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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*


    I have never done it either, but I think it is great that you recognize there is a problem and are working to improve both your emotional and physical health. I have recently lapsed back into eating the junk foods I used to love due to some personal stressors in my life and I find them comforting. I guess I have some emotional issues I need to conquer too when it comes to food.
  2. *susan*

    OMG!!! me = 18/20 top

    That is a fabulous NSV! You look great and I can tell by your smile that you obviously are feeling fantastic as well. Congratulations!! :biggrin1:
  3. Wow, I am sorry some of you did not have good experiences with your doctor. Mine spoke to all of my family just shortly after we checked in. Then, in the pre-surgery waiting area he came and spoke to me and my hubby again, explained a bit about what would happen, how long my husband should expect me to be in there, etc. and asked if we had any additional questions. When I woke up in recovery, he was the first person I saw as he was standing right next to my big with a big smile and told me everything had gone wonderfully and I had my band. I spent the night in the hospital and he saw me that night and again the next morning before I went home. He again explained to me and my family what to expect over the next few days and how we should handle different things that may arise and that he is available to us 24 hours a day. The day after I got home, I also received a call from his office checking up on me and again a few days later. I thought, and still do believe that I get excellent care from him and his staff.
  4. *susan*

    Banded in 14 Days!

    Welcome to LBT and congratulations on your decision to get the band and on getting your date so quick, that is great. The liquid diet phase can be tough, but as you see the weight dropping and know your reward will be your band, you will be motivated and get through it just fine. Let us know if you have any questions.
  5. Hi there, and welcome to LBT! It sounds like you are well on your way to becoming a bandster, congratulations. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know when you get your date. In the meantime, don't be afraid to ask questions, we are all willing to help out as best we can.
  6. *susan*

    Hi from New York

    Hi Gena, and welcome to LBT. You will find tons of great information here about the band. I had looked into gastric bypass myself when I was originally looking into getting weight loss surgery. My husband said no way, he had heard too many horror stories about it and didn't want them rearranging my insides. Then I found this wonderful site and the rest is history. So, with that being said, please feel free to ask as many questions as needed. We are all here to help one another and offer each other supports.
  7. Hi there and :welcome: ! Congratulations on the decision to get the lapband and on your date, it won't be long now! I am so glad you found us here. This site has guided me through the entire process of banding, and will offer you lots of advice and support. If you have any questions, just ask, we will be happy to help as best we can.
  8. *susan*

    Weight Loss Cure

    Steroids, you have got to be kidding me. What a joke. I think I will stick with my band.
  9. *susan*

    Newbie Wanna Be

    Welcome to LBT, I love your user name, it is so cute!
  10. Hi Meltini, I just wanted to jump in and welcome you as well. I don't think you will be at all disappointed with your band. While I have not lost as quickly as others, I am losing the recommended 1-2 pounds per week with my band and it truly has changed my life, as I am sure it will yours. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  11. *susan*

    Sanjaya !!!!

    I actually think Phil is pretty good and have been voting for him along, and no, not just because I am from Jacksonville either! I also really like Blake. I usually cast one vote for each of them.
  12. *susan*

    Weird Pic - Is That My Port?!

    I don't know, but it is weird looking though. Probably just something freaky with the flash.
  13. *susan*


    Ugh, this has been an ongoing problem for me from the day I got my band. Good ol' MOM (milk of magnesia) always gets things "moving" again for me. :phanvan
  14. *susan*

    Can you eat peanut butter, yes or no??

