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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by *susan*

  1. Congratulations on getting your date, you won't regret it! Keep us posted on your progress and don't be afraid to ask for advice, that is what we are here for.
  2. *susan*

    hI all

    Hi and welcome to LBT! I had all the same fears and concerns as you do now. I tried weight watchers and just about every other diet under the sun numerous times. However, with the band, it is just so much easier! As long as you listen to your band and take care of it and yourself, you will do just fine!
  3. As I said before, I personally do not believe I could ever abort a baby. However, I have never been raped either. Nor have I ever been in a position where I was pregnant and did not want to be. So, until I have walked in those shoes, I certainly cannot, should not and would not condem someone who has and had to make a choice whether or not to keep the child. 396, you are entitled to your personal beliefs. No one is denying you that. However, just because that is your belief, or the "christian" belief, does not mean that is everyone elses belief. We should not be forced to live by your rules just because you think you are right. You may look at it as murder, however, other people do not. We cannot force our beliefs upon others. I think that is why there is the christian bashing go on here. Not because we disagree with your right to believe, but because you insist on forcing your beliefs upon us and that it is either your way, or no way.
  4. *susan*

    Hi I am new here

    I hope your doctor does recommend you for the procedure, if not, l would see about finding a doctor in your area that does the band and attending one of his/her seminars. You would definitely qualify. Keep us posted.
  5. *susan*

    want to get banded

    Hi Renee, I am not sure about Miami, but Welcome to LAP-BAND.com is definitely the site to go too. You might try our Florida thread too, maybe there are some folks there from Miami that can give you a good recommendation as well.
  6. *susan*

    Post Op Swelling - Band is shut

    Wow, Ernie, I have never heard of that before! I am so sorry you are having problems and I hope everything gets taken care of quickly. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
  7. *susan*

    Im New set for June 25th

    Hi Mary, I did not have my surgery in Mexico, but I wanted to stop by and welcome you to LBT! Good for you for doing something for yourself! But when you think about, your family will definitely benefit too. You will feel better, be healthier and have more energy to do wonderful things with them!
  8. I don't think you would have any problems with horseback riding. My doctor said once I was healed, I could resume any normal activities I did preband. Just make sure to pose that question when you go in for your consult.
  9. *susan*

    Newly Banded In Atlanta, GA

    Hi Amy, welcome to LBT and bandland. You are doing awesome! I am familiar with Lithia Springs, we used to live in Duluth, GA, but are in Jacksonville now. Best of luck to you. I am going to check out your myspace page.
  10. *susan*

    Sue from Iowa

    Hi Sue, and welcome to LBT! I was not too thrilled when I heard about the liquid diet either. But, you know what, it really wasn't that bad. The first 3 days were tough, but once I got past them I was fine. Normally I have a rule that I only allow myself to get on the scale once a week. But, during the liquid diet, I got on the scale every day. It was a huge motivator seeing the pounds literally drop off every day while on the liquid diet. Plus, knowing my reward would be the band also really helped.
  11. *susan*

    Ouch. (TMI)

    Owwww, I am hurting just thinking about what you went through. I hope that never happens again. Glad you are doing better now.
  12. *susan*

    Desperately need some help

    I am glad you called your doctor, please let us know how everything goes.
  13. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    Actually, I thought it was brilliant too. I am proud to say I beat Anorexia!
  14. *susan*

    If you are a self payer like me....

    Thanks for the sites, I am definitely going to check them out!
  15. *susan*

    Pre Op Today!

    Hi Podna...Welcome to LBT! Until those people have walked in our shoes, they have no idea how tough weight loss can truly be. Go ahead and proove them all wrong, but please, stay away from their wives!
  16. *susan*

    Considering banding

    Hi and welcome to LBT!
  17. *susan*

    HI, I'm New Here!

    Hi Marcia, and welcome to LBT! You are doing great, congratulations!
  18. Hi, welcome to LBT! If you get the band, I promise it will be a wonderful decision for you. I am not familiar with Kaiser insurance, as I was self-pay. I spent the night in the hospital, but I think most people do go home the same day. My surgeon just prefers to keep patients overnight. I needed a good week to recover from the surgery. As far as how long it takes to start losing after the surgery, the important thing to remember is the first 4-6 weeks are for healing, not dieting. Once you start getting fills and feeling true restriction, the weight will start coming off. However, it usually takes 2-3 fills to reach that point. It will happen though.
  19. *susan*

    Thread Killers

    BJean, I totally understand where you are coming from. I have not been able to keep a fry down since getting banded. And, if I am just having a bad PB day, I always resort to my favorite meal that always stays down...Peanut Butter Tracks Ice Cream, YUMMY!
  20. *susan*

    MIL Problems

    If she refuses to get help, you can also look at having her placed for observation for up to 72 hours without her consent. In Florida, we refer to it as the "Baker Act". I am not sure what they call it in your state, but I am sure they have similiar provisions in place. If after 72 hours, the physician feels she is in need of medication and further treatment, but your MIL refused to cooperate, he could then file paperwork for a court order to continue to treat her. This is a drastic move, but if she is truly suffering from behavioral health problems, possibly a necessary one.
  21. I personally would never consider having an abortion, however, who am I to impose my personal beliefs on someone else? And, until I have walked in their shoes, how can I say the choice they made is right or wrong?
  22. *susan*

    im taking the plunge

    Wow, you have had your band in for six years? Well, I hope all goes well for you. I am sure everything will be fine. Let us know how it goes.
  23. *susan*

    2nf fill and need help

    I agree, it sounds like you are too tight. I can eat any type of meat, as long as it is nice and moist. Moist chicken or a good filet mignon go down well for me.
  24. *susan*

    problems eating

    I would insist that your surgeon look at you under flouroscopy. He will then be able to see the placement of the band and see how well fluid is passing through. You should not be having these kinds of problems. For him to say it has nothing to do with the lapband without delving further is unacceptable. As your surgeon, even if it didn't have anything to do with the band, he should be running every test possible to determine what the problem is.
  25. *susan*

    The low point

    Alex, I too am so sorry about what you are going through right now. I am also keeping you in my thoughts and hope everything turns out positive for you.

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