to eat bread and am so jealous of you!
  12. Good Morning Everyone, I have been away from my computer all week. I work in the development department of a non-profit agency that takes care of abused, abandoned and neglected kids. We are having our annual charity golf tournament on Monday, so this past week has been major hectic for me. This is the first chance I have had to get on the computer. I have fallen off the wagon a bit. My weight loss has stalled a bit too. Entirely my fault though, between work and my father's health problems, I have allowed myself to fall into some old habits of eating junk to feel better. But, I am determined to get back on track, and get back on lapband talk because everyone here really does motivate me. I am off to the grocery store now to buy some healty food to help me get going again. Talk to everyone soon!
  13. *susan*

    Vent regarding the Ultra Religious

    I'll take some!
  14. *susan*

    Diet Pills

    Every time I see one of these threads, I have to do the ol' head scratch. I guess I just don't understand the need for diet pills when you have the band. I mean, for me, as long as I remain at proper restriction, I am not hungry and I do not overeat. Isn't that why we get the band. I never liked diets, I never liked diet pills. Diet pills made me lightheaded and sick to my stomach. I got the band so I wouldn't have to do those things anymore. I guess I am just missing something here.
  15. HI and welcome! I understand what you mean about LBT, as this site has been there for me during the decision process, the surgery, and beyond. It does containt wonderful information and we are so glad to have you here. Please do keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you have any questions, we love to help!
  16. *susan*

    New and considering lap band

    Hi, I am not from Louisiana, but I wanted to welcome you to the board. I have PCOS as well, and have found that my weight loss has actually alleviated some of my symptoms, which is wonderful. My insurance didn't cover my surgery either, so we refinanced our home. For me, it was 100% worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I think you will find this is the best decision you could ever make for yourself and your health!
  17. I used to be a major diet coke addict as well and thought I would never survive without it. However, my surgeon said it was a no-no, and I wanted this band more than anything, so I stopped cold turkey. The funny thing is, I have craved it on several occassions. Then, the other week my husband and I were travelling down 95 and were both dieing of thirst. We stopped at a rest area and all they had were sodas. So, my hubby got a diet coke and I said I could wait until the next exit. I had a drink of his, figuring a small drink wouldn't hurt and it would satisfy me until I got some water. Well, I took that one drink and spit it out. It tasted absolutely nasty to me!
  18. I agree 100% with Marimaru. When my husband and I got married, we did so because we love each other, as a person, not just the physical body. We married each other for better or worse and always plan to be there for each other. He has always been, and I am sure always will be, my greatest supporter. Now, with all that being said, I will say it has enhanced our relationship in that I am able to physically do more and am more active. We love spending time together, but my weight literally did weigh me down and I never felt like doing anything or going anywhere because I got tired out so easily. Now, I do feel like going and doing and have the energy to do it. So, our time together has been enhanced and we are able to do more things together and that is wonderful.
  19. I don't have much to add that others haven't already posted. I just wanted to say that I don't think one bandster should compare their weight loss to another and allow it to discourage them. I have had my band for 10 months and just now reached the 50 pound loss mark. I don't let that discourage me though. I didn't start losing until the end of June/July when I reached proper restriction. Since then, I pretty much average 1-2 pounds per week, which is what the band is designed to do. Personally, I think losing 100 pounds in six months or so is not particularly the healthy way to do it.
  20. *susan*

    I have a date!

    Congratulations on getting your date! I remember how exciting that is. Keep us posted on how you are doing and don't be afraid to ask questions, we are all here to help and support one another.
  21. *susan*

    Partial Slip, what is that?

    I had some problems in early January, which resulted in massive vomiting causing my band to partially slip. And, you can see it with flouroscopy. Anyways, my doctor did an unfill and when I went in last week everything was back where it should be and I was able to bring my fill level back up.
  22. *susan*

    Footballmom -- Good luck!!

    Thought I would chime in and wish you good luck as well!
  23. Thank you for the very kind and understanding responses to my posts about my confusion. The tithe thing was what originally turned me off. However, I question so many other things as well that just don't make sense to me. And as mentioned before, because of my family, and my husband's family, I do feel guilty for questioning them. It just doesn't make sense to me that someone would supposedly create us in his likeness, claim we are his children, have all this power, and yet create us to quote "sin" and allow those he supposedly loves so much to suffer with disease, poverty, etc. Then I hear how it is all for his glory, etc., and it just doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't make sense to me that someone would say he is the almighty perfect one and we shall worship him and no other, actually, it seems arrogant to me. I don't know, I can't even really put into words all the things I feel and question as it just doesn't quite come out sounding right. I know I haven't been to church in probably 13 years. I just live my life, try to be a good person and respect and help others when I can.
  24. Hi Everyone, I heard about this thread while reading one on the rants and raves. Actually, I feel a bit lost. I don't know what to believe and feel guilty because I know what people think I should believe, but I just am not sure. Does that make any sense? My family all believe strongly in God. I think I used to until my senior year in high school. I had a bad car accident. I spent a great deal of time in the hospital and at home recovering. Needless to say, I could not attend church during that time and my parents stayed home to take care of me. After about 4 weeks, we had not heard from anyone in our church, even though they knew about my accident. One Sunday afternoon two of them came to our home. They did not ask how I was doing, or how anyone in my family was. They simply noted that my parents had not tithed in 4 weeks and were there to offer them the opportunity to do so. I then had a similiar situation after my first child was born. He was very ill and we missed two weeks of church. Again, no one was concerned about him, but did come calling for our tithe. I never attended church again after that. I felt like they are simply another money-making business. I decided that one did not have to attend church to believe in God and be a christian. However, I have known so many good people who have had so many bad things happen to them. I have prayed long and hard for others, for help with problems in my life, but I have never once had any prayer answered or seen any evidence of a God. I feel guilty because I feel it is a bit arrogant for someone to say he is the all and mighty and we should worship no other and he holds in his hands the ability to decide our eternity, etc., etc. It is really hard for me to write this, I feel so guilty because I know my family would be shocked if they realized I had my doubts. I am not saying I don't believe, and I am not saying I do believe. I am just really confused and am interested in exploring other beliefs. I have a friend who is Wiccan and have been interested in learning more about it. Anyways, I am glad there is a place I feel like I can come and discuss this and will receive understanding and not be bashed for questioning things.
  25. *susan*


    Wow, this has been my story since getting banded almost a year ago as well. I am constantly plagued by constipation and soooo tired of it. The only thing that has worked for me is good ol' mik of magnesia too. In fact, it has become a regular part of my weekend ritual. I take it on Saturday night before going to bed and things are "moving" :rolleyes by the next morning.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