    Um, I can't eat normal peanut butter by itself. However, Breyers Peanut Butter Tracks ice cream goes down really well, unfortunately! :faint:
  15. *susan*

    Another "Old Timer" With Issues

    Hi Carlene, I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through, and it scares me at the same time. I have the 4cc band as well. In January, I went from 2.5 to 3.0 cc and was majorly overfilled. I couldn't eat or get fluids down for over a week. It resulted in a small slip of my band and he took my fill back down to 2.0. I still had on and off problems with pb's and for the first time in my life, a bit of reflux. I went in a week ago Monday and he took all my fill out. I am scheduled to go in for a floro myself next Thursday. I am nervous and am wondering if I might have the same problem as you.
  16. *susan*

    American Idol 2007

    FINALLY!!! Sanjaya is finally voted off!!! Woo Hoo.
  17. *susan*

    2 Post-Op Q's Need Some Help?!?!

    I have no idea about the ear thing, that is the first I have ever heard of anyone having that problem after banding. As for the Water, I know it was a good week after my surgery before I could really drink any significant amount. You are probably still pretty swollen from your surgery, and may be for a few more days yet. I wouldn't worry too much right now, as long as you are getting enough in and keeping enough down to where you don't get dehydrated.
  18. *susan*

    No back fat

    Does that mean people won't be able to use that large area just above my butt as a tray for their coffee and snacks after my weight is gone?
  19. *susan*

    Oh My God...Are You Kidding Me?!?!

    Ewwww, that must have been seriously nasty. Personally, I find the Flintstones chewables work good for me.
  20. This was exactly what I was going to point out. My ex-husband, my husband and I all agree on and have never laid a hand on our children. I am firmly against spanking, smacking or whatever you want to call it. I was spanked as a child and my parents "claim it never hurt me". Well, I am dead set against it. To me, all that shows the child is that if you are bigger than someone, you can control what you want them to do by physically hitting them. If you saw one adult who disagreed with another adult, so they "spanked" them you would be appalled. Like Wheetsin said, the police would probably be called. If someone hit me, I would definitely charge them with assault. So, why is it not OK to hit someone of our same age and size, who can defend themselves, but it is OK to hit a small, defenseless child? Please explain the difference, if you can. When my children were younger, they were punished with time out. If that did not work, the most effective means we found was taking away something that is important to them for a few days or longer, such as TV, ipods, etc. They are now 14 and 16. Both of my kids are in advanced honors classes in school. They excel in academics, sports and other extra curricular activities. They are kind-hearted, loving, caring well-behaved young adults that I am incredibly proud of. And, all this was achieved without ever laying a hand on them, and I am also very proud of that.
  21. *susan*

    Fave comfort food?

    OMG, speaking of cheese puffs, Utz makes the most awesome, melt in your mouth, yummy cheese balls. I can't stay away from the darn things even though they are bad for me. And, they come in this huge barrell thing, so it is taking my family forever to eat through them and rid me of the temptation!
  22. *susan*

    American Idol 2007

    I agree that Lakisha and Melinda have great voices, but are boring. I get tired of all the slow ballads and prefer when they step things up a bit and rock-out. I think Jordan is going to go far. I also really love Blake a lot! I think he has a unique voice and style and will hopefully make the finals. And, at the risk of being ridiculed, I am officially rooting for my local boy, PHIL!! Big eyes, ears and all, he is such a sweetheart and I thought he really stepped it up last night and sounded awesome. As far an Sanjaya, no worries. My husband has announced that if he doesn't get voted off this week, he is personally making a trip to California and escorting him home. That kid seems sweet, although the hair last night scared the hell out of me, but he simply cannot sing. It is truly an injustice to those who do have talent.
  23. *susan*

    Son overdosed couple days ago! WARNING:

    Oh my, how awful! I am so sorry you and your family went through that. Like the others said though, no one is to blame, accidents sometimes happen. What is truly important is that your son is going to ok!
  24. *susan*

    Home From Surgery...

    I am so glad that everything seems to be going well with you. Like Terri said, we definitely were there with you in spirit. However, I am glad it was in spirit only or I may have ended up with a black eye from the sounds of things! :faint:
  25. *susan*

    Flipped port?

    Hi Gracie. My port flipped back in August. I had no prior knowledge it had flipped until I went in for a fill. I did not notice any difference in the way it felt or anything. The procedure to fix it is very easy. I was in and out of surgery in under 30 minutes. I was self-pay, and didn't pay anything for the revision surgery as my doctor covered it as part of my initial fees. I was up and back to work the next day without any problems.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
