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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. *susan*

    New here from California!

    Yep, like the other poster said, I recommend going to inamed's website as well, Welcome to LAP-BAND.com . They have all kinds of valuable information for you there, as well as a listing of surgeons in your area. I would recommend starting out by going to some of their seminars, getting more information and finding one that is a good fit for you. Welcome to LBT and let us know if we can help you in any way.
  2. *susan*

    What my mother said

    It is so sad that people just don't get how hard it is too lose weight. It is no easier for us than it is for someone to quit smoking or stop drinking. If it was, we wouldn't be fat! I am sorry you are not getting the support you need from your mother. Maybe once you have the surgery and she starts seeing you looking and feeling better, she will change her attitude a bit. Good look to you.
  3. *susan*

    New Alabama girl

    Hi and welcome to LBT! Congrats on your decision to get the band, I know it is one I will never regret. I was also self-pay, but it is so worth it. You will probably have to have a psych. eval, nutrional eval., ekg, blood work and possibly a sleep apnea study prior to the surgery. Additionally, you will most likely have to go on some type of pre-op diet, but every surgeon is different. Let us know how things progress, we look forward to getting to know you too!
  4. *susan*

    Optisource Vitamins

    Maudeispam, the 4 a day thing was what I was wondering about. Do you think 4 a day is necessary for us seeing we don't have malabsorption issues?
  5. *susan*

    Someone tell me to toughen up!!

    Are you tracking what you are eating so you have a better idea of just how much you are taking in? I suggest FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal as they are a free site and great for doing this.
  6. *susan*

    hello all

    Hi and welcome to LBT! This is definitely a great site for advice and information. I recommend ready the "stickies" at the top of all the forums as they are loaded with tons of great information. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. We are all here to support one another!
  7. Hi Sunny, I understand your being nervous, that is perfectly normal. When you go in, you will be pretty busy getting changed, weighed, having your vitals taken, etc. Then, when you go down to pre-op, you will probably be asked the same line of questions by at least five different people. The anesthiologist will give you some "happy medicine" in your iv to relax you and the next thing you know, you will wake up with a band. The biggest thing is they get you up and walking in a hurry. You will be a bit uncomfortable, but it is all manageable with pain medication. I think you will be pretty alert. I know I was, even though I did sleep quite a bit, but I had my full senses and what not. Don't worry, everything will be fine! Let us know how it goes.
  8. *susan*

    Illegal aliens

    I also agree that they should be required to go through the normal, legal process to become citizens. The bill is awful. Of course, along these same lines, I feel like this is the United States and we speak English here. If people are going to come here, they should adapt to our language. We have a bunch of teachers here they are getting ready to lay off because they do not speak spanish and we have so many spanish students here. Here we have a shortage of teachers and they are laying ones off because they speak only English in the United States! Ok, I am at work, so I better not get myself wound up, lol.
  9. *susan*

    Can't Live Without It...

    Ok, first off, Carlene, you have convinced me, after work I am going to go get some of those cheerios and try them out. Back to phones, as mentioned, I am a major gadget geek. I like having my phone, calendar, contacts, tasks, games, weight tracker, expense tracker, weather, internet, messaging, and on and on all on one device. That is why I love my Treo 750. It is smaller than the old treos, and I either tuck it in my pocket or clip it to my pants with a case. I also love watching tv on it when I am stuck waiting in lines and stuff.
  10. *susan*

    Uncomfortable port

    If it keeps it up for too long, I would mention it to your doctor. Also, I have read a lot of posts where people mentioned once that had lost a significant amount of weight, they actually switched to a low-profile port.
  11. Hi Jane, I am from Florida. I have to be honest, I have been to all the major bookstores around here and never found the first book on lapbands. They have plenty on gastric bypass, but not the lapband. So, the ones I have I got from Amazon.com. You will love Orlando, there is so much there to do, and the weather is beautiful this time of year.
  12. *susan*

    Weird gurgling

    Like was already said, walking and gas-x are your best defense against those gassy feelings. It should dissipate within a few days. If not, call your doctor!
  13. *susan*

    wow 1 week in

    Wow, Joanne, you are doing fantastic and you have a great attitude! I know what an exciting time this is, congratulations to you!!
  14. *susan*

    Slipped Band... will it be ok?

    Ruthie, so sorry to hear about your problems. There is definitely hope though. Mine slipped a few months ago. I had a complete unfill and after about a month, it was back in place. I got a fill and am doing great now. Just do what your doctor says and hopefully everything will turn out for the best.
  15. *susan*

    Ate Too Much, Swollen Now

    Terri, you can eat a hamburger, on a bun?? I am so freaking jealous! I would kill for a hamburger on a bun!:angry
  16. *susan*

    My "psychology" of eating....

    And, even after you have the band, old habits are hard to break. I still cook a ton of food because I want to make sure I have enough. I still load my plate up and worry if there will be enough for me to have seconds. And then, I remember, oh yeah, I have my band. I won't be able to eat anywhere near what is on my plate, let alone seconds!
  17. *susan*

    5 days post-op and in a car wreck!

    Oh my goodness, how awful for you. I am glad no one was hurt though. I agree with the others, I would call your surgeon and tell him what happened just to be on the safe side. I hope everything from here on out is better for you.
  18. I got my band on April 28th of 2006. Between that date and my first fill in June, I gained weight. I didn't feel much restriction with my first fill. I went in for my second fill at the end of July, 2006. Between my first and second fill, my weight remained the same. But, once I had that second fill I finally felt restriction and the weight started coming off pretty easily. Then, I hit my first plateau about 5 weeks ago and my weight stayed the same. I was excited to get on the scale today and see I finally broke the plateau with a 3.4 pound loss! Hopefully things are back on track again now.
  19. *susan*

    I've been approved!!!!!

    Awww, that is such awesome news! I am so excited for you, soon you will be well on your way to a healthier you! Congratulations!!
  20. Have you called your doctor to see how long you need to wait before getting another fill? I know it took a couple of fills for me before I really felt any restriction, but when I did kick in, it was wonderful!
  21. *susan*

    New to LBT

    Congratulations and welcome. You will be feeling better in no time. I am glad you decided to join and introduce yourself, we are glad to have you!
  22. You are so fortunate they cover it. BC/BS of Florida does not cover it yet. They stink, lol. Anyways, congrats and let us know how things progress.
  23. *susan*


    Sounds awesome. Here in Jax, we are still limited to old Comcast or direct tv.
  24. *susan*

    food to avoid after a fill

    If you are going to eat steak, I recommend the filet mignon as it is an awesome cut and literally melts in your mouth.
  25. *susan*

    Fill amount Poll

    My first fill was 1.5 and did pretty much nothing for me. 4 weeks later he took me up to 2.0 and I was in restriction happyland.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
